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Status Replies posted by TavernLich

  1. Soh Cah Toa who comes up with these math "terms?"

  2. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What were the first two races created?

  3. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What were the first two races created?

  4. When is nexus getting removed?

  5. if you hit someone twice after emoting to them with just your fists when they ignore your emote to get their attention can they turn around and kill you?

  6. Where is everyone this morning in game?

  7. New character ideas? Please help.

  8. Can't wait to actually be able to use my donator benefit of a nice, large region when Nexus-Regions gets removed. Since that's literally why I ever donated to Diamond and would not have if it wasn't a benefit.


  10. Selling two minecraft accounts for $10 each. PM me if you're interested.

  11. Halfling Lore Question Of The Day: Who is the Pumpkin Lord's mortal form?

  12. Halfling Lore Question Of The Day: Who is the Pumpkin Lord's mortal form?

  13. Halfling Lore Question Of The Day: Who is the Pumpkin Lord's mortal form?

  14. Halfling Lore Question Of The Day: Who is the Pumpkin Lord's mortal form?

  15. Techteaaaaammmmmm! (also I wanna join just finished learnin' some bukkit :D)

  16. Woo! Just got done with a really cool event actually written by Burkester. Terrible things are coming for you, cultists ;)

  17. Saw another reference to katana weilding edgies flipping around in combat...when has this ever happened in recent memory that was serious Rp and not just a troll?

  18. Is there anyone that can enchant a fishing pole?

  19. Is there anyone that can enchant a fishing pole?

  20. Snelf Trivia Question Of The Day: What hair colors can snow elves have?

  21. Halfling Trivia Question Of The Day: How old do halflings finally completely mature into adult form?

  22. Are there any cool underground races which are playable other than pigmen

  23. The Candid Cantrip: Magic and Alchemy at a reasonable price. Your thoughts?

  24. Where is a good place to throw out some emotes right now?

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