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Everything posted by Dragonslayerelf

  1. Rukdug Gol'tuth Basic Information Nicknames: Gol'tuth Age: Gakhty Gender: Mel Race: Uruk Status: Mi liv Description Height: H'ash' H'futh" Weight: ((Dunno how to say 200lbs)) Dubty Dubty Body Type: Mi am bubhosh Eyes: Re' browy ((reddish brown, sorry if im butchering the blah)) Hair: Nun Skin: Bruwn Markings/Tattoos: Mi eye nubhosh Health: hosh Personality: Hepy Inventory: Nutin Further Details: Nutin Life Style Flaw(s): Mi go fas or mi engry Magic: Nubhosh - for twigie Weaponry Fighting Style: Hosh Trained Weapon: Nutin Favored Weapon: Fis's Archery: For twigie Biography Parents: Mummy Gol'tuth, Daddie Gol'tuth Siblings: Nun Children: Nun Extended Family: Nun Pet(s): Nun History ((No way im doin this in blah-ish)) Rukdug Gol'tuth was an orc who was born to orcish parents on the road. The birth was as he was told by the orc doing it 'Nubhosh'. His father had died due to an incident with the high elves, and his mother died during birth. He had a surgically added gold tooth at birth, following family tradition. He still has the oversized tooth. Having no other family he was orphaned and an orc orphan is not a force to be reckoned with. He was always having temper tantrums and the like, and one day stormed out of the residence holding him at that time. He encountered some nasty 'twigies' and had his eye cut up. When he returned he asked for his eye to be fixed, which they did as best they could and then he returned as an adult and brutally slaughtered them, bringing their mangled bodies to an elder to show he could handle himself. He was only taught how to fight by his multiple scuffles with other orc children, in the attempt to befriend them by showing off his strength. He once accidentally killed a twin and ran from the other twin for a day until he was eaten by lur wolves, and then he returned to the village. When he came of age he decided that life at the village was boring and left to set out on his own as an independant orc. Oder Ztuff ((said oocly)) Did I mention he's an environmentalist and goes against everything the uruks value such as A. Doesnt use blahish special words B. Doesnt like smelling like bog C. Doesnt like uruks in general D. Calls them 'Ztinkhy, zmelly, uruks' E. Only wants meat from an animal that 'hed eh gud lief' F. Hates violence G. Likes the other races and refers to them by their names and not derogatory terms H. Doesn't do the whole 'introduction by strength' thing anymore (because of the incident) I. He is considerate of others J. He thinks of the vegetarians
  2. Doesnt this go against Metagaming? If you're affected by something OOC then you have to act like your character would. And also: May I test this to see how it goes? Unleash myself (the Ratlin) upon the populace of Athera and see how people react, what they do, etc. I also saw a Snow Elf the other day...
  3. I said not to use that one against it. That is the only reason you people have!
  4. It is not that bad of an idea, the only problems are -I don't know how to make it seem "more professional" -I'm not investing 24/7 all of my time: I have a life to live -I don't expect many people to have liked the Skaven in Warhammer Fantasy -There are "too many races" but in truth, too little people and too much division.
  5. TBF I can't argue with this at all... I'm gonna keep on keepin on but something tells me this aint gonna work for quite a while...
  6. No no they dont. That was officially the weirdest youtube video i've ever seen.
  7. The one problem it: I don't know where to post this to get enough support and I dont know how to raise it so, in that regard I would like some help. Also there has been 2 idea posts.
  8. Thank you for the advice. I will edit it. And also it will be a full blown race with a starting amount of a small amount of people in a very small community in some barren corner of the land. All things start out small, but having it just an event race won't cut it (for me). And thay arenot cavemen they are full blown rat mutated people with a humanoid shape and ratlike features
  9. I am still working on it, and it will be worked on for a long time. There is a reason it says WIP and this will be here for a while all over it I will edit it promptly
  10. I do have natural multiplicity but a ratty personality is not one of them. No this is not tumblr, this is a LOTC forum post where I'm done with people saying too many races as I am waiting for a time when there are more races allowed.
  11. It is the same sort of intolerance as that guy demonstrated. Many people are intolerant to homosexuals, that guy is intolerant to humanoid rats. It was just an analogy, nothing more, nothing less
  12. A.You clearly have not read the lore. They mostly live in CAVES. B. They are not humans, they will be much different C. They don't eat people, I am currently working on the lore (overhauling it) D. Cannibalistic naked humans can't establish a society and hierarchy with 3 clans with differing skill sets and a large white green eyed leader.
  13. I am aware we already have too much races. In the thing I have said I am aware. A. This is still a WIP B. I'm waiting till we allow more races C. I am working to make it better, which may take a span of a long time, and alot of effort will be put in. So all of you who say "Theres too many races already" 100% aware, and I even mentioned in the post "Don't use the too many races argument".
