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Status Updates posted by Proddy

  1. cannot believe that people cried abt one of the most unique temp maps ever because they wanted dream smp island instead 

    1. Amayonnaise


      its not even a dream smp, we can't kill the enderdragon. Whats the POINT OF THIS

    2. Jentos
  2. My character, Shadow Ravenspire, is actually a transgendered lesbian elf who wields T5 flame magic and can pretty easily incinerate basic human knights xD Huh? No it’s not a self-insert lmao, of course you’d think that goon xD YIKES!!! Looks like we found the PvP goon!!! Yeah sweetheart, maybe you should learn a thing or two about making characters and actually RPing before you even try to judge a superior writer?!?!? Let me guess, you’re mad that you failed English in 5th grade so you take it out by clicking on an RP server... yep, looks like you kinda suck at hiding your insecurities! Well, I guess you can go back to frothing at the mouth and taking your rage out on Minecraft people while I improve my writing skills and RPing in Sutica while you grunt with other humans or try and rob people on the roads. Yeah, don’t try and tell me that you do ‘human RP’ as if that actually counts. Only Sutican RP, elven RP, and magic RP are fit for intellectually enlightened people such as myself- I guess you challenged people can stick to trying to emulate something that resembles writing!!!

    Edited by Proddy
  3. Server just crash for anyone else?

    1. Proddy


      ohhhh it was a restart nvm

  4. Okay, is the server dead now or something?

    1. Lark


      Just down.

  5. Gods be praised!

    1. Altiak


      muh muh messy medieval

  6. Out if the way, forums! I'm coming through

  7. The hell server? I was mugging someone :(

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I was mugged, by a bunch of zombies.

  8. The Ass Wizard strikes again...

  9. Is the server down for anyone else?

    1. IrishPerson


      Nope. Try another ip.

  10. How many years has it been in RP since 'the Exodus'? (Mog and the WR leaving)

    1. Proddy


      Hmm, thanks

  11. Anyone need an Orc babe played? Want to re-try some Orc RP out again and I think it'd be funner to learn the culture and all in RP :)

  12. I come back from taking a **** and a post I made 5 seconds ago got 2 rep already, woah

    1. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      You ******* take 5 second shits? Damn.

  13. Profile update, #fresh :)

  14. Want some good, fresh and active Oren military RP? Enlist today! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/108939-recruiting-the-winterguard/page-4#entry1031841

    1. D A N N Y

      D A N N Y

      or the Legion

      Hurah! Choose your sides! <3

  15. There are 2 GMs online and I still haven't been unmated so I can play 4.0... gg guys

  16. School tomorrow... damn...

  17. It's pretty early but I think I'm done for today, these sleeping pills have taken it out of me completely ;3 night, LoTC!

  18. help me I can't breath
  19. http://gyazo.com/0dcd4c4d19dea978aab207d047432a74 someone help me crack the illuminati that is cappy please
  20. Anyone else having problems with skins? Like, they don't always work and end up being Steves?

    1. Endovelicus


      The server is in 1.7.9/10 so if you have a older version it will have that problem.

  21. good night sweet powell

    1. lawnmowerman


      the powells are a cool race

  22. Anyone else who changed their username unable to log on now?

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