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About MysticalStranger

  • Birthday 09/01/1996

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    Krogen Roth|Alfred Estermont

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  1. This is what happens France when you allow more then 8 hundred thousand 'refugees' into your country with no passport checks or anything, not all of them have good intentions. My heart goes out to those unfortunate people who were victims from these terrorist attacks. Lets hope all of the other European countries will learn a lesson from this and start actually checking people at the border instead of blindly letting them in because they are a 'refugee' from a 'war torn country'. No excuses, no exceptions.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. MysticalStranger


      @Pikel Boldshoulder   You can't fake that mass migration of people though. I am positive most of them are actual war torn families fleeing their homes, but what I am getting at is that there is bound to be at least 1000 terrorists in the millions of refugees flooding into these European countries, and they are just letting them in freely, without passport checks.

    3. Shalashask


      So enriching and vibrant. I love multiculturalism.

    4. problematic z

      problematic z

      hooray for diversity guys hehe god i just love seeing the country of my forefathers being turned into a third world shithole

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