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Han Solo

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Status Replies posted by Han Solo

  1. THIIS TOTAL BULL-S***! The server finally comes up, but my internet crashes. When it returns, the server is full with 320/300 people on. What the f

  2. Yes, server crashed! Now's my chance to get on!

  3. Can we ban the people delaying 4.0 because of their stupid stashes

  4. Once the regions and ships are done we should be up and ready to go!

  5. Portugal, try us at basketball and or American football and get wrekt!

  6. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Why did Felix Farnsworth not sit on the council that ruled Oren after Enor Sheffield was kidnapped to the Nether?

  7. Some people choose the absolute worst time to ask you out.

  8. Why is everyone and their grandmother becoming a god damn shade lately? There's been at least 5 additions in the last week to an already over crowded population of OP magic users. That's rediculous. there are at least 15 shades now. And apparently one of them is a powerful cleric : because that makes sense. I understand "let the magic run wild!" but this is rediculous. There is still lore, and without it there's no point in RP. This isn't the OPra show kids.

  9. I'm 18 and already going grey.... lovely.

    1. Han Solo

      Han Solo

      That's okay. Back in the time of primates that was normal.

      :P jk - no offense meant

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. to all you talking about christmas id just like to say that im a jewish moslemite and this is all very very offensive to my culture and religious beliefs

  11. When are we gonna update the server? 1.6.4 is glitchy :3

  12. What does bad login mean?

    1. Han Solo

      Han Solo


      You are so awesome, I was stuck on this problem for like an hour.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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