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Posts posted by Ambduscias

  1. MC Name: cuteboywithhorns


    Character's Name: Goyamaris Bupkaren


    Character's Age: 234


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): High Elf


    Transformed form: Striga


    Creator's MC Name: ManduinWrynn


    Creator's RP Name: Iestyn Wold


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    In brief, a Striga is a blood-sucking parasite produced via a specific ritual and originally spawned by the Unseen. One of their specific factors is a weakness to Deific magics and Aurum, which will put a temporary stop to the advanced regenerative capabilities of the "vampire." As a part of their dark heritage and the alterations their body has underwent, they wholly lack the capacity for magic of any variety. These creatures possess varying strength provided they are regularly fed, most often similar to an Orc provided they are of the relative size to display that level of muscle mass. When the Striga consumes too much in the way of blood, they will degenerate into a more base creature and lose control of their faculties; this is hampered by their strong compulsion to consume blood, which operates similar to a sufficiently strong addiction.


    Striga possess natural claws of normal density, albeit with relative sharpness. If killed by conventional means (ie: dismemberment, beheading, severe damage) the Striga is capable of regenerating. This can be aided by the blood of a fellow Striga, slightly expediting the process. Past this, Striga can be permanently killed by another Striga; this is something they cannot regenerate from after their death. Normally, the process for complete regeneration will take up to nine (in character) years if their body is fully destroyed.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?: Yes


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: no


    https://gyazo.com/6aacd3d16ce420d8d1f8fde3f8d0b270 - Bagley is forum banned for being toxic, so here's a screenshot of him giving me his character's true name for the CA. If you need to check with him personally since he can't post, go ahead and message ManduinWrynn in game.

  2. 7 minutes ago, iMattyz said:

    I'll keep bitching about lore bloat until I die. This is an example.



    i'm trying to find an organic way to get rid of something op without 100% rewriting lore and negating history.


    i don't disagree that it isn't 100% necessary, but i prefer it over the alternative. if you have a suggestion, feel free to PM me or say it here.

  3. the-ceramic-canary-island-lizard-the-mus


        The Learned Elders of Azdromoth

    The Transformation


        Day yielded unto day, and all remembered one key fact; that the road they’d embarked upon had not yet seen its end, and of which they knew not the destination of. As in those first long days, they felt a compulsive pull that managed to warp both body and mind alike. Each felt the essence that was their Humanity dwindle and pull farther and farther, slowly loosening their grasp upon the world and their worldly homes and purposes. Some of the kindred fought tooth and nail against this pull; some of the kindred managed to stop this process that ate at individuality and one’s person. Others permitted the enactment of Azdromoth’s plan.


        The effect was clear. Towards the latter end, it became “natural” to linger in the Superior Form; it was simply the most comfortable body, suited for warped minds and scales. None could deny it’s natural power, with long, weapon-like limbs, it’s great weight and laden muscle. Yet the form restricted something far more dire to Azdromoth’s brood; it fogged their minds, stealing clarity and a sense of definite purpose. It had made them animalistic, and many rightly feared the form for it.


        Something entirely different came next. The next Dawn came suddenly; unlike the slow, meandering mutation of their body, that came with acquiring the ascendant form, it was akin to the bursting of a cocoon. Their flesh and scales split and cracked, shedding their skin like reptiles and leaving sloughs of flesh and biological mush, from which emerged a familiar creature - albeit, something wholly new to them. 


        Before those few lucky enough to witness the nascent hours of the new form stood a long, wirey creature with utterly alien proportions. It no longer seemed a parallel to man, instead a step closer to true ascension to the form of the Dragons and their patron. Long, reptilian wings curled about the body of the newborn; it’s neck long and arching, and a head more akin to a Wyvern’s than a man mounted atop it.


        Obscene muscleage gave way to limber, long limbs - almost as gratuitous as the Superior, but lacking the same heinous power that could break men over their knees in it’s latter stages. Over time, these aforementioned “elders” found that their perception had changed; time became trifling, negligible -- one year, ten years, all the same. Akin to their ilk, the Dragon, they became patient and clever; Azdromoth’s plots need not be fulfilled in a day, nor must they expose themselves to elicit progress.

        Accompanying the more notable physical changes; each, perceivably, a step towards the coveted ‘Dragonhood’ they expected -- were several more particular and interesting adventations. Their power had radically changed, its heat becoming more lurid and potent; so too did they find their capacity to manipulate it more particular, able to muster it at greater distances -- albeit at diminishing returns, as one might expect. 


    A Digression


    Akin to the Superior, Elders still possess a particularly defined figure. With this change, they are not physically ‘incapable’ or suddenly lacking prowess in their former arts of combat, simply lacking the overwhelming weight Azdrazi were previously renowned for. This is a repeating theme; their scales are also, notably, not as rock hard as they once were; they still possess a level of natural armor, but it doesn’t pad damage from blows of devices like maces and so forth. Such easily bypasses it’s layered padding, and lacking the overwhelming musculature they previously had, is more likely to break bone or cause internal damage.


    In turn, as detailed prior, they possess a set of vestigial “wings” incapable of true flight - though with proper reinforcement, they can be used to glide short distances, otherwise inept for much but an expression of Draconic heritage - and, potentially - an indicator of further things to come. Much of their body, aside from this, remains similar to its original makeup and compound. They still possess reptilian eyes, distinctive horns, and a tail.

    There is a nuance to the aforementioned “eyes” that was not previously relevant. This body fine tunes the understanding of sight and perception, tuning the Azdrazi to surveil the ‘heat’ of visible surfaces. Understandably, this makes looking at the sun an extremely unpleasant experience for the Elder shepard, often accompanied by a period of brief blindness.


    Most remarkable of this alteration (besides increased cognisance and the lack of damage upon exiting the aforementioned form) is the increased ability to manipulate heat and temperature. Alongside this comes a few new abilities that utilise their “internal” flame -- that being their unique variety of mana, the prime reason of their incapability to use voidal magics. 