  14. No, if anything it is inspired too heavily by the Skaven of Warsword Conquest buuuut i did come up with alot of this offhand. I didnt know Bad Rats had lore...
  15. It is supposed to be mediocre- it is rat people. And I am holding out for a policy change whenever that may be. I will focus on other things though and edit it, but tomorrow and not today. I gotta go to sleep.
  16. ((Notes: 1.a Xx means that it will be referenced in a picture. a xx means it will be put in a description 2. I am aware that there are a few too many races but this is for a time when there are more players and less player division, even when and if RP gets too crowded. This is meant to be a long lingering post, not for something that is to be confirmed as quickly as possible 3. These are basically Skaven. I have (very much) tweaked it but the very core and inspiration is that of the skaven. Now they arent as brutal, and are much)) THE RATLINS The Ratlins are ratlike humanoids that are very primitive that have no correlation with [current land], and have a "Hive Mindset" to the community, but no reason to be racist to any of it's inhabitants. They sailed from a land far away in kayaks, each clan and a leader in a different location, and dug their tunnels, caves and holes, having only 3 or 4 people per. They had forgotten the place from which they traveled as it had taken a few generations to get there, and not much information was passed between the clans that had arrived. The ones that had arrived were the Plagbrigas, the Niterunnes, and the Fagarras and the Ratlord1. Their precious supplies1 that were brought were either items or rotten food, but they were able to handle it as they were practically always sick and had dealt with it. They quickly learnt the language and adapted to it, translating what little they had into it. It was still very limited but it was close enough to be understood among the clans and foreigners. They were also all nocturnal and resorted to sleeping in the day and staying up in the night. Plagbrigas Clan The Plagbrigas clan members were always sick, and oftentimes were unable to do much physical work because of it. They were perfect test subjects for alchemy though, and often made potions to test on themselves, sometimes killing them, but sometimes making them immensely powerful but that was rare when it happened. Niterunnes Clan The Niterunnes clan had the Faggaras dig their hole for them. They occasionally went hunting or spying but oftentimes relied on the Faggaras to get food for them to share. They were very stealthyN1, so were able to stay hidden for long times with their black fur and blue eyes2, and oftentimes knew where to strike to weaken the target further. Faggaras Clan The Fagarras did a lot of work, hunting, cooking, building, and furnishing their clan home. Their hay made it easy to makethings. They also were the working class, putting many of their skills ot improve life for all of the clans. They also were the ones who the Ratlord slept with most often because of their hardworking nature The Ratlord The Ratlord is the ratlin that stops all of the other clans from fighting, and unites them all. He is picked from a gene pool that has the same characteristics as him: Large, twice as large as the rest of the rats, white fur, green eyes. He is the man doing all of the political things, so does not have a proper job in society other than ruling the clans. There is only ever one ratlord at a time. The current Ratlord has a screwy eye that was scratched out while very young, and is very open towards other races [assuming the Kha are extinct]. Description of a Ratlin A Ratlin looks like the combination of a rat and a man. They have 2 legs, 2 arms, an elongated head (like that of a rat), has a furry body, a pink scaly tail, and a tan set of humanlike feet and hands. The Faggaras and Plagbrigas have brown fur and orange to red eyes meanwhile the Niterunnes have black fur and blue eyes the Ratlord has white fur and green eyes. A depiction of a Plagbrigas clan member is below. Notes 1. Their supplies contained a book (now adapted to the common tongue) written for the leader to teach the next, Faggaran animals (a few cows and pigs), alot of bread, coal to keep the fire going, some (stone) tools, some (stone) weaponry, the Niterunnes armor, and the rest was found when they landed. Other Info Size: Ratlins are very small, tallest being 5'0(Except for the Ratlord which is a staggering 7ft tall). In MPM (when it wants to work) I suggest 70% on everything. Speech: A dumb welsh person Disease Resistance: They aren't immune to diseases, just most of their effects IE coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc. They can still die due to deadly diseases but are not affected by minor things. Current Ratlord's Name: His name is Blightear Scuttlefoot. (In Ratlin spelt Bliter Scutelfut) Pictures 1. 2. (Common Rat for reference) Clan Flags Niterunnes Faggaras Plagbrigas (If they are Implemented) Stats Info All Ratsight: + Have night vision in dark Stupidity: -5% EXP gain Plagbrigas +30% Alchemy -20% Blacksmith, Fisher, Woodworking Clan(Racial) Ability: 10% chance to poison the enemy for 5 seconds during combat. Faggaras: +20% Breeder +15% Cook -20% Farming -15% Fishing Clan Ability: 5% chance to get a twin on breeding attempt Niterunnes +20% Leatherworking -10% Fishing -10% Farming Clan Ability: 5% chance to slow the enemy for 5 seconds (-10%) and also weaken the enemy (-5%) for 5 seconds The Ratlord (Note: There is only one at a time, and I must be contacted if one wants to RP being this) +20% Melee Damage Ability: 10% chance of knockback 2 (Optional to be implemented) Ability: Summon 5 silverfish (lesser rats) to attack the enemy, that go away after 20 seconds NOTE: THIS IS LONG TERM LORE SO I SHOULDN'T SEE WE ALREADY HAVE TOO MANY RACES. IT IS FOR WHEN THERE IS SPACE FOR ANOTHER RACE! DOESNT MATTER IF THAT'S IN 5 YEARS OR 5 DAYS. Thanks to VoiD_ for the basis of the skin. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/skaven---warhammer/ Anything I forget? Let me know.
