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  1. can anyone explain to me why the staff are redoing war rules for the 9999th time in the middle of a war? Why cant it wait till the war is over for christ sake, now its gonna take upwards of week for the staff to get the rules written up and approved. I dont want this stupid war to go on through the summer for **** sake.

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      To be fair to staff, which is rare due to the fact that rightly they are pointed out for incompetence. Sometimes rules need adapting to changing times, like any system. I’m honestly not invested in the wars going on right now so I haven’t given the current rules a good read, but from what I know from the CB rules is that they’re very human-centric and need heavy rework to fit with the other races. Since things like “Blood/Marriage” Claims are entwined for human nobility, but not so much for Dwarves, Orcs, Elves etc.

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