    Such includes the ability to conjure flame in and around themselves, as well as now ‘shooting’ it, as if it were a projectile. The process is not instantaneous and remains possible to be interrupted before it is channeled. The most alien technique discovered at present is the ability to transform their limbs into a heat-based substance akin to malleable flame, able to squeeze through thin gaps and project extreme heat.


    To further expand on their fire -- a topic previously untouched -- an Azdrazi’s would burn at roughly seven hundred and fifty degrees fahrenheit, presuming it were retained exclusively upon their blade. For Superior form, this peaks out after several years at one thousand and four hundred and fifty degrees fahrenheit. For Elders, this peaks at roughly two thousand at their most ancient stages. Keep in mind that the consumption of mana increases with temperature, if at an incremental rate. The further this flame is from their body, the more harsh the drop in temperature it becomes and the more “mana” it costs to maintain.
    Furthermore, there exist a few other peculiar feats they are capable of. Utilising their “mana” as a gradient fuel, they are capable of building and shaping raw heat; the culmination of which can lead to the production of faux “electricity.” It appears similar to lightning, but is more simply an extremely focused condensation of heat that requires notable labour to prepare (four emotes of preparation, four of continuous use before exhaustion).


    spell info



    spell information:


    High intensity consistent beam of heat possessing light electerical properties when in contact with metal due to friction. Hot enough to damage non-biological material it contacts depending on heat/melting point.

    Emote charge: 4
    Duration: 3 (increased mana drain) 


    Break down a portion of their body into non-solid heat, still capable of articulation.
    Emote charge: 4
    Duration: indefinite


    More akin to freeform “pyromancy,” the Azdrazi can utilise fire (with a conjuration period) as a weapon - shooting and or launching it, at diminishing returns in terms of strength at distance. Works better as mobile kindling than any variety of heavy weaponry.
    Emote charge: 3
    Duration: until shot


    The Azdrazi can douse their entire body in flame for a time. This was previously possible with proper application of oil/flammable lubricants, but is now more magically convenient for the discerning and or lazy Lizard.
    Emote charge: 5
    Duration: 15 emotes, can go longer. Cannot have other spells active with this. When it ends you’re completely out of mana.


    -- changes to “enkindle/harbinger”



    The elders are capable of using their flame-bound tools as an extension of their dominion over flame. They can extend the flame from their hands for several meters with an expenditure of mana, though it doesn’t have any physical force behind the blows - just raw heat, which diminishes in power over increased distance.
    Emote charge: passive on kindling/harbinger

    Duration: ???



    red lines


    much much weaker than superior form

    cannot melt steel beams

    300 iq big brained lizard mages

    still cannot learn other magics or break azdrazi redlines

  4. itt people who think magics being "open" increases quality of rp


    when you have a magic that gets handed out to anyone who asks, you get groups like [redacted] with no quality control and they lose sight of their original purpose and get lost in the sauce of cute family and romance rp. honestly, it's not even just [redacted]; i can name four or fice magics like [redacted] that no longer fit with their theme because they take in people who want power and don't have an interest in keeping to thematics.


    people can accuse me/aerial of being cliquey w/ azdrazi but if you're a good roleplayer who is willing to abide by the culture and lore (while promoting decent RP) there's a 95% chance of you getting turned. the same can be said for at least *a few* other creatures, like Darkstalkers/Ghouls (which become shitty when too overpopulated) so a little bit of exclusion is necessary. 


    also humans shouldn't get fucked on when it comes to learning magic as badly as they currently are. literally the only decent (human) wizard ended up becoming a lich before too long. 


    on the other hand some voidal magics really have no reason to be cliquey but get chokeholded by """guilds""" who demand cooperation. it'd be nice if the occasional LT event could teach a few others to bust up a hegemony.

  5. On 11/27/2017 at 6:37 PM, Sporadic said:

    Hello and thank you for writing this. While I am theoretically a fan of all ritual-based types of magics due to my own philosophies, there is something about this lore that makes me uncomfortable and I am very much hesitant to see something like this on the server. My notes for this are as follows:

    • "Rite of Firestorm" - just.. hard no on this. I feel like I shouldn't even have to explain this, but the idea that the clique of these new blood mages can just get together and engulf a city in a firestorm is just insane. Nobody is ever going to accept this OOCly if you were to actually use this and they shouldn't have to. The inverse of this ritual would very likely also get OOC rejected if you were going to use it during an ET-run event. The effect is just too powerful, numerical requirements and emote length notwithstanding.
    • A lot of the insight/knowledge rituals will probably get a pass because they are not directly impactful and of a far more buddhist/flavorful/philosophical nature, but reading over the lore (and yes I have read it) the tone of this ritual uses, in my humble opinion, far too profound. It reads like you want blood mages to be some kind of demigod if they keep to the "Awakened" path long enough. But I might be wrong on this, of course. If so, sorry, and if you could explain what kind of RP and character development you had in mind for this subsection of the magic I would be happy to hear it.
    • The blood mage rune system is well transferred this to awakened blood magic. However, here it seems to be a main material cost which would theoretically bottleneck the rituals. However, the runes have no representation in Minecraft so there's nothing really stopping anyone from willing them into existence whenever it is convenient to do so. The lore is insufficiently restrictive on preventing this, as well, acting more as a flavorful addition than an actual difficulty to be overcome.

    Lastly, the reason we have the in-thread protocol is that the forum version is to be the official version, which we want people to read and which cannot be edited after acceptance. If you do not format it and only paste it in "for protocol's sake" you make the official version much too difficult to read, and therefore it won't. If this gets accepted I hope you are willing to transfer your lore over to the forums in a sufficiently neat way.


    I understand this is somewhat a harsh judgment, but better you hear it now than when I (and possibly other LMs) N-vote you in the mag. I believe if you are to address my concerns I would be willing to change my stance on this.




