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Everything posted by Wrynn

  1. Anyone else having trouble posting on forums :/ Seems to say "Saving Post" forever for me when I try to respond to a forum.

    1. Nolan_


      Did it for me earlier but only the once

  2. A group of farmers, tilling the land for their own gain wish to sell to all of Vailor's citizens. Our manor and farms can be found beside the Dwarven Capital, by taking a left at the Dwarven Fast-travel boat. We wish to sell to all races, and welcome all new trade. Our Prices (Per 1): Hay: 0.3mina Carrot: 0.1mina Wheat:0.15mina Potato: 1mina Sugarcane: 0.2mina You can buy our produce by speaking to: Dejal Greenthumb (Pugosauraus) Poe Greenthumb (Wrynn)
  3. Is there any lore approved way that I can get a teleporter, like the one within the Mage's Guild entrance?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      Since when can we teleport living things.

    3. meg


      I feel like it's a rasmot thing and rasmot is a (Now dead I think) obscenely powerful mage. Who makes for cool event items and **** leftover that normal players can't make.

    4. Alakabam


      Woo locked magic types :')

  4. Hello, as the last living member of the Praedium family, it has been opened to me that my landmass will no longer stay alight under my control. I am auctioning both of the regions that House Praedium owns. (n_lushvalley1 , n_lushvalley2) Each plot will have a starting bid of 20,000 Mina Both plots are very large and also connect to the main road, even touching the main road. The auction will last 48 hours and includes everything upon the plot at time of purchase. The Praedium family wishes you happy bidding! If you are placing a bid, please state which region you are bidding on and how much your bid is worth. -Pinocchio Praedium.
  5. The auction has ended! Stigwig winning the auction with a bid of 15,000 mina.
  6. The plot's bidding starts at 15,000 Mina. No bids lower than this shall be counted.
  7. Main Road Tavern Plot for sale. Hello fellow Atherians, today House Praedium would like to start the bidding of a plot, situated upon the main road, which has a pre-existing tavern upon it's land. It is a sizable plot and takes around 3 people to manage, which could be converted into a very nice, and luxurious home. House Praedium would like to start to bidding of this mansion at: 15,000 Minas and the auction will last a total of 24 hours. We hope to see many bids on this plot, as it is truly a wonderful plot, however it is not needed by the House Praedium any longer. Here is a photo of the plot in all of it's glory; \We here at the Prae Family wish you happy bidding!/
  8. Is TeKTek Dead?

    1. HuskyPuppy


      Indeed. Gaia online gave them the banhammer

    2. Wrynn


      I cry, I did not get the chance to create an avatar before their dissolution. Now i'm stuck with shitty female characters with limited clothing options on Gaia OnLINE

    3. Birdwhisperer


      It got a cease and desist order.

      Here's some alternate sites: http://www.dolldivine.com/


  9. Looking for a Water Evocationist teacher ^^

  10. Looking for a Water Evocationist teacher ^^

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