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Posts posted by 6xdestroyer



    The Braduk Clan

    "Ghash Nagraufom" - "The fire rises"

    -Credit to Samoblivion for OP

    -Credit to AmKrules for scroll artwork and formatting


    Easier to Read version: https://imgur.com/a/G5tWj






    Forum Formatted Version:



    The Braduk Clan

    "Ghash Nagraufom" - "The fire rises"

    -Credit to Samoblivion for the original post



    The name of the Braduk clan is one steeped in blood and brutality. Legend tells of the grim, dark giants of the Orcish race, their judgement swift and mercy fleeting. Brothers and sisters beyond blood and oath, theirs is a bond etched with fire upon the iron of their souls, a bond shared with their steeds, the mighty rhinos whose calls are as thunder in the night.


    Founded centuries before many of the modern clans of the current Orc society, the Braduk clan was founded in Aegis by Baderkuk, first son of Braduk. Braduk was a famed a heroic orc who saved thousands of orcs after the legendary Clash of Clans war and founded the city state of Kenuk, which is widely regarded as one of the greatest Orcish settlements of its time. In that time of history and legend the Braduks tamed and befriended the intelligent rhinos of the deserts, hulking beasts of vast difference in size and ability with sword-sharp horns and armour-thick skin.


    From their place of birth the Braduks have cut a bloody path throughout Orcish history, their story one of rises to greatness and falls into apathy. Great Wargoths of the clan whose names sing out across the ages, Mokrag, the Blood Talon, of Asulon, Ghazkull of Anthos, Kahn, the Iron Rhino, of Vailor, led the clan into greatness only to see their legacies washed away in less than a generation. What once were a nation unto themselves are now few, their pureblooded kind on the verge of extinction.


    To break the endless cycle of glory and damnation, great sacrifices have been made, traditions once thought inviolable have been bent and broken to save the greater good of the clan. On the throne of Wargoth sits the fe-orc Lukra, not born of the clan and not the largest or greatest of its warriors. She was mate to Kahn and mother to the Wargoth Mok’han, and lived to see the downfall of both. Unwilling to see the death of the Braduk name, she has taken charge of the scattered remnants and led them forth into this new world. Now, loyal soldiers of Braduk and brothers thought long lost band together - forged in the crucible of adversity like the iron in their hearts.


    As the Braduks found themselves once more in darkness, when the nation of the Orcs, the War Uzg, was no more, shattered by the tides of humanity and its elven chattels. Orckind having been blown to the winds in a legendary exodus. Days of the revered past have come again - forced to be refugees and outcasts, flung from apathy and division by the brutalities of total war. Many feared this time, but not the Braduks. History was repeating itself. As was foretold in the ancient histories, the Braduks found a new home for themselves to shelter and rebuild, to preserve and recover.


    Now, a time of great chaos has begun to descend upon Axios, a great war rising upon the horizon. It is time for the return of the powerful clan. History repeats itself, it is time to look toward the ancient histories and reflect on what once was and what shall soon be. It is time for the blood of old enemies to seep into the sands of the shrines in brutal sacrifices. The time of rhinos and darkness has come,  Braduk rises.








    Most of the Orcs in Axios who name themselves Braduk are not descended from the venerable lineages of that mightiest of lords, for those lines have been sorely thinned by the cycles of attrition and desertion. Due to necessity, the ranks of leadership have been more open to non-pureblood Braduks than ever in the past – no more prevalent is this than with the previous  Wargoth, Lukra’Braduk, holding the rank that was once only held by those of Braduk blood.


    ‘Bloodline’ or ‘pureblood’ Braduks – the massive, 8-10ft tall dark green skinned descendants of the legendary Braduk, mixed with the blood of the intelligent Olog hero Kudo who cuckolded Baderkuk – are now few and far between in civilised Orcish society. It was thought that the only living pure Braduks were the children of Kahn, of the ancient Orgrim line, and the rest were assumed missing or dead. But with the death of Mok’han and the disappearance of his brother Durakhan it was thought that, with the rest so scattered, the bloodline would be lost forever. However, with the return of Jolagh’Braduk from a long exodus, hope has returned that the other wandering Braduks may someday return or perhaps a new generation of Braduk family cubs may be born.





    Wargoth: Orgoth’Braduk (Soulstrung)

    The title of Wargoth is the overall leader of the clan. His word is final, and he has the ability to veto any and all propositions put forward by the clan. Traditionally the biggest and strongest orc in the clan, and also traditionally reserved for those with Braduk blood, this was returned after the challenging of Lukra.



    Clan Father: Kahn’Braduk (the1bow)

    Elders are orcs whom have been apart of the clan for some time and show great knowledge and wisdom of its history. They act as guides and mentors to the younger orcs. The Clan Father however, is the leading lorekeeper, trial giver, and Rhino gifter of the clan, having say near equal to that of Wargoth, his advice is almost always heeded.