    You're aware (as a blood mage with access to the Runes) that the rite of Firestorm currently exists, almost word for word, in our current approved runepage/ritual collection? It has been used multiple times in the past, most notably in the destruction of Waldenia. I don't necessarily disagree with the fact it's too strong, but there's a small issue with your assumption that this is somehow more overpowered than current blood magic.


    As for the point of materials, it'd be interesting to see some LT moderation of rune creation (with material cost, IE, iron/gold/etc for respective elements/materials) but I somehow doubt the team is competent enough to handle something like that in it's current state. Either way, it's interesting to get an LT perspective. I'm not the author nor did I have anything directly to do with the piece, but thanks for being vocal enough to discuss it unlike many others.



    A Primer on Azdromoth

    “... To say that our world is without end is blind; time and time again those who sought to imitate He have driven Man to the brink of extermination...”


    Quintessentially, the Titan is the manifold presence of our Lord; through his will, history was made, and man was given a Shepard to its flock. Pervasive throughout history are the tales of His glory, and the steadfast efforts of the Dragon to safeguard man from the taint of the foul Pretenders who sought to claim his title. The followers of Azdromoth do not see him as a God, persay - he is the servant of the almighty GOD, hallowed be his name and patron of children who serve the same purpose and ideals. Dragonkind was devised with the purpose of safeguarding HUMANITY, persecuted by leeches wearing coats of golden paint to mask their ill intents. 


        It is imperative that Man not forget the betrayals of the supposed “immortals” - all servants of the Pretenders, aside for the short-statured kin of the earth and the Greenskins; the HIGH ELVES, misled to believe that it is their demeanor which constitutes Godliness, and who reject the LORD, hallowed be his name; the Wood Elves, who praise parasites that claw at HIS domain and claim it as their own; the SNOW ELVES, who worship the false Dragon, Wyvrun, a long-nosed merchant peddling lies and deceit masquerading as knowledge.


        HIS followers have not forgotten these betrayals, inscribed in stone during the crescendo of the LONG WAR. In which HIS children, HUMANITY, and their lesser kith fought in arms against the spawn of the Great Betrayer, where the Titan martyred himself for the sake of affording Man the time to best the eternal enemy. 


    Pursuant to these recollections, it is only natural that His children be revered; as they rightfully have for years immemorial, remembering that the Horens rule not simply through right but their legitimate claim to divinity through the blood of the Father, which still courses through their veins to the modern day. This appreciation of the Titan is not forgotten, and his remaining Children exist to extend their hand in aid to their eternal ally - and to those misguided others, ignorant of the nature of salvation. Obedience to the pretenders, in Azdromoth’s eyes, is not a sin or grievous crime; it is simply a mistake to be corrected, of which any reasonable man should see the nature of. It is only those steadfast and vile servants who dub themselves with terms of the Cloth, such as “clerics,” “paladins,” and “Ascended” who find themselves truly and utterly contemptible. Mistake these individuals not for the ignorant, but for the collaborators of thieves and Killers.

    On Doctrine and the Three Virtues


    “Be it theological convenience, or a universal truth that were conveyed to us in our infancy; there are definitive evils in this world. Each has power of its own, and the proliferation of their worships causes the wells of power behind each concept to grow more imposing.”
    an excerpt on the necessity of a faithful life circa 1121 


    In their infinite wisdom, the Titan and the Lord God saw fit to give his children three principles through which to conduct their lives before all else. Three words, each with a complexity and theology of their own; PRAGMATISM, LOYALTY, DILIGENCE. Each represents a facsimile of the versatility of the Human spirit. Pragmatism the eternal will to adapt and carry on, Loyalty devotion to your State, your People, and your Goal. Diligence, which is the steadfast nature of devotion.


    As he is all-knowing, the Titan does not see the need for arbitrary restrictions upon the individual; instead, he calls for temperance and passion. His followers are expected to overcome any challenge, and to pursue an aspect of life they consider most desirable; many acolytes among the Faithful go on to found institutions known as “devotaries,” which are in effect Churches with a focus upon an aspect of life. For some, this will be literature; for others, this will be dueling and the making of war; they are as varied as his followers, and by no means restricted.


    Pragmatism is the chief virtue required of His people. Do not overstep the bounds of man, but act as needed to overcome the challenges both life and your foes would seek to bring down upon you; there is ignominy only in failing to achieve the true potential outlined for man by the LORD GOD and his Titan. 


    Loyalty, arguably, is almost as of much importance as pragmatism; a desire to accomplish is nothing without a nation, ideal, or people that your deeds serve to aid. So to speak, a cause without a banner is meaningless; a banner without a cause is lost. 


    Diligence, akin to loyalty, is the dedication to one’s Divine task; the fate the LORD ascribed to each and every man who lived, and which the Titan exists to safeguard. It is considered an unspoken duty that men are left to discover, varied from individual to individual. It is not unusual that followers might realize their prior belief was incorrect, and that there task is another; this is considered a failure, but not scathing enough to disgrace the man.

         Holy Days --


        Fourthday; the fourth day, as the name would imply, of every spring is to be a time of remembrance; this is the day that the LORD GOD’s servant martyred himself for the purpose of protecting man. Oftentimes, this is coupled with festivals where effigies of the Dragon are stuffed with silks and candles and burned in pyres so that his Followers might not forget what he endured at the hands of the Pretenders.


        Unification(Godfrey’s) Day; The [insert historically relevant day, if another Human RPer could help me out with this], in which the conquest of Kingdoms came to its end and the Emperor that was promised brought man under the heel of the Dragonblooded. This is a day to be celebrated, as it was when Man learned of the glory of their patrons and how those with his blood are blessed with the right to rule. Oftentimes, this day is when normal societal norms are overturned; peasants and nobles revel alike in the street in a reconciliation of their shared mortality - a gift of the Titan and the Lord.


        Symbology -- 


    The Eternal Fire

        The faithful, when in times of strife, are offered penance and succor from the Kindred; they need only emblazon the Eternal Fire upon their regalia, be it by tabard, by rune, or by amulet. This is to denote the Titan’s flame, and the warmth that it provides to man. 


