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Status Updates posted by FlowUster

  1. butthurt b/c i said a bad word in rp and got banned for it

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. FlowUster
    3. Hobolympic


      Wow over-sensitive much

    4. FlowUster


      that's what i said but they kicked me again :^(

  2. http://puu.sh/jjCTU/23d861cd40.png TFW you have no idea what you said
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nug
    3. FlowUster


      this reminds me of that time in 3rd grade when someone gave a speech and i was clapping or w/e because they finished and then my teacher scolded me and said "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN" or something and then i said "what'd i do" and she's like "u no wut u did" and i'm just like "o"

    4. oblivionsbane


      You don't know? third graders are like stupid short people. They aren't worth explaining what they actually did wrong especially when you are a school teacher.

  3. omg the thread i made is hot are you proud yet dad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danic
    3. kingnothing


      i love you son

    4. FlowUster


      thx dad ily2 pls stop touching me when im asleep now ok? ok

  4. wtf now i'm a tree puncher i thought i was an old hat can i have it changed to 'Dank Memer'

    1. danic


      silly memer

    2. Eetswa


      any great memes to your name?

    3. FlowUster


      telanir said my memes are pretty good

  5. inb4 i get banned for running into the haluen'or gate after someone opened it and logging

    1. Llir


      haelun'or gate causes 11/10 bans a day b carful dude

    2. FlowUster
  6. yay i have a new member title

    1. StevenQuick


      You can ask for those

  7. why is it that MAT took 0.00001 seconds to deny my first MA but after i fix the title it's like they suddenly forgot how to reply to posts

    1. jamesb


      Cuz Eastin Dia Skype Chat.

  8. goosey told me to commit self die can he banan'd pls

  9. can i have a new member title yet

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