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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by Kilig

  1. What are the best profession combos?

  2. yo any1 play league on na?

  3. Costume party in a week w/ no theme.Β Gimme suggestions rp community

  4. I deserve an award! I went a whole weekend without playing LOTC :o


  5. Anyone ever tried to make factories and encourage child labour on this?

  6. When I redeem the keys I've been saving and getΒ allΒ items.


  7. Just a small notice: I receive daily anywhere between 5-10 PM's over the forums, I suggest trying to speak your issues with a GM as I commonly do not get back to people.

  8. Good fight, no lag, died early though sadly :(

  9. DDoSing admins prank (gone wrong!) (ddosed myself!) (gone SEXUAL!!!!!!!!!!)

  10. We only said goodbye with words

  11. Don't know who has perms to edit the description for the voting websites, but these could all be updated. One of the links says we're still in Asulon.

  12. Now i've done it. . .

  13. I'm not sure if I am pleased or displeased with the recent interventionist attitude of the staff.

  14. Not having any luck finding friends for my Amber character.Β Is every child in Oren a noble lolΒ 


  15. I leave home today, and I ship out tomorrow morning!

  16. Not having any luck finding friends for my Amber character.Β Is every child in Oren a noble lolΒ 


  17. I leave home today, and I ship out tomorrow morning!

  18. I leave home today, and I ship out tomorrow morning!

  19. Not having any luck finding friends for my Amber character.Β Is every child in Oren a noble lolΒ 


  20. Being half sioux and half german always complicates things on days like these.

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