    The Black Cube

        The flock of Dragonkind recognizes Azdromoth’s dominance through a particular sigil. A small, black cube, without ornamentation. On holy days (the sabbath most especially), those of his blood take to wearing the device upon their forehead, bound about the ears by a strap. Often, this is only carried out by the most devout of his brood.


    On Priests, their Vestments, and Ecclesiarchy


     The concept of a “central” organization through which the LORD’s faith is spread is seen to be tantamount to a state of anathema. Men function best when presented with challenge and adversity, so there is no surprise that competition between Devotaries is common. Often, it is expected that one’s dominance will sway, bolster, and falter depending on the region and time. Sometimes, these devotaries are bonded to the ruling government; other times, they are disconnected ventures or estranged temples standing lonesome in hostile lands.


        There is no “rite” to ascend from ley to priest but self determination and your recognition by your fellow Mortals. The only “ordained” that exist are those of Dragon’s Blood; be it Azdrazi, Horen, or otherwise - possessing the privilege to claim dominance as the chosen among Man. This does not make other men lesser, for all men’s Devotions are of equal value; it just determines their worldly authority among their kindred.


        Oftentimes, as if the vogue, priests will drape themselves in the colours of the Titan. Blacks, earthy browns, and reds, are often the choices for vestments. Sometimes these will be more ergonomic, designed simply, or as ostentatious dress-robes reminiscent of Cannonist mainstay. It varies upon the Devotary and personal taste, though one is often the same as the other.

    Past this, there are certain “holy sites” that have special importance.


        The Titan’s Seat is chief among them, for it is where Azdromoth guided Man and Dragon from when he walked the world as the spawn of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Consider this the most Holy city, to be defended regardless of affiliation; it transcends Mortal affairs, safeguarded by the Dragonblooded for eternity, until the Titan returns to man.


        More ephemeral is the Stars, the home of the Seven Heavens, and of the Dragons. Within the expanse of the cosmos, all is sacred - for it is the design of the Creator, shielded from the horrors of the Void and the machinations of the horrors without. Special reverence is paid to specific constellations, believed to be the home of specific Dragons and Men - often named after such parties.



    This is effectively a Q/A on the Azdrazi religion that's been circulating for a couple of months. If, for some reason, you are interested -- feel free to inquire IC or send me a PM. Ideally, more will follow this if I can continue being motivated, including some more in depth theology.


  7. Minecraft Account Name(s): Cuteboywithhorns
    Discord: jehovahs witness ft. lil yachty#6957
    How long have you played on LotC?: Way too long.
    Time zone and availability: When I'm awake and not preoccupied with something more important than LotC, EST (gmt -5)
    What lore are you versed in most?: SotA, Nephilim(wrote it), Necromancy, Dark Shamanism, Transfig, Paladin
    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC: GM.
    Have you ever written lore for LoTC? (this will not augment your chances at obtaining the position of LM.): I wrote 2/3rds of current Nephilim(Azdrazi) lore w/ the intro done by Aerial and the spells done by Freema and myself. Besides that, I've written a bunch of content that's been self denied; included is the Word magic, Warlocks + Demonology (Perrin beat me to it by a week). Beside that, I've written some misc. historical lore.
    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?: No blacklists but I've been tasered by GMs a few times. 


    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?: @fighting evil by moonlight @The Pink Lion @Swgrclan (he's still there in spirit) @luv @Fitermon @Parkins and pretty much everybody else on the LT except Sporadic because he's a nice boy.  


    list of threads i made for submissions:









    https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/165244-the-augmented-few/ (it was a joke that went too far)





    MC Name: lady_strangler 


    Character's Name: Vindicator


    Character's Age: 0


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): N/A


    Transformed form: Atronach


    Creator's MC Name: Niv_Mizzet


    Creator's RP Name: Avenel


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Atronachs are voidal constructs, akin to magic given growing sentience and sapience. They are anchored and focused between "plates," of which are the source of the majority of their strength and an egregious weakness. If targeted and struck, those devices can rupture and result in exceptionally adverse effects depending upon the magic/energy compromising the core of the relevant Atronach. Though they have intelligence and relative autonomy, their reliance on their creator's charging leaves them dependent and obedient.


    Past this, there are a few other unique facets to Atronachs. When they project their magic, they do not "cast" - they shoot it from their body. And as with that, they are not born intelligent - they slowly become more and more sentient, able to process information at their own place. It is a progressive endeavor that doesn't necessarily have an 'end' to their development, allowing for a disparity between individual units. As one could assume, being hit with anything that wards their magic or Iconoclast abilities will disrupt or disable them, and if they are destroyed, they will need to be recreated.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: No 


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?: Yes


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No


  9. 57 minutes ago, Sporadic said:

    Years ago I always wanted to put in an addition about words of power related to Elven and learning Elven, which let's face it is hard. At the time, there was no LT and the GMs were... not a big fan of me and who I stood for so it didn't seem like something that I wanted to push.


    My point being I conceptually agree with invocations like this. In fact, I think it is one of the magic types most suitable for LotC. So I've got your back on that count. My only niggle is of course what everyone else has already pointed out: Does it have to be so.... derivative?


    Thank you kindly and think it over.




    I debated on attempting an Elven words of power derivative from their current language well before this, but coincidence worked out when a friend wanted to cooperate to write something. There wasn't any particular desire for "here skyrim dragonborn magic," and the piece itself is more derivative of WoW priests and words of power than it is of Elder Scrolls. Not to mention, the concept itself doesn't originally fall under Elder Scrolls; it's been a running trope throughout history.


    It's similar in concept, but the mechanics are entirely different and it brings a new variety of RP that isn't similar to anything else available. Would you decline fire evocation because of destruction in Skyrim too? It's a weird border of where you draw the lines of things being too similar. If it really is such an issue that people really don't want words of power, I'll rewrite my portion of the lore and make it something more simple and generic rather than having a word-based magic.