    Clan Laws


    I. The clan comes before everything else, including you.

    II. Every Braduk is a sworn brother and sister of eachother, and you are to lay your lives down for them when called upon.

    III. Do not forget those who have wronged us.

    IV. Do not forget those who have aided us.

    V. If you slay, rob or betray your brothers and sisters, you will be terminated.

    VI. Do not put personal wealth, political gain and power or anything else above the clan.

    VII. Do not disobey your superiors.

    VIII. Do not challenge your superiors without proper cause.

    IX. We remember the Iron Rhino, show Iron will and Iron strength.

    X. Follow Krugs code to your death.






    • Ponytails- A Braduk, regardless of their preferred hairstyle, will usually grow out a long ponytail from the crown of their head down, braided or bound with leather or blue cloth. The ponytail is only to be cut off in the event of humiliating defeat. Braduk males popularly shave all of their head aside from the ponytail - with females there is more variation, but a common style is having an undercut beneath the ponytail.


    • History Keeping- Unlike most clans, whose histories are purely oral, the Braduks also make a habit of creating written records of their clan legends on large, word-covered leather skins that are also adorned with illustrations. As a result the Braduk histories are far more detailed and well-remembered than those of other clans, dating back to their founding in distant Aegis. (Examples can be found below in the lore section). These histories are also important in determining how best to follow the third and fourth clan laws.


    • Initiation- If a clanless Orc wishes to join the Braduks, they must be complete numerous initiation tests.  These tests can vary from obstacle courses, to riddles, but usually include a klomp with an Elder of the clan (which they usually do not win). These tests are not about if the Uruk completes the tests, but the way they complete the tests, which will later be looked over by the other Elders of the clan. If all aspects are pleasing and show good qualities in the Orc, they will be sworn into the clan by the Wargoth.


    • The Initiation Verse- The Wargoth asks the the Orc to hold out his klomping hand, beginning to say the verse. He then places a cloth in the Orc's outstretched hand, lighting it with a flint and steel. At the end of the verse, the Chieftain sprinkles a small bit of 'Braduk zand' into the fire, which causes it to flare up, turn purple, then die down. At the end, something similar to "Welkum tu da Bradukz bruddah." is usually said by all attending. "Da Bradukz am awl bruddahz am ziztahs, iv nub bai blud, den bai hart. Ib latz behtrae latz bruddahz, latz zuwl, agh da zuwl ob awl latz kubbehz wil buhrn en da Nefah liyk da kluwf duz en latz hand."


    • Choosing Ceremony- At the age of six, or when a recruit joins the clan, a Braduk must receive his or her Braduk rhino. A bond must be cemented, for they are as much a brother as an orc. The tradition goes as follows, the orc will enter the rhino pen where many unbonded rhinos are residing. Then, a rhino must take interest in the orc. They cannot be forced. Once a rhino has found interest in the orc, the two will engage in a klomp, a show of strength. If the orc can successfully mount the rhino, he will go on to name it. From then until their deaths, the two will be bonded.


    • Carrying of the Golok- During the choosing ceremony, a new Braduk is thrown a short ceremonial machete with which they cut a ‘Z’ shaped mark into their rhino’s cheek - the rhino creates the same mark on the Braduk with its razor sharp horn. Thereafter the Braduk will carry the machete with them for everyday use and possibly in combat (although it would be inferior to most battle-purposed weaponry), generally worn strapped to the belt or small of the back horizontally in its sheath. Should the terrible day come where the Braduk is guilty of an incredibly severe dishonour he or she will be expected to perform the punishment of Uihnce with it, as detailed below.


    • Giving out of the Rudis- A Rudis is a short wooden sword earned by an orc of the Braduk clan once they have achieved a great and glory filled deed. Whether it be an immense service to the clan, the slaying of a beast or taking many lives in a battle, an orc will be given this wooden sword by the Wargoth, who would have inscribed the story of as to why it has be earned, on the blade.






    Like most Orcs, the Braduks hold fast to their belief in the Spirits and their interaction in the mortal plane. Chief amongst their worship is that of Enrohk, spirit of war, blood and murder. Braduks have served him well over the centuries as well and their clan words make up the latter half of the standard phrase spoken to invoke Enrohk's interest when sacrificing in his name. The last Chosen of Enrohk was Kahn'Braduk, mighty Rex and wargoth in Athera. The greatsword of Kahn, War Maker, is blessed by Enrohk and remains in the clan's possession.


    Moreso than most other clans the Braduks engage in ancestor worship. This is for both famed figures from their history, especially their namesake Braduk and his son Baderkuk, founder of the clan, and general reverence of past Braduks of any rank in order to honour their memory and draw on the strength of the honoured Braduks in Stargush'Stroh, the Orcish afterlife believed to exist at the zenith of the Spiritual Plane. Shrines to all Braduk ancestors are commonly erected by Braduks, as are memorial caves which depict the names of deceased Braduks remembered in their histories as well as those who have more recently joined the honoured dead.


