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About ItsMyWorld66

  • Birthday December 3

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  • Character Name
    Damien Menrow
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf

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  1. Any idea when the map of Almaris will be viewable in the Museum?

  2. Is it possible to get the map for Almaris? I noticed that it's not available in the museum, it still thinks that Almaris is the 'current' Map to visit.

    1. ContestedSnow


      it would be nice to be able to visit ye olde almaris once more

    2. Tigergiri


      I brought over a actual map of almaris to aevos. Been waiting to set it up 

  3. If I use a fishing net on a fish I get it in my inventory, is there a way to use the skinning knife on it afterwards or no?
  4. Does this mean I can FINALLY get my own playerhead?!
  5. Player Heads and Gilded Blackstone options please! I'm wanting that sweet plushie crafting.

    1. Malins Welcome

      Malins Welcome

      what is gilded blackstone supposed to do? I don't keep up with minecraft updates

    2. ItsMyWorld66


      It's very pretty. It's a black/brown mixture color with veins of gold running through the block.

  6. Temp or permanent I want ya to know that I enjoyed our encounters over the years, I know we've run into each other several times perhaps spanning multiple characters that my goldfish brain cant remember. Either way, when I recognize it's you, the interactions have always been fun and memorable! So cheers my friend, I hope things improve with this and know you're remembered~ 🍸
  7. Love it, condensed and ease of teaching I can see~ Only thing, just a quick question I dont see it covered anywhere, but in our current lore with Powersharing reduces the cooldown time based on how many Druids are sharing with said casting Druid with the cap reduction of 1 IRL Day. Is this still going to be the case?
  8. I lied, I have one last question about the Shillelagh just to cover all bases. It states that while imbued it may hold the same durability as that of a ferrum item. Does this apply to blocking? I'm assuming it does just for clarification, so that if someone swung their sword at me, and I block it with my staff it would block with the same strength that if it was made of ferrum and the fact that it's made of wood/bone/ect doesn't apply till it fades.
  9. Waking up I have another question or rather a clarification if you will: Shillelagh: Over the course of [2] emotes a Druid may imbue their staff with their own natural energies costing [1] Chord. Strengthening the tool of worship to be as strong as an iron mace while hitting with the same impact as one. The question I have about this is more in line with Rp happenings. Druids have a habit of adding things to their staff to make it more complicated then a simple crook or stick like structure. Example, my own staff not only has dangly bits of claws and teeth but also the head of it has an affixation of a giant squid's tooth. With this in mind, when the staff is strengthened to iron mace quality, what happens to those parts? Does it effect only the wood/bone that makes up the general staff or does it effect all that's connected/wrapped/implanted into the staff? Does that giant squid tooth now become the head of a spear? Do my claws and teeth dangles sharpen and harden like the teeth of a cat o' nine tails? Clarify please~
  10. So last thing with Entangle, as I've looked over it again, the idea surrounding this is less an active thing like Surge and more of a sprung trap. Such as knowing where the person is going to head towards, and instead of trying to stop them in the moment instead seek to stop/slow them should they try to flee. A preventative measure instead of an active attacking one that doesn't need to be constantly maintained. I could see that being used. Last question: Why is Luonto an active cast instead of a passive since it's 100% flavor Rp? Most people who Rp their Luonto appearing do a cast as it is, with their energies condensing and taking form till it appears.
  11. The thought about Chords is valid, I think it's something to really consider when it's in practice to see how difficult it can or cannot be. Honestly most Druids shouldn't be using their gifts for combat, but as a support. Deep Stride: Another question, why only twice a day? NGL if the cap is raised I will RP a literal merman anytime I can because my boy loves water. Singing: You know that's a fair argument for the duration. Shillelagh: I honestly thought you were talking about the musical instrument, and realize I was mistaking it with a Ukulele after googling it. I have many things to reconsider in my life. Entangle & Bramble Wall: Yeh it's not fully clear, but again my curiosity is the idea it would need some form of seeds in order for it to function? But I will wait for an update yas~ Tree Stride: Thank you~ I can see applicable times to use this, but only in like really dire moments when you're trapped/someone's trapped/ect and it happens to be in a forest. Thank you for your clarifications~
  12. Hello so glad for another rewrite that will allow players to be able to pick and choose which one they're seeking. Here are my quick questions and pokes if you would be so kind, as a teacher with a lot of students and having used my abilities in various ways I've come to notice some things. First off, the Chord system is good for utilization in exhaustion to keep track of though I do think the amount needs to be bumped just a tad maybe. There are a few other things I'd like addressed please~ Deep Stride: Love it, love it all so so much I love the idea that we would be able to help underwater the same as on land. Clarification! It says that a Druid will be able to walk underwater like they would on land, does this mean after casting and stepping into water they sink? Stepping off a boat would they drop like a rock or would they need to swim down? Should the Druid fall unconscious would the ability go away? Should someone do something to the water, such as an electrical charge, would it effect them the same? It's a bit unclear on if they are actually getting wet or not via the water, or if they have a skin tight bubble that negates the water? Singing: Lovely as it looks like it's combining earlier Empathy and Singing, however is it losing it's ability to settle into the land? Often times we will Rp patches of land that are calmed, tranquil, and relaxed for a period of time because Singing settled that area for longer then a single day. Is this ability being removed? Shillelagh: Love the spell, druid staff bonk for the win. Hate the name, I barely know what a Shillelagh is and makes little sense. Entangle: I'm confused on this ability, how is it different then using Surge to lift roots out of the ground to tangle around a persons legs the exact same way? Is it specifically bramble that can suddenly grow, the twisty thorny kind, without seeds? Bramble Wall: Same issue I have with Entangle, what is the difference between this and using Surge to rise up a wall of roots, vines, shrubs, ect to form a natural wall? Is this stronger then a normal set of bramble/roots/ect? Tree Stride: Very cool ability however I have a bit of a question about it. It takes 6 chords to use, 4 emotes to cast, can move a total of 16 blocks. However in combat I can move 4 blocks per emote, so in 4 emotes I can move 16 blocks in any direction without expending the amount of chords depleted. So, other then specific times where the 16 blocks away tree is on a spot that I cannot reach by foot, this ability is potentially worthless. Please and thank you~
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