  10. to clarify, this is for a item from before the MArt system came out and was made by LT on said arch-scaleyboy.


    Magical Artifact Application format:
    Name of Artifact: Bleakwalker’s Signet
    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: Crazyrabbi1916
    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: Aresaeth
    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): LT (MTH_Dominator at the time)
    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Azdromoth 
    Effect(s) of Artifact:

    With the Signet came power and responsibility in equal parts. The shepard was given his flock to tend, and the stray sheep a herd to return home to. Yet it was not simply an idol to represent authority, but the means through with authority was conveyed. The device, forged with long toils and labours, even for a Drakaar, required the attention of his adjutants; with his power to manipulate genus’, and his lieutenants knowledge of mental magic, the device was imbued with his voice.


    This is not to say that Azdromoth’s voice held any particular magical quality, but the candor and authority with which he spoke was evident; Dragonkin were aware of his presence when it whispered to them in the dark of the night, and the authority manifest with it -- a symbol that whoever the device was last passed down to was the vessel of his authority. Which, for the most part, was true. The ring itself, however, was lost to time after his pilgrimage to the Abyss and Void, lost to those who ought to have wielded it; such proves to be a great source of contention, with its existence. Many have right to hold claim to it, but none truly own it - that lies solely in the Arch-Drakaar’s hands.


     In brief, the ring carries no outwards magical power but the ability with which to convey speech in the form of suggestion to other Draconic entities. Outright obedience rarely follows, depending on the sentience of the creature, but less intelligent and weaker creatures are more easily keeled and subjugated with it’s use.


    Red Lines of Artifacts:


    - Mentally projects Azdromoth's voice via it's wearer. 

    - Doesn't have any direct magical powers or abilities, but holds minor sway over draconic creatures.

    - It doesn't have any effect on mortals or otherwise, but they hear the voice.

    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: 1 (OOC safekeeping in case lost in MC accident)
    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?: Yes.
    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No.

  11. 1 minute ago, Jentos said:

    I respect that :I 

    This overall seems like some dank **** which I'd like to see. 

    While hoping it won't be some cliche magic given to the same people 



    ideally i'd proliferate it in orenian/other human circles. i have no real desire to stranglehold it, just want to make sure it'd be used right by whoever gets it. my only desire is to keep it from becoming yet another elf magic used once in a blue moon to make someone's character seem like a tough guy.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Jentos said:

    Someones been playing skyrim again...



    ill have you know that the idea of words having magical power can be traced back to ancient jewish folklore, i'm just a fellow leech 











    As a brief TL;DR for those who like their lore summed up in a paragraph for less, this is essentially word-based and somewhat priestly Dragon magic. It focuses on not being directly combative with an emphasis on ritual and intricate effects.


    If you’ve got any questions regarding certain facets of the lore or wish to inquire further, feel free to contact hunter#6957 via discord. Offer is open for both LT who’d rather resolve issues without using the good old fashioned “pending exclamation mark of doom” prior to voting on the magazine and the average layman who wants to know more.







    Fluff/Historical Background


    What looked perfect in the eyes of many alike was open to fracture, from both external weaknesses, and inner-conflict. It’d be as if be they were bequeath gold under their skin, weak, but too heavy with strife. Dragonkin have been revoked a fate without pain, fighting. It’s a poacher wanting scales, Xanic fighters, and a society wanting to prove themselves warriors. The desire, demand for the heads of dragon beasts has been the playing factor towards their proximate extinction.  


    Mordring the Ashen, like forgers of frozen wastelands before, the lich dragon chose action; he acted to preserve Dragons. He’d invent an object, using fifteen people’s lifeforce to be the clay for the Dragon. However, through this device were Mordring’s servants able to create the winged reapers of the skies.


    Despite the success for Dragonkind, the turmoiled, tempestuous servants were wracked with the conflict of sentience. The turbulence in which is powered by the chaotic world caused their downfall, disbandment. A natural course, but a dire threat prevailed onto the wolf-like harbingers of the sky. Mordring the Ashen sank from being the Lord of Dawn, and his legion of Greyscale Knights gone; becoming a beyond immortal individual at the expense of what it meant to be Dragaar or Drakaar. Mordring became a  branch of it's own using the arcane knowledge they had gathered.


    Aruzond, a Greater Dragaar, prized the contribution as it was restoring his kin naturally. No, they couldn't pass judgement and saw restoration in their perception-- much like Cerridwen, or Cerunnos would, seeing natures plan carried out.


    And they understood, seeing a new grave threat listed as extinction. Aruzond the Senex, often appearing as a  wise old man came to see Mordring’s actions as venerable. It pleased the plan of Dragonkin and by extension Dragur, until it collapsed. The ghastly appearance of the Old Lords as servants, however, displeased him, yet nothing displeased him more than the guise of Setherein’s minions.


    Between competition and corruption gives a war on two fronts, which often results in the loss of stability underneath pressure. An understanding general realizes they cannot fight two wars, but the Dragons didn’t have the greater thinking to protect or hide Dragonkin accessibility to downfall and destruction forced a card of the Greater Dragon, while Mordring the Ashen enlightened a new way. The lamented lich Dragon showed it was possible to restore their lesser brethren who were fated to drudgery.  themselves. They were creature far more bestial, always thinking about the next meal. 


    Aruzond understands his kins condition as he’s rooted with the same nature, albeit full of a Senex’s man wisdom. Once Warden of the North now warded nothing, beside flooded lands. They set on the beginnings of a new age to herald a continuum. The Dragonkin he would deem and see wouldn’t expire in the great continuum that was time.







    ““From stone to scale, my wings are torn,

    A song of death do I sing.

    A curse to fear, a rite to mourn,

    Love not the pain I bring.

    Splendor to dust,  my soul forlorn,

    We are your fallen kings.

    But now we die, to be reborn,

    When Daemons clip our wings.””


