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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by Kilig

  1. I miss having a child character & I enjoy family rp so... hit me up if you are looking for a daughter. kthnx.

  2. Mulan is the best Disney Movie. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

  3. I find high elves and curious people easy to hunt and eat alive with my ghoul :] also humans

  4. Is there something I can murder nearby? I'm about five seconds from snapping someones neck. Anyone wanna volunteer?

  5. it's a little funny how shocked some people can be when they find out that you're still playing your characters even after they lose their nobility and become a pleb lol I'm guessing people usually pk?

  6. Brennyn is now Brennyn Denaseth. The proud daughter of Amethu.. from Jeddo to Al'ab (: 

  7. It's my birthday apparently. 

  8. Recommend texturepacks, Go.

  9. In this life don't you ever stress the could haves.
    Baby, if it should have, it would have.

  10. How are y'all doing today?


  11. People should refrain from making applications with the old ''Shady people killed my parents'' cliche. Infact, they shouldn't mention their parents but simply where they came from. Furthermore, they should try to make a peasent character with a normal profession instead of the bandit and thief cliches we see all the time. We should be harsher on applicants overall.

  12. Been back for a few minutes after being gone for a few months and I got my first warning point! Great! Hahahahahaha I've missed you, LotC! :D

  13. I just realized... My profile pic is tiny with this new forum update on posts..

    Revert back to old forums or im rioting with spam

  14. LissassiLL is not me. I don't know who it is or why they are impersonating my chars and such. Just ignore them and sorry to people that have been talking to them thinking its me. 


  16. That moment when you see your fish jump out of the aquarium and he is to slipery to catch ;-; R.I.P catfish

  17. Way too early and way too cold. I quit you life and I'm staying in my blankets today

  18. Id marry alcohol 

  19. You and I were meant for something better. 

  20. You and I were meant for something better. 

  21. You and I were meant for something better. 

  22. Someone is impersonating Brennyn and even went as far as to create an IGN similar to mine. lol


    loser lol


  23. Someone is impersonating Brennyn and even went as far as to create an IGN similar to mine. lol


    loser lol


  24. Someone is impersonating Brennyn and even went as far as to create an IGN similar to mine. lol


    loser lol


  25. Someone is impersonating Brennyn and even went as far as to create an IGN similar to mine. lol


    loser lol


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