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  1. Why don't we have rules on banditry lmao??

    Are they on some random post somewhere? I remember Soulbinds used to count IRP - no one could take a soulbound item. Do Soulbinds even relate to RP anymore? Is it the same rules as stealing from locked chests, with rounded-down stacks etc?

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    2. Amayonnaise


      @RigorousWhere are the conflict rules? There aren't any tabs with that name under rules?

    3. satinkira


      1 hour ago, Amayonnaise said:

      @RigorousWhere are the conflict rules? There aren't any tabs with that name under rules?


      Rules - The Lord Of The Craft


      Go to 'Combat' and 'Villainy' for banditry

    4. Amayonnaise


      @satinkira Can you read the link you just posted before directing me to it?

      As I said, there is no mention of banditry. The only vague mention is "At times, a character might indulge in others’ belongings", and then proceeds to discuss lockpicking and container-thieving rules. It has absolutely no mention of soulbinds and whether they apply to banditry and can't be taken, or if soulbinding is purely to protect your items from death (considering they unbind after you respawn).

      The whole "You can't take Soulbound items" is literally just a say-so in the community, with no written rules on it. Banditry has no mention in the rules.

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