    • The Book of the Dragon, era unknown


    Overview, Clarifications, and a bit more fluff


    Eras have came and passed. Innumerable worlds have fallen, only to be reborn again; the Dragaar is left impotent, only capable of mourning the transgressions of Aenguls and Daemons, but most of all those who put his kith to the sword - the entities responsible for the extermination of Dragaars nigh-on wholesale. Yet, if nothing else, the ancient ones plans come to a fulmination; perhaps they shall fail, perhaps his works for the last century have proven to be fitful and childish delusion.


    If the Creator still drew breath, Aruzond beseeched the Almighty’s mercy one final time for the expedient success of his acolyte’s endeavors. The dragaar turns to his project and completes the final contract; his voice is bound to another - the first, ideally, of many progeny. Where he himself had failed another would rear the torch and bring about a nascent golden age.


    With this pact sworn, there stood the first of the Speakers. A heavy tome hung from his hands; its works were archaic, forged in the language of the Arch-Dragaars own, a token that had been burned into the back of his mind, like a fresh brand. The inside of his mind feels as if it chafes under the duress of this great burden; yet the disciple knows there is not time to whine, or to be lost on reconciliation with pain.


    The knowledge of Aruzond’s tongue; the tongue imparted by the aged, great knowledge of the likes of Gazardiel and Dragur, was fresh in his mind. No longer were words a means to communicate. Words became a tool bifurcated in two, able to sow destruction and reap harvests with separate syllables.Enough words knit a vivid, living picture capable of altering the world; these powers were amplified by conjunction and correspondence.


    Whilst the knowledge was commonplace, there were varying minutiae involved in the process.In the hands of Aruzond, these words and terms held immense power - the term for “warmth” elicited torrent of flame, devastating cities; in the hands of a man, who bears an infinitesimal  fragment of the power their progenitor possessed, warmth could kindle a brazier or warm the body of a sickly, frostbitten man to offer comfort.


    This process [unbeknownst to the wielders of the magic] functions based upon the imbued Dragaar’s “magic”, utilising the worldly powers to bring miracle to life. The aforementioned Elder Tongue seems to possess an innately magical  property to its words and process - the speaker imbued with a fragment of Aruzond’s voice acts only as a catalyst, not the actor. Therefore, they cannot create their own terms or bring his will to fruition; though the First Among Speakers was known to create conjunctions and compound words with unique effects, this knowledge was lost to time.


    The knowledge found itself a heavy burden to bear. It weighed upon the souls and minds of mens who sought it, imparting little fervor - but imbuing fragments of Aruzond’s personality and aspects into their own, due to abstract and literal nature of the original words and the way subsequent pacts are formed. These often substantiate themselves in odd tendencies.





    Mechanical Bogpill



    Possible word expenditure: Tier x 4

    Cast time is 2 turns to prepare and one to use for a two word spell. After that, it linearly scales upwards - +1 for every additional word, including those with special effects.

    Rigid working format but room for creativity.

    Weaker than equivalents but with further room for expansion/creativity within outlined boundaries.]


    The voice of the Dragaar is oft invoked using two to three part incantations comprised of High Draconic. The essential parts, as will be detailed before, are usually an active noun to symbolize the base element and or power, and one to two supporting adjectives, descriptors, and/or adverbs; for example, let’s start with the simplest incantation an aspiring Speaker would be taught.


    [insert noun for fire] + [corporeal/adj] results in a small, uncontrolled fire often used for cooking, lighting campfires, or igniting torches. However, if we changed [insert word for corporeal] to [insert word for transcendental], which affects things on a meta-physical or mental level…


    [insert noun for heat] + [transcendental/adj] results in a warmth filling the specified target’s body. The specification is carried out through pointed gestures. As the Speaker progressively becomes more knowledgeable, the number of active words and adjectives becomes more numerous and therefore leading to more varied and widespread effects.


    Statements and commands longer than 6-14 words normally fall under the category of “rituals,” with their own unique requirements that often require physical goods or multiple Invokers to accomplish the task. The longer the sentence is, in addition, the more exhausted it leaves the caster; operating off of the basis, of, say, a three word sentence for the equivalent of a tier three -- so let’s say we combine, ixen for fire, okh for it being a manifest spell, and [resistance] for power against, the target becomes immune to heat and or fire for a brief duration.


    For a tier one, this would be possible to cast once. For a tier three, they could cast this twice; the number of alloted/usable words is three times their tier. This pool is used for amount able to speak and end amount they contain the energy to act as a catalyst for. The terms and example conjunctions; furthermore, if a combination or sentence is vague and not detailed and a player wish to utilise it, ideally they can contact an LT manager and have the interpretation officiated via an edit into the guide to avoid bureaucracy.


    Sentences can be chained and multiple nouns can be used, but there must always be the initial noun followed by cast descriptor. As a particularly important note, the base strength of any elemental manipulation is far weaker than it’s evocation-counterpart; say, we utilise flame in the purpose of a projectile - it’d be akin to tier two fire evocation, and mostly harmless. These quick incantations serve a more utilitarian purpose than combative, though the keyword for strength can boost that for a cost.






    [fire] ixen


    When invoked for physical purposes, Ixen manifests as light and crackling fire. It burns at around 170f at initial deployment, though if it catches something on fire the temperature will increase at logical intervals.


    [heat] morne


    Unlike fire, Morne manifests strictly as raw heat. While unpleasant and capable of desaturating water in the air it doesn’t serve as much of a functional weapon or tool when applied physically, often used for mental/metaphysical invocations or in tandem with other nouns.


    [water] pab


    Water functions akin to fire, capable of spontaneously generating pure H2O. It is capable of producing roughly two to three quarts off hand. Past this, Water functions well with adjoining properties such as a strong Gul [Cold] to freeze water.


    [cold] gul


    When inverse is applied to heat, or vice versa, the opposite occurs. When used as a projectile it simply manifests as a gust of particularly cold wind; when used from a mental standpoint, it makes the afflicted perceive themselves as cold or cooler, depending on their current perception.