    When a Braduk dies their material remains are cremated on a pyre and scattered, although certain figures who attained legendary status amongst the clan in life have been known to have their burned bones placed in large stone urns and interred in elaborate tombs.






    • Blood Talon Celebration- A day to honour the glorious and honourable Mokrag'Braduk, known as the Blood Talon, the greatest Braduk to ever have lived. His life, his deeds and ultimately his sacrifice is the reason why the Braduk clan exists to this day, and he is honoured in an annual festival. ((First weekend (fri/sat/sun) of the IRL month)).


    • Kenuk Feast- A day of feasting and drink, celebrating the end of the “Village Wars” between feuding arms of Braduk’s family and the start of peace. Various competitions testing strength and dexterity will be held throughout the day, prizes varying from the mediocre to the more valuable.((Second weekend (fri/sat/sun) of the IRL month)).


    • Zpidhammah Day- Named after the weapon Braduk used in the Village Wars, Zpidhammah day is a celebration of the founder of the Braduk clan; his life, and his death in battle immortalized in the somewhat joyous occasion. On this day, klomps will be held, feasts will be had, and many stories of times long past will be shared to the cubs from the knowledgeable Elders. ((Third weekend (fri/sat/sun) of the IRL month)).







    All punishments can be issued at the discretion of the Wargoth.


    • Blood Taloning: Named for the favoured execution method of the acclaimed Braduk wargoth Mokrag’Braduk, the offender will be placed on their knees with their arms restrained in a stretched out 'T' position. Their back will then be sliced open, created a large wound. The offenders ribs will individually be broken, before the lungs removed from the body, being strapped to the shoulder blades to form makeshift wings. The cause of death-suffocation.


    • Decimation: If any given party of orcs disobeys their superiors in combat or in a given task, the ancient act of decimation will be carried out. The group of orcs will be lined up, and usually every tenth orc will be chosen, and beaten to death with clubs by the other orcs. However, if the number is too few or simply one orc, the clan as a whole will engage in the killing. Due to the low numbers of the clan it has been well over a century since this act has been carried out.


    • Flaying: As the title suggests, the offender will be flayed either lethally or non-lethally depending on the severity of the offence.


    • Crucifixion: The offending offender will be nailed through his wrist arteries and Achilles heels to planks of wood in the shape of a cross, and left to starve or bleed out. Only when the body has completely rotted may it be taken down.


    • Skrote'n: A punishment reserved for males who bare no children, should they commit a great offence against the Braduks, they will have their testicles cut off so that they, subsequently cannot breed.


    • Uihnce: An ancient Braduk punishment, given out for only the most heinous of crimes. The orc, in full view of the clan must take an ancient Braduk weapon, a machete type blade known as a Golok, drive it into his stomach and slice it open, allowing his innards to spill out, therefore committing suicide.


    OOC Intro:


    The Braduks are a clan with one of the most extensive lores out of all of them, most of it the work clan alums ilikefooddude, MakkaP, the1bow, samoblivion and the late Higgsy written in a longform epic style.


    Although in the past we were seen as a primarily AUS clan to promote RP at Oceanic friendly times, nowadays the clan membership is more varied with members in the EST timezones. Our active times conform with standard server peaks in the GMT/EST/PST regions.


    Braduk RP can be a little more insular and focussed than other clans, but that does not mean we’re closed off by any means. Although the clan comes above all in Braduk culture, the clan is currently highly engaged and influential in the current Orcish playerbase.




    Clan Lore Threads


    Overview of the clan history:



    History of the wars of the clan:



    Lore of the Braduk Rhinos:



    Overview of pureblooded Braduks:



    Previous Braduk thread including information on specific bloodlines:




    Recruitment Information:


    Considering joining the clan? You can join in one of three ways:


    • Approach the clan on your current character and ask to join. You will be tested, and if found worthy will be inducted into the ranks.

    • Create a new character that is a returning Braduk (either pure or normal). You can either have your character be a Braduk who was previously in the clan, or the (possibly adult) child of one or two of them born outside the clan. After testing for traits of cowardice and divergent behaviour, your character will be re-inducted.

    • Be born into the clan. Start from childhood and work your way up.


    To join, approach us in game or post here. Alternatively, message me here on the forums.


  2. [!] Posters are scattered about.

    *An angry message is scribbled as a pre-amble*


    "Latz gib our kubz tu undead zkah at Debirad, zo wi tayke latz kubz. Zkah'in twiggiez."

    Znaga fur zale.

    Dezendent ub Artimec Caerme'onn

    Peepz lyke Hozh workur. 