  17. Nooooo not my rat people...they're already dead... I like the idea of a new disease, it gets boring after all of the common af ones like the cold +1
  18. *realizes how much of a dingus he is, having read the lore for the lur wolf*
  19. It was supposed to be black cuz black wolves - black text but i'll take that advice for the future
  20. Well um...yipee, no lore needed to make...but this is still hella awkward (at 6am and tipsy)
  21. The Black Wolves A cold and heartless breed of wolves that thrive in Athera - the Black Wolves Mindset These wolves are born to kill, hunting for small men, elves, dwarves, and sometimes even orcs. When in an area it takes a major event, like the death of the alpha male, to have them flee and leave. They often hunt in packs although wolves being left behind is commonplace. They are often told of as demonic forms of wolves, created by a demon or possibly just freak wolves. One thing is for certain: They have a taste for humanoid meat. Place of Residence Any area that is near to a road, city or town and dark, like a cave, is perfect for these cold hearted beasts. They are able to use the darkness to their advantage, being hard to see. -Advantages They can see well in the dark, they have hooked teeth, and are very strong -Disadvantages They are basically a walking target out in the daylight. People who have a good vision can see them a mile away in the light. They are near impossible to see in the night though THEY CANT BE TAMED Examples of what they can do A few young children, from 1-10 were said to be missing. A week later, the villagers routed a nearby wolf den and found: mangled corpses of what used to be 1-10 year old children. Halflings were traveling on a trading trip, to go trade some of this year's crop for some elven wooden products. A howling was heard from the shadows. The Elves found a cart with all of the meat missing and a few mangled corpses of small people, a bit up the stone road A village noticed there had been an increase in wolf attacks around their village. When they found the wolves' lair, they were all brutally slaughtered as they had made the mistake of hunting at night. Things are subject to change, this is a mere idea and not yet a full blown lore.
  22. +0.5 The idea is a very nice idea, expanding on what medicine Athera currently has, but my one complaint is that it is in the orcish lands. You have to evade all manners of "Tribyoot" to get there, and even after you then have to get back, evading the "tribyoot". I must admit it will bring much business through the mercenary party industries, fighting off uruks and their bloody tribyoot. you know what, i give you the full 1. 0.5 + 0.5 +0.5
  23. +1 - We need new ways to die that isnt "tribyoot" ((f all of you orcs)) or war or necromancers or abusive guards. I like the idea of having the first thing rped, and the concern it would bring. I would also like to think eventually if people arent careful about it, it will just spread everywhere and cause pain to everything in most forests.
  24. Relvis Fresley Basic Information Nicknames: Relvis Age: 35 Gender: Male Race: Highlander Status: Single Description Height: 6'0 Weight: 180lbs Body Type: Well Built Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Skin: White Markings/Tattoos: N/A Health: Well Personality: "The Wanderer" Inventory: His trusty songbook, and his lovely voice Further Details: Life Style Alignment: Good Deity: ((Hippie god)) N/A Religion: ((Hippie mayn)) N/A Alliance/Nation/Home: N/A Job/Class: Bard, Musician, Actor, Singer Title(s): "The Handsome Songbird" Profession(s): Singing, Dancing, ((Broadway LOTC version)) Special Skill(s): He's an incredibly good dancer and a chic magnet Flaw(s): He's unfaithful, and tends not to keep one woman for a long time Magic: His Voice (N/A) Weaponry Fighting Style: Talking it over Trained Weapon: Singing, Favored Weapon: Voice Archery: Projecting his voice Biography Parents: Bob Fresley and Jill Fresley (died of old age) Siblings: N/A Children: N/A yet Extended Family: Grandma Jone and Grandpa Cole (died of old age) Pet(s): N/A History: Growing up as a young boy in Petrus he always enjoyed listening to the birds sing, and singing himself. Everyone loved to hear him singing at the inn on the saturdays, and made an early career of it. There was a majority of ladies at his performances, swooning and screaming. When he was 20 he decided to leave and extablish a life of his own out in the world, singing at whatever place he can. He hopes to be a world renowned singer AT good or bad?
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