    The accumulated power the contract accrues to the voice is not significant enough to manifest a significant amount of earth. This is often used in conjunction with other nouns to provide a conceptual aspect; when used physically, it’s capable of (on touch), shaping rock, (on projectile) launch pebbles/small rocks, and when in radius and applied with the keyword for strength and wind, generate a localized sand-gale.


    [air] thrae


    Functions similarly to heat and cold, often used in conjunctions.


    [light] ilun


    Not to be misconstrued with divine light, this “light” mimics that of the suns. It serves no direct offensive purpose but normally serves as a conjunction in another invocation or as a light source in situations where others do not suffice.


    [dark] whedab


    Not to be misconstrued with abyssal dark, the word “whedab” refers to the night sky. It serves no direct offensive purpose but normally serves as a conjunction in another invocation or as a tool of ritual and or stealth depending on circumstances.


    [skin] molik


    Molik, baseline of reference to the caster themselves; able to employ it in conjunction with words to create various utility and defensive effects.


    [courage] kalith


    Bears no physical effect. Can be applied via mental or metaphysical means.


    [peace / calm] martivir


    Bears no physical effect. Can be applied via mental or metaphysical means.


    [contemplation] siofme


    Bears no physical effect. Can be applied via mental or metaphysical means.


    [order]  ? gavir

    [inaccessible except for rituals]


    [chaos] ? rygat

    [inaccesible except for rituals]


    [life] x tobor



    [death] x marfedelom



    [nature passive modifiers]


    [physical] okh



    [metaphyical / sepa]



    [mental / ricin]



    [passive modifier]


    [quicken / queelak]


    Increases the speed at which a projectile moves or an effect occurs. Does not affect the necessary time required to achieve an effect, but instead alters the result.


    [slow / birk]


    Increases the speed at which a projectile moves or an effect occurs. Does not affect the necessary time required to achieve an effect, but instead alters the result.



    [-2 emotes, +3end word count]

    Hasten is a word often used by Speakers while tending important or dire tasks. Often, this is for the effect of completing a project or goal as swiftly as possible.



    [+1 emote, -2 end word count. Cannot make incantation cost negative.]

    Slog is a word often used by conservative Speakers while tending long but menial tasks.



    [Cast time +1 emote]

    Protract causes the noun and deployment to linger longer.


    [strong / versvesh]

    [Cast time +2 emotes]

    Empowers a spell at a harsh cost. Overuse will rapidly sap the user of strength.


    [weak / plythu]

    [word count -1, cast time -1]

    Swifter, with less burden. Sometimes this word is divorced from the incantation’s effect and used independently; in those cases, the benefits of its usage do not apply.


    [inverse / rathidol]


    Reverses prior noun effects.


    [radius / tharm]


    Qualifier for varied end effects.


    [large / muansi]




    [small / sart]



    [extinguish / stoda]


    Erases previously indicated noun.


    [fill / glom]



    [delivery method] - not attributing to word count


    [breath / trekis]


    Projects from mouth.


    [hands / chasid]


    Effects prior require touch. It isn’t very draining.


    [projectile / nignos]


    As implied, it launches the aforementioned product.


    [ensconce / trelk]- inanimate only


    Surrounds an object in prior product. Can’t use on living creatures.


    Relevant to radius

    [proximity / wyogale]


    Projects about caster.


    [area / goawy]

    [+1 emote]

    Selected area from a range.







    • Basic spells/incantations are comparative to tier 2 in the relevant evocation.

    • Takes five magic slots due to its utility.

    • User’s personality is warped, taking on Aruzond’s traits.

    • Has hard cap on how many spells/words can be utilised at each tier.






    With all other affairs accounted for and fairly considered, the most prevalent topic left to discuss is the source of power the oft-mentioned “Speakers” utilise for. Keep in mind that it’s practitioners will know little of this, and likely consider a “gift” or some variety of esoteric knowledge that they’ve acquired; but common sense would imply, if that were the case, that those who knew the aforementioned “Words” would be able utilise the power. That is not the case.


    The speakers act similar to other “deific” mages, utilizing a connection to their progenitor Aruzond; the power and energy required to act as a catalyst for his magic is carried out through their bodies, established by the initial Pacting ritual that irreversibly alters how “mana” in their body functions. As their powers do not necessarily involve a direct conduit of mana > effect, but mana > Aruzond > effect, these effects cannot be replicated with other feats of Voidal prowess such as alteration or otherwise. In addition, it leaves them unable to process or utilize their mana for other tasks; they cannot wield other Magics, ‘less one manages to function without mana or an available Deific connection.


    Past this, and as mentioned prior in the document, the pact has a variety of mental and physiological effects. They take on traits of Aruzond’s personality (patient, scholarly, focused upon knowledge / safeguarding dragons and etcetera) that warp portions of their existing psyche, perhaps lending them more odd personalities than simple derivations of the original. The physical, manifest changes are normally simple; their eyes yellow, their body oft finds itself slackened -- in more extreme circumstances, some take on exceptionally minor draconic traits akin to the Nephilim’s slitted eyes or discoloured skin, but these provide no abject physical benefits. The Speakers, for the most part, are not warriors; they might be able to wield sword and board, but their stamina and musculature are absorbed for reasons twofold; the magic itself weighs on their shoulders, and the study required to educate themselves is often very time consuming and rigorous.








    Draconic creation:


    “Betell, I tell,

    Of the brimstone to the Dragon’s breath,

    Where saviour dwells,

    Sheeted by Death.”


    Nothing is never free, like two peas of a pod such a phrase is, for dictated reasoning if equivalent exchange was law. The wise man said to get you got to give something in return-- and the constant forwardness displays it, opening the mind to what it calls fate. A Dragon doesn’t match any other biological being, having simple, and beyond capacities unmatchable. The other winged creatures of the skies, such as birds are unlinked to the complexity that’s a Dragon’s hereditary. A brutal, sand-whipped creature of the Orcish desert aren’t enough. It’s requires a lesser draconic cousin, Wyverns. They do share their formidancy, causing need for gathering a party.


