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Status Updates posted by jjujack

  1. https://imgur.com/a/waPSF  if you want proof that creete said that there you go. This is horrible that the staff keeps making up excuses for their favoritism. This is idiotic. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jjujack


      Tavern, we had a decent cavalry too, and either way the idea that they said "We won't have horses" but then all of a sudden there was one horse left because the coalition had to kill off all of theirs too. (We also never got a refund with diamond armor like oren did. Our Cavalry only had Chain. ) But the point is that they had a rule but didn't enforce it and one mods reason was because it would only be fair. 

    3. monkeypoacher


      it wasn't a rule that no horses were allowed, the server actually bugged out and killed the horses.

    4. jjujack


      In the server it said "No horses." and a bit of other text making it so that they weren't allowed anymore. 


  3. I am back ******* Whoot, lets get ready for some hate

    1. Stolos
    2. GloriaPreussens
    3. jjujack


      I am the worst player there possibly is man

  4. Look at that man over there.

    Look how he is racist to people with towels covering

  5. Well now my home is destroyed along with my animals my belongings and half my richs because people cant work around my home for the warzone..... ****

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sneLf


      Well good luck to you on finding new things

    3. Mrlollytime


      Come to Sutica, where we always have new things!

    4. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      "War never changes."                                                                                                                                                  -Ethan the epic

  6. When a mod says "No horse" it means no horses except for one to oren. Reasoning I got from Creete "You outnumbered them so we let it be." That is unfair that is blatant favoritism. SAD!

    1. rukio


      :thinking: That's so very very sad

  7. Who do I ship together? My boat and I. Yeeeettt yeeeettt. I am a pirate

  8. well tents at docks are the new meta if you need help ask me Tents are OP 

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