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Everything posted by oblivionsbane

  1. Shooting trebuchets at towers is fun.

  2. I am enjoying RP, just wanted everyone to know.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! 'MERICA.:P

  4. In Florida for football tournament. Be back early next week at the latest!

  5. Really? I play a human IC and OOC, believe it or not. Hahaha , old joke of mine. :)

  6. I have a mule :) I named it Cappy.

    1. Cappy


      No charge for the fireworks.

  7. I don't think you really understand the point of the lore. I wouldn't be writing it if it was just about its sillier properties, since those things don't need lore. The reason I am focusing on armor is because I have been using this as armor IC since I joined. I decided to write up lore because my character wants to make clothing for another character. The reason I say I think you don't understand is I know it is powerful, that is why it is a pain to get. I made the process tedious and simply an utter pain.so that you can't just get a lot of it. Spiders silk should be a rare thing, not something that just everyone has. I have used this for three or four months now and honestly I always end up on the ground writhing in pain or simply incapacitated. It has also crossed my mind using it with other armor, which I have never and will never do, as it would be incredibly powergamey. Going back to what you said though, I wrote the properties so that they are known and people can use them for what they want. They, without the armor, don't really need lore. I mean if you saw someone putting on spiders silk bandages would you really care? I mean all I might do is think to myself where and how he got it, but it would be such a small thing I wouldn't even say anything.
  8. I think you meant plate, since chain mail doesn't stop blunt damage at all. I have thought about this too, the only thing I can really think is it is common sense that it is power gaming. Even if they put plate over it though, it would just make it hotter and a lot of sweating would eventually make the silk tighten. Which would make it even harder to move in and wouldn't help stop blunt damage at all of course. If you did mean chain mail all it would do is slightly lessen the blunt damage, but at that point just stab the person and they will die. Otherwise beat them with any actual blunt damage weapon like a mace and they will die. Of course if I ever heard of someone actually mixing armors I honestly would be very disappointed in whoever did it.
  9. Thanks a bunch, glad you like it! :) And thank you everyone who posted feedback! I really do appreciate it, because it helps me to make sure my lore is solid. So thanks again for taking the time to write the responses!
  10. I also put some thought into this too. Although it could be done it wouldn't really be worth it. You would have to deal with all the small venomous spiders emerging from the sack for instance. The method involving the prey wrapped in silk is more straight forward than tediously taking a spiders egg sack. Not to mention you wouldn't probably get much silk anyways. The last and biggest issue is the silk would probably be old, worn, and dirty compared to the freshly spun stuff that would be spun around the prey that you give it. To sum it all up all types of spiders silk can be harvested, but it will never be near the quality that you get from the explained process. (Aka, cloth made from anything but freshly spun prey wrapping silk is almost always of much lower quality and not worth the trouble.)
  11. Spiders silk lore is finally done and moved up to the lore section.

    1. Nano


      Silk Lore?...I HAVE MY OWN LORE?! ((inside joke because my username is silkwizard))

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      You need lore for that? ._.

    3. oblivionsbane


      You do when it stops arrows and blades, heals wounds, and.... Just go read it :)

