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Status Updates posted by Dyrr

  1. I can't change my profile picture no matter what I do, wtf.

    1. MamaBearJade


      idk I like the darkside of the moon pic. Its pretty neat

    2. Dyrr


      hmm true, it's nice

  2. why tf cant i change my profile pic

  3. rip bernie tbqh

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      inb4 all the super delegates vote for Bernie at the convention

      inb4 the establishment gets pissed

      inb4 the democratic party falls apart

      inb4 Bernie accidentally starts the second civil war

      inb4 thiselectionisgoingtoflushusdowntheshitter.png

    2. Dyrr


      it's never to late to grab a coat, friend

  4. Why tf was Apeena_ banned?

  5. rip rato cruz

  6. When I post stuff, why the hell is my profile picture so small when others are bigger? Ahhh

    1. _pr0fit


      the big profile pictures are actually .Gifs of a still image.


      .Gif = big picture

      .jpeg/png = small image

    2. Bogrin


      There is a tutorial in the guides section

  7. If anyone wants a child played or something, PM me on the forums.

  8. This new forum update gave me eye aids.

  9. is lotc rip?

    1. ryno2


      no, kowaman is just throwing a tantrum but he'll get over it. wouldn't be the first time

  10. Tfw server restarts and auth servers are down.

  11. server is kill.

  12. http://gyazo.com/5e0ed01f345fa132a3431b2b2080825c Yeah, mob spawn rates are totally FINE.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cyndikate


      Mobs provide nothing to RP except 12 people in the area screaming MOBS. QUICK EVERYONE LOG OUT"

    3. KarmaDelta


      Free rotten meat, delicious.

    4. Dyrr


      but meguzara, I was trying to travel to somewhere, which took me literal MC days to travel to

  13. tfw trying to make a new charactor but can't find a skin for it

  14. why must server disconnect me when in rp m-muh immersion

    1. calculusdesola


      m..m-muh...m-m-muh... muh .

  15. http://gyazo.com/10a1ca5a8ad4c49d9d7238ce7237042b Why aren't the voting sites updated? In the gyazo, it shows one of the sites' LotC desc having an escape to Asulon video.
  16. Got auto-banned when trying to set up a fancy sign for my shop. rip

  17. Is server kill?

    1. excited


      am kill...

    2. Dyrr


      riperino pepperino

  18. Tomorrow (5/28) is my 2nd year of being on LotC. Went by fast. :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Parkins


      Really? A staff member is allowed to troll? I would demote them on sight if I had the power.

    3. Nug


      might wanna do something about that at member :>

    4. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      The member in question was not part of the App Team, the member had pecks from a previous tenure on the App Team.

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