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473 Incredible


About TheNanMan2000

  • Birthday 09/03/1999

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    MMA, BJJ, HEMA & The Sovereignty of Cymru

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  • Character Name
    Rex Mûrak'Gorkil | Caradog ap Owain Cadeyrn
  • Character Race
    Uruk | Highlander

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  1. Thoughts on needing to carry a lored and signed suit of Plate Armour in inventory when ever your character is wearing it IRP?  Too many walk around with it on as if it’s some cheap and comfortable piece of gambeson.  Plate is extremely powerful armour and expensive, and should be treated as such in the rules.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Temp


      That doesn’t change that it adds a layer of paperwork that contributes absolutely nothing to RP

    3. TheNanMan2000


      What it means is that people can’t walk around with a very powerful piece of equipment that only the wealthiest of society could afford.  There’s a vast amount of other armour types that can be used, and having people explore the unique and diverse range of armours, all coming with their own unique specialties would make RP more engaging.  Not only that, but you will be able to identify knights and nobility by their armour, as it was back in medieval times.  Instead, every retard is given a plate-armour skin like it’s some cheap piece of metal.  Also, it’s not hard to simply find a blacksmith and ask ‘Hey, can you make me a suite of armour?’ then have them agree, make it, then you pay them.  It really wouldn’t hinder people a great deal, but just means it’s no this super common thing that any retard can put on and bandit with, and you won’t see a poor garrison lad standing with polished full-plate


      Edited by TheNanMan2000
    4. Temp


      Except they can and still will roll anything they feel like rolling. Even if we added an additional layer of fluff to deter widespread plate usage, people would still full-roll plate. Lords and Kings can easily afford, in the environment of LoTC, pretty much anything their garrisons require. We’d just end up with a bulk of signed items all over literally everyone and nothing would change.

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