  12. I honestly thought about it, the only reason I didn't is how complicated that would make it. If I were to try there would be so many different spider designs and species already RP'ed on the server that it would just get confusing and hopeless. To answer the problem, I wrote the lore so that you get the silk from the wrapped up prey items. This silk is always strong and resilient no matter the species, because it has to hold possibly struggling prey. This way, as long as they are giant spiders (They would all most likely be in the same taxonomy and closely related) there shouldn't be any notable issues.
  13. Spider's Silk OOC Introduction: A spider's silk in the real world is a rather tough material that, by weight, is stronger than steel. One reason you have never seen spiders silk cloth in the real world is due to the fact you can't get enough silk to make anything. In the world of Anthos though five or six foot wide spiders are common, allowing for more web production. This is how and why spiders silk is able to exist. All in all it could be described as flimsy expensive chain mail with some quirks. Usage: Spiders silk is most useful when woven into a cloth. When this is done it may be used to make fine clothing, effective bandages, and other common fabric products. It also may be used anywhere as a sort of ductile or strong string that can handle intense conditions if needed such as bow strings or inside mechanical devices. Appearance: Behavior: Gathering And Processing: Preparation And First steps Gathering the silk is complicated in a way. Generally speaking there are many ways to get the silk. Sometimes you can find small insignificant strands if you happen to kill a large spider, or you can also harvest parts of its web. However, the common and most effective way is a bit more tricky. First you must trap or buy an animal of proportionate size that the spider would prey on, for instance a dog. You put the dog near the spiders nest and wait for it to attack and take the dog away. Most spiders don't kill their prey immediately so don't worry about the dog. The spider will wrap the animal in a thick casing of webbing so that it can't get away and it can eat it later, this is where things get tricky. You can either go into the nest and kill the spider, or try and sneak in and retrieve the dog still wrapped in the casing. Retrieval And Harvesting Free the dog by using shears to cut the webbing holding it up. This may take some effort as the silk, as I said earlier on, is rather hard to cut. In any case, once you have the wrapped up dog you would take it to a place where there was warm water, possibly a hot spring or something similar and submerge it. The string would tighten, but the stickiness that held it all together will go away. You then unravel the dog and place the string somewhere it can dry off. Once it is dry, place it into a jar or somewhere else clean and dry. (Note. The animal used may live through it. If you don't want it to die you must be careful not to let it drown while it is still stunned and you are gathering the silk. There is also the possibility it will be killed by the venom, and if not, it may struggle when it wakes up and ruin the silk. These are things to keep in mind.) Production Then once you have enough, take it to a skilled tailor used to working with fine materials and ask him to make it into cloth for you. This may be pricey as the material can be hard to cut and work with, but it really depends on the tailor. Once he is finished you will have spiders silk cloth and can ask the same tailor to make whatever it is you are looking to have made. It can be hard to dye sometimes for some reason, being a lighter color than intended or having small spots that appear faded where it did not dye as dark as the rest. Due to the difficulty that there is in working with it, the tailor can ask for a decent overall sum for the fabric and clothing, several hundred minas not being uncommon. Options You can also request that the tailor add padding, armor plates, or other modifications to it. Most tailors can pad the inside of two pieces of spiders silk cloth with linen or other relatively thick fabrics. This results in material that is bulky, warm, and absorbs blunt force well. The drawback is it really is quite bulky and awkward to move in. So it is best to leave it where no movement really occurs, but you still need the extra protection, such as your head. Once the process is complete you will have a luxuriously fine set of clothes that can protect you and that have many other useful functions. For Tailors Pros: -Stops arrows from going all the way through the body -Virtually slash proof -Waterproof to small amounts of water such as rain -Contracts when swimming making it similar to a wet suit -Is luxurious outwardly and when worn -Very light in weight -Can quickly help clot wounds if applied to them -Can be padded with other materials such as linen to lessen blunt blows Cons: -Blunt damage is amplified and more common -Stabs go straight through it -Arrows cause severe tissue damage and possibly greater damage depending on where it lands -Is incredibly complicated and dangerous to gather -Is expensive and tricky to make due to the need of a skilled and experienced tailor -Many things can happen during the process that will ruin the material -If it gets too wet it can tighten around you and possibly inhibit movement -If padded with other materials it becomes bulky and cumbersome, especially if it is in a moving part of the clothing such as the sleeve -Is highly flammable
  14. Edited up this new profile picture thing.

  15. My personal opinion on it is this. I don't believe in the time period this is set people purposely worked out like they do today. Their build would be dependent on the environment and the way they were raised. What I'm saying is plan your background carefully, or make it simple and decide just how strong your character would be from how they were raised. For instance, a boy who was raised with a father as a merchant and the boy just played all day on the streets all day with friends. Do you think he would be a particularly strong man? No, he might have basic strength and a little endurance but that is where it ends. This guy would be best suited to follow in his father footsteps as a merchant. What I'm saying is try and make your character as strong as he would be, not as strong as you want.
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