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About mindgames860

  • Birthday 03/23/1998

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    The Insane Asylum >:)

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  1. IMPORTANT! Okay so I have a question. Is it possible for me to continue the legacy of a character, owned by someone who is permabanned WITH their approval? Someone please tell me ;n;

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Demotheus


      We don't want a bunch of revenge characters coming into the fold, that's why.

    3. Hanrahan


      That's silly an doesn't work

    4. Ever


      : ^) oh han, always go tsomething new to complain about, huh?

  2. Seriously why does my app have to be pending 9 hours after I fixed it ;n;

  3. I-I am so confused on elf aging. Does this mean that a 7 year old elf is equivalent to a 7 year old human? And then it all changes for elves after 20?

    1. mindgames860


      And also if my character is a high elf, can her hair be dyed red?

    2. Space


      Yes to both. At 20 it slows down immensely.

    3. hex37


      Let me lay it out for you all simple-like

      Elf years equal human years as far as aging goes, until Elves hit 20 years of age. After that, they stop aging entirely.

      Also, yes a High elf can dye their hair red. However, dyeing hair is looked down upon by most high elves, who believe that it covers an elf's natural beauty.

  4. My first skin I made all by myself :3 (it's for my app) http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y400/mindgames860/Karin_zpsac44f219.png

    1. #Flexave


      Make me skin. Like... now!

    2. IverCraft


      Good luck :)

    3. Kairn.


      Wonderful work Mind. Good luck with being accepted and such. Feel free to ask any of the guides and mentors when you log on to the server for the first time if you have any questions.

  5. Are you required to fill out a subrace of elf in your application? Or can you just put "N/A"?

    1. Space


      There are no 'elfs.' You're either wood, dark, or high.

    2. Amorphbutt
    3. everblue2er101


      Yes, there are common Elves without a sub-race. It's fine not to have one.

  6. I'm sounding like a total noob here but, where is the application form? >.

  7. One question. Where on the Minecraft Forums do i post my application?

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      In the Lord of the Craft thread! :)

    2. JtPv


      I never understood this rule.

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