    A Wyvern firstly has to be killed before any other type of process can be useful, made. The body and skeletal remains are to be collected to the last bone, however, the scales of the Wyvern can be used by others. When a damaged bone is found after the battle is concluded, leaving a Wyvern most presumably gruesomely slain by thoughtful means, then the carriers to Aruzond’s voice can weave them whole again as the closely related draconic bones have to augment. It’s computable to a child that’s growing, the baby’s bones are basic templates to what the body grows to become. The bones are imbued, filled with the will that’s Aruzond, Greater Dragaar and an ancient incarnation magic gifted life further through Aruzond’s draconic voice sacrificed to linked tomes.


    The bones in the first place are meant for change, ever so slightly, since they’re related. While they become augmented it’s important their bones are bathed in the realm’s overarching sun. To some scholars all derives from the Void, for others all derives from the lightly sun. It’s an energy unlike Aruzond’s own that is captured subtly into everything. The bones ritualistic incantations have to imbue the bones with death, breath, and life. All bones are blessed in sets, so this is to say all wing bones can be blessed as one, but the head has to be blessed independently again. Whatever the element, wind, earth, water, and fire is used in conjunction with breath, which together compacts the Dragon’s nature via an incantation onto its maw. The imbuement of Aruzond’s will takes three people to bless the bones.


    It’s required the skeleton is braced together for clay to mold and be sculptured around the dragon’s framework. The ritual often has blood magic markings worked into it on the understandment nothing is active of them beside ceremonial symbolism. A regent of alchemy with its symbolism is another ceremonial piece, but unlike the markings, they aren’t displayed on the clay. At this stage it’s usually the adherents of Aruzond who do everything as they typically find deeper meaning in doing it through their own passion-- their own efforts. Although, someone who is not magically proficient would be able to make the carvings artwork.


    Runes of power, mortality, and flesh are engraved into the mold while the clay is fresh; otherwise it’d harden too much due to it needing to bathe in the sun, allowing the clay to harden. An incantation of skin and imbuement, strongness, with others speaking the incantation to give the clay further life. When it's done the hardened clay sheathing a skeletal structure is able to support a rather suitable specimen, the Dragon. Among the clay it can be styled in such a way to give the Dragon distinct features to allow identification while having names.


    They don’t have ultimate control of what the scales color will turn out to be and perhaps the color is more a representation of the locked conscious that’s the Dragon.  




    • All bones have to be Dragonkin

    • Bones have to be blessed independently, for example bones relating to the chest could be blessed together, while the wing bones have to be separately blessed. 

    • Requires at least three Voicers to bless the bones with Aruzond’s will, while requiring


    Aruzond’s will:


    At what is loved, precious to the Greater Dragaar is his ability to get lost in the thick pages of tomes. The holders of the Draconic voice can imbue his will only from library, requiring three present. Where space allows and messy, lackluster spots do not is the gathering. It’s required one object is inanimate with Aruzond’s will one at a time, creating swords that give off courage, and symbols imbued with peace. The greatest feat of imbuement is their ability to create Draconic items, no bigger than what he can be packed around to harness a raw form of speech. It’s a baseless, but paradoxically depthful way of conversing if it can be called that all.  


    Instead of speech, it’s a raw form of having the Dragon register in its mind the object their eyes see instinctually is not stepping on their territory, or hold an ounce of conceited, malicious intent. They see them like another omega wolf that has no need to be trifled with, giving an ability to at most calm, settle a Dragon in their presence. They offer no other advantage, if a carrier of Aruzond’s Draconic voice genuinely warns the Dragon they can fly off at perceived threat. The same can be reversed and Dragons, given enough prey that it doesn’t require them to excessively outsource can stay in specified locations. HOWEVER, by no means can Aruzond’s embroiled hold conceit or malicious intent, like attempting to trap them. It’s difficult for others to use the communicators, for no voice is being beside pure telepathic thoughts of Aruzond Draconic voice’s will imbued into the device.


    The process unbeknownst to the users using it are what gives it functioning. They can’t control a Dragon by any means and can only keep them in urban, outskirt areas for rule of thumb, but for special events moderated could six carriers of Aruzond’s language could herd a Dragon to a location proximate to somewhere. This can only be done for Dragon events and embroiled keep maintenance on them in more urban areas. To instill the Greater Dragaar’s will into objects loses the word from the tome momentarily, furthering reason why they act out this ritual in a library, as tomes around the library lose words from their pages. They have a funny curse where the more they use their library more the books become changed, broken, giving way for new libraries to be created when one has ended. Magic doesn’t judge complexity, therefore the books don’t necessarily need to be poetry that’s written descent is product of the masterly book. It’s possible by using the Draconic word Ricin (mental) the communication effects can be chanted to ensconce (trelk) an object with the will of Aruzond.   



    • A Dragon is not controlled. It’s a pure telepathic speech unlike words that rather exposes the intent of Aruzond’s embroiled.

    • Any regard for harm towards Dragons will have their connection forcefully shattered that like other deity connections can cause damage when it’s abruptly shattered.

    • Others have a difficult time voicing this pure nature as they don’t have the will of Aruzond, causing a Dragon to view them like any other mortal.

    • Nothing can be imbued alone and must be done at a library.


  14. Just now, _Jandy_ said:

    I literally prefaced it by saying I'm not an expert. When a lt member says that the ghouls have a blatant weakness that is available to everybody and I had heard from somebody (this morning) that such a weakness was being suppressed by spooks.... Logically the lt should review either the effects of a draught or the weaknesses of a ghoul.



    Basic logic implies that there's no difference mechanically between a draughted ghoul and a normal Human being. I'm not saying Draughts aren't stupid, because that's a different matter - there's no need for a "weakness" because there's literally no difference between them and a normal human being.

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