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Trin Keeper

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Status Updates posted by Trin Keeper

  1. nom nom nom!!

    1. AGiantPie
    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      O_O.. *sniffles* but I'm hungry... I must nom!!

  2. *sigh* now I'm bummed out becuase I can't connect to the server... keeps saying Can't resolve hostname.. I suppose I'm going to have to wait until tommorrow..gguuhhh. *hits head on desk*

    1. GodEmperorFlam
    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      oke doke.. I'll try it.. but like I said can't try it until tomorrow because my mom has to unlock the properties.. and chances are she won't do it unless I beg.

  3. Is the server down for you guys? or is it my computer... just wondering

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      It's the server :C

    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      ohhh ... :/ phooey...

  4. http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2015/02/06/legend-of-zelda-netflix-series/ AHHHHHH!!! This could be like the coolest thing ever!! or the dumbest.
    1. ToenailTickler


      Legend of Zelda the animated series.

    2. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Well excuuuuuse me, princess.

  5. Not going to be on for a while.. Gotta focus on school... sorry

    1. Lubbie


      School is useless. Stay with us <3

    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      I will!!!Looks like my.. I won't get on the computer until 6 plead worked! XD except now I can't get on till 6.. :/

  6. Sooo... I'm going to do an adventure time with Finn thing and I'm not sure whether to put it in screenshots or rp... becuase it's IC but it's got lots of pictures... :/ which one should I put it in?

    1. lawnmowerman
    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      nvvmmmm.. I'm going to put it in Rp.. ^-^ Since it's very much IC

  7. To all my peeps.. you are awesome.. sorry for leaving the day before the wedding andddddd yah... sorry for letting you guys down.. anywhoo I'm going to return to poofing.. I'll be back maybe in a year or so.. idk.. as sooon as I move out and get my own computer that is.. XP Don't forget about me! ;P

    1. InfamousGerman
    2. Mj.


      rightful vanir clay will be missed, don't forget to continue cybering w/ me on Skype and snapchat

  8. Ohhhkkayyyy so I just switched my persona and I landed underground... :/ I'm not sure what to do I just logged out... is there nothing I can do?

  9. Got a new internet thingymachiger yesterday and my mother updated all the programs on my computer and I can actually connect to the server now!! * Victory dance* I'll be on for the first time tonight!! ^_^ have to clean my room first... * flop* -_-

  10. If I wanted to make a shop what donor status would I need to get?

  11. Just wanted to say hi! We met eachother ICly today!!

  12. O_O... so scary when you accidently bump into poeple in game and you have no idea what the commands are and they start talking to you and your like.. what the fudge am I doing... andthen you figure out whats going on and then all of a sudden the server goes kaplah! XD

  13. Today was sooo much fun! Thanks to all who made it interesting!!

  14. mondays are the most suckitash thing in the world..

  15. oo look!! Im your friend now!!! Now we can both find eachother without the use of stalking!!

  16. Server shut down??? huh?

  17. The moment when someones like.. Going to be going to a place I'll talk to you through pm's.. okay.. so you follow them and find they go to a party without you... . ;-; ...

  18. and we are down!! WOOO 1.8!!!!!! ^-^

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