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Status Updates posted by Silevon

  1. Status updates are still here. Danny lied to us.

  2. New chracter: Human, Elf, Orc, or Dwarf? Subraces can count too.

  3. So who won the battle earlier?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lord_Sauron_


      Everyone lost. No one won. We're all doomed. Hooray!

    3. hjgklmn0ajuvxc


      The elves retreated and got crushed. The orcs stayed and reclaimed the city, pushed back everyone else.

    4. Temp


      Here's exactly what happened:

      Invading forces came, dominated. They assumed the battle was won, as there were no longer active Elves. So, majority of the force left. Those that decided to pillage were attacked by orcs, which led to the remaining aggressors routing.

  4. mommy look at me im using /pol/ terms on lotc!!!!11 xxDDDD

  5. Don't tell me that equal sign is going to become a new 'thing' on the forums.

    1. Skippy


      what is the equal sign?

    2. Silevon


      That equality sign everyone puts on their profile pictures for Facebook. It's a symbol that you support homosexual marriage, though it doesn't actually do anything.

    3. Temp


      of course it is. For some odd reason, people tend to think others actually CARE about what movements they support. -shrugs-

  6. Think we could get a restart?

  7. Best tournament ever.

    1. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      Except for the constant trolly spam :|

    2. ImpinAintEZ


      Yea... *cough* Chivays *cough*

    3. Silevon


      That's the best part.

  8. quartering is evil pls don't do it ;_; ;_;

  9. So close to 200 posts.

  10. Might want to change your appeal title, it says ban report :P

  11. Nighty night.

    1. Ålastorous


      Goodnight, friend.

  12. Well, time to get active on the forums guys.

  13. Looking to get back into LoTC, all I need is a skin!

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