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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by Kilig

  1. Iblees is bae

    1. Kilig


      I really can't even load all the comments for some reason but in closing I would like to add that Dancie Dance is the babe of all babes.

    2. (See 92 other replies to this status update)

  2. Iblees is bae

    1. Kilig


      Rammer Adriana will not be a floozy.. shut your bish mouth

    2. (See 92 other replies to this status update)

  3. Iblees is bae

    1. Kilig


      LOL its true doe. No one can see Adriana lol

    2. (See 92 other replies to this status update)

  4. Iblees is bae

    1. Kilig


      Clegg. Did you disown me or the Dumanis babes?

    2. (See 92 other replies to this status update)

  5. Iblees is bae

    1. Kilig



    2. (See 92 other replies to this status update)

  6. Favorite Leonardo DiCaprio film, go.

  7. Iblees is bae

    1. Kilig


      I seriously love you all.


      clegg dont lock me up... nuuuuu I need to see my babe!

    2. (See 92 other replies to this status update)

  8. Oh i guess i have to quit LOTC now. Bye everyone!

  9. Oh i guess i have to quit LOTC now. Bye everyone!

  10. Standing strong as the waves roll over.

  11. Standing strong as the waves roll over.

  12. I'm in the deep end. Cannon ball jump.

  13. uhhh i tried using the forums with firefox and it says this site is an untrusted connection hello? what to do?

  14. My profile pic alone makes me look like staff. So make me actual staff. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/138887-etactor-parkins-event-team-application/

  15. My profile pic alone makes me look like staff. So make me actual staff. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/138887-etactor-parkins-event-team-application/

  16. Can't seem to let you go. Can't seem to hold you close.

  17. Can't seem to let you go. Can't seem to hold you close.

  18. Can't seem to let you go. Can't seem to hold you close.

  19. *cries* i finally figured out how to be able to write on the website again and now all my witty christmas post ideas can't be used

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