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Status Replies posted by hammer01

  1. The Gun Control topic has just done this http://imgur.com/j5NRuPd

  2. I'm on the Pursuit of Happiness...

  3. In other news, I discovered a mathematical pattern that I am going to soon publish as a proven theorem. Go me!

  4. Had some amazing Villain RP (yes, I said amazing Villain RP) with assassinmaster, deadoor, kizu, and hex! Thanks guys! And remember everyone, losing is fun!

  5. What do I do when I find two of my characters seemingly useless at bringing RP?

  6. What do I do when I find two of my characters seemingly useless at bringing RP?

    1. hammer01


      ...faceless...? No, make them threaten a wizard of illusion. The wizard will then make them think that

      purple and pink sparkles are being emanated from their feet. Then they will probably just go mad... and then make a VA for insanity!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  7. What do I do when I find two of my characters seemingly useless at bringing RP?

  8. Maybe if nobody gets on, the server will heal itself!

  9. if we don't have one, TF2 forum rp, anyone?

  10. Must... join....server...

  11. I hope everything is finished and dealt with soon so the moderators get a chance to help me out... Until then, anyone up for a rhyme contest?

  12. Anyone else think we were not completely ready for the 3.0 transition? These last two weeks have been a nightmare of crashes and mine mess up's! Anyhow best of luck staff keep on punchin away at dem server issues!

  13. Whoever's doing the thing that's breaking the server, you're doing a good job of breaking the server.

  14. Is it wrong that I hate my own country, my government, the politicial parties? Is it wrong?

  15. Who will win the Fight? James Horen-Hightower, or James Horen-Hightower?

  16. Is it wrong that I hate my own country, my government, the politicial parties? Is it wrong?

  17. What do you guys think of me starting a LOTC livestream for new players? There's going to be a Q & A session, and TS parties, and even RP sessions with players.

  18. Blarg! Server is having Diarrhea!

  19. I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

  20. I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

  21. I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

  22. I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

  23. Ain't no rest for the wicked. Money don't grow on trees, I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, there ain't nothing in this world for freeeeee

  24. Ain't no rest for the wicked. Money don't grow on trees, I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, there ain't nothing in this world for freeeeee

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