    Biddin ztardz at 1000 minaz. Itemz alzo accepted.

    Zend bidz tu da Goi.


    *A crude sketch is drawn below*



  3. Name of the club: Jewish Club


    What type of club is it? (Public, Private):  Private


    What is the theme of this club? (Politics, group, etc.): Judaism, pretty simple


    Why should this club be created? What is the purpose of this club? Does it add something not already fulfilled by an existing club?:  Because it was created but some anti-semitic FM removed it, and if it is not returned / this is denied, there will be a lawsuit. 


    Who will moderate this club?: Myself, KBR


    Do you understand that failure to moderate your own club to their respective rules can result in FM interventions?: Yes


    Are there any exemptions to the rules that you would like, if so why? (N/A if open club or none needed.): No.

  4. [!] Posters are hung throughout the lands of man, elf, and dwarf.


    The Moaning Maid Inn

    Let our fires warm your body, our ales your soul, and our women your… hearts




    The Moaning Maid Inn is now open and ready for business. The Tavern is located under the watch of the Norlandic nation, on what is commonly referred to as ‘The Krag.’ Be you a traveler, missionary, order-man, fighter, or just simply seeking good ale and better company, come pay us a visit. Be noted, we do not serve undead…. unless they pay well.



    [!] Crude notes are scribbled below with directions!


    1. Take Norland Cart from Tahn Hub (Black and White Cart)

    2. Go into the city and take a right

    3. Follow the street to the Ash circle

    4. We are located opposite the great hall!



    The Inn offers rooms for a flat fee of 20 minas per night. Tenants are subject to eviction should they commit crimes however.



    The Moaning Maid Inn is currently HIRING bartenders and brewers of all drinks. If you are interested in a job, contact Andrei. VERY good money involved!


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

    Dreylan / John Williams


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    The Striga, also referred to as 'the children of the unseen' are creatures seeming, by appearance in bestial form, to have hailed from nightmares themselves. When in their non-bestial state, they can, while a bit paler, look and act relatively similarly to their pre-transformed state, as well as even possibly being more susceptible to emotion then they'd previously been. Though able to act and appear relatively the same as before they were transformed, the Striga is blessed with greater strength and movement, and is even able to heal far faster than its previously mortal self. Though not immortal themselves, the Striga has a lifespan of nearly four-thousand years, making it seem undead in many aspects to its kin with lesser long lives. Whenever a Striga is either hunting or being hunted, it can shape-shift into its more crude and nightmarish form, during which the face of the creature bears a pale, demonic like resemblance, with razor-sharp claws growing from its hands. This demonic form being the price paid for such unfettered power, as the Striga do not hunt for sport, but out of the necessity of drinking the liquid that is pumped through the veins of their mortal counterparts.


    This thurst for blood is but one of the curses placed upon the Striga for their unending lives. The Striga are also blighted by a severe intolerance to gold and silver,  their ability to heal wounds being greatly if not totally diminished when being cut or punctured by these two alloys. Thus, as is common with most of the creatures of Iblees, the Striga are also susceptible to holy magics, causing results similar to that of gold or silver. Shots or trauma to the head region is also another weakness of the creature, causing it to almost instantly collapse.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:





    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



  6. Student Application format:

    Format your title as follows: [Type of Magic] [MA] MC or RP name


    MC Name: 6xdestroyer


    Character's Name: Andrei


    Character's Age: 32


    Character's Race: Human


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Transfiguration


    Teacher's MC Name: Kashmerekat


    Teacher's RP Name: Kypris'dionne


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Of course


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  7. Student Application format:

    Format your title as follows: [Type of Magic] [MA] MC or RP name


    MC Name: 6xdestroyer


    Character's Name: Andrei


    Character's Age: 32


    Character's Race: Human


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Conjuration


    Teacher's MC Name: Devdog_


    Teacher's RP Name: Lenniel


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  8. [!] Posters are hung throughout the lands of man, elf, and dwarf.


    Flame’s Flicker Inn

    “Let our fires warm your body and our ales your soul.”




    The Flame’s Flicker Inn is now open and ready for business. The Tavern is located under the watch of the Teutonic Order, on what is commonly referred to as ‘The Rock.’ Be you a traveler, missionary, order-man, fighter, or just simply seeking good ale and better company, come pay us a visit. Be noted, we do not serve undead.



    [!] A crude sketch is drawn below with directions!


    1. Take 'The Rock' Cart from Tahn Hub (Black and White Cart)

    2. Take the Ferry

    3. Take the elevator

    4. Go forwards




    The Inn offers rooms for a flat fee of 30 minas per night. Tenants are subject to eviction should they commit crimes however.



    The Flame’s Flicker Inn is currently NOT HIRING bartenders and brewers of all drinks. If you are interested in a job, contact Andrei. VERY good money involved!


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