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Status Updates posted by overlord2305

  1. That moment when your char is harmless and people still wack her instead of extorting her for cheap labor or money

  2. You're going to the gulag comrade

  3. For bonus points call it a programmer app, because thats what the position is called, programmer

  4. Remember kids, jokes are abuse


  5. I heard @Sera Nita is planning to censor my jurnalimsms

  6. Still looking for someone to rp Basillia Tosali's son

  7. So when is the server getting back up

  8. Forums on mobile realy need a rework

  9. There was no need to respond to that app and try to provoke me

  10. Collette is acting like she has a stick up her ass http://prntscr.com/g57qs8

  11. I feel the new capital of Oren needs to have a bard permanently placed outside the gate playing 

    on his lute, seems fitting 

  12. I blame Norland for what just happened

  13. I just heard baldrick died, WOO

  14. Can I just say I find it strange that staff usualy lock a thread after replying (in a major way) to it, thus prohibiting any further feedback being given or people expressing adjusted opinions based on what has been said

  15. Just got back from Gamescom WOOO

  16. Just noticed @blarg applied, hope he gets in. I've had the pleasure of rping with him several times since I first started rping.

  17. Good luck with the magic app, hope it gets accepted! *throws bird lady your way*

  18. Whats with the guy spamming threads

  19. How dare you call a good EU fearing nation third world you buck toothed tea slurping coal miner! *angry fist shaking*

  20. Can we talk about the immersion ruining fence ontop of the left section of the adelburg wall, everytime I walk there and see a five high oak fence ontop of the wall it realy takes me out of it

  21. Now and then I have to wonder how drunk staff was when they drafted some of the rules

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