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Posts posted by Johann




    Muriel Uradir winces at Kelthran’s nomination, a relief following thereafter as a content smile drew across his expression.


    “As much as I am honoured by your nomination of myself for the position, malaurir Maehr’indor, my work lies elsewhere, as Elmaheral has stated.


    Perhaps a nomination for the future, but at the present, my duties are invested.


    Maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.”


    Muriel Uradir steps up to the dias soundlessly, the tapping of his staff being the only sound that defied the silence of the Citadel. With cautious eyes, the elf gazes about the assemblage, though his demeanor was variegated with a knowing smirk which contrasted the characteristic vacancy of his eyes. Hands clasped behind his back, the Uradir proudly began to address accordingly.


    “Mali’thill, we are all aware of the purpose of this gathering.”


    The elf pauses briefly, eyes flickering as he observed the crowd 


    “With nominations for elheial’thilln complete, a final position has yet to announced for our blessed governance.


    The Sohaer, our ruler through teachings – one who is responsible for the political leadership of Haelun’or in unison with the Silver Council – shall now be open to nominations.”


    Following the statement, Muriel huffs as he prepared to deliver his final proclamation, thereafter flicking his staff with a sweeping motion towards the audience of elves, announcing sternly.




    Those that wish to nominate themselves for the position of Sohaer, step forth and proclaim your competence!


    Let the elves of Silver know of your capability to lead our blessed nation, preserve the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya and maintain tradition and Silver.


    Let speeches be delivered, debate be had.


    Maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.




    For further clarification on the duties of the Sohaer, refer to constitution linked as follows:




    OOC notice: The thread will be open for 48 hours before elections for the position officially open. Responses to this post should be limited to SPEECHES for nominations or questions for candidates, with text preceded by your character posed for roleplay immersion. Use https://minecraft.novaskin.me/ to pose your skin




    With a singular nod, Muriel acknowledges Elathion’s closing address, the crowd once more regressing to numerous hushed murmurs as a period of silence followed as the Uradir paced about the dias. After a few moments he taps an end of his staff against the quartz pavement of the citadel, producing a sonorous, but brief resonance that restored the silence of the Citadel.


    “Order, order, order.


    I surmise it is all evident to those well read, what position is to be debated after those that came before. We have at last come to the final position in the Silver Council to be formally announced for nomination.


    Okarir’maehr. The Guardian of Knowledge, whose duties now also encompass that of Elokarir’indor, overseeing both the pursuit of knowledge in the Eternal College and the preservation of knowledge in the Eternal Library.”


    The elf pauses briefly, motioning to the crowd with a wave of his staff, clearing his voice to proclaim:


    “Let speeches for nomination be delivered. Let debate be had regarding these nominations.


    Maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.”





    For further clarification on the duties of the Okarir’maehr, refer to constitution linked as follows:




    OOC notice: The thread will be open for 48 hours before elections for the position officially open. Responses to this post should be limited to SPEECHES for nominations or questions for candidates, with text preceded by your character posed for roleplay immersion. Use https://minecraft.novaskin.me/ to pose your skin





    Proceeding the nominations for Okarir’hiylun, Muriel looks upon the crowd once more with a stoic expression, nodding to the final contender as they took their seat, the debate coming to a close. With a resounding intonation, the moderator utters yet another proclamation to the elves seated in the chamber, continuing the planned progression of the occasion. 


    “With the conclusion of one debate, comes another for the sake of progress.


    Our next session shall be that in nomination for the position of Elokarir’nor, the guardian of the Land, whose duties now encompass that of Elokarir’leyun and Elokarir’akaln.”


    The Uradir abruptly pauses oncemore, watchful eyes panning across the crowd to discern potential candidates.


    “Thus, those that wish to nominate themselves for the position of Okarir’nor, you may now deliver speeches regarding your competence for the position. Naturally, any that wishes to debate the nominee on their policies shall do so at their leisure.”





    For further clarification on the duties of the Okarir’nor, refer to constitution linked as follows:




    OOC notice: The thread will be open for 48 hours before elections for the position officially open. Responses to this post should be limited to SPEECHES for nominations or questions for candidates, with text preceded by your character posed for roleplay immersion. Use https://minecraft.novaskin.me/ to pose your skin.





    Muriel ascends the dias of the Silver Citadel once more as he had the previous day, an impassive demeanor retained with the light steps he took upwards. His eyes occasionally flicker about the gathering, observing those present in a prolonged silence before beginning to speak.


    “Mali’thill of Haelun’or. 


    You have been congregated again for yet another instance of the democratic process, whereupon a position in Elheial'thilln shall be announced for election.


    As per the constitution of the new republic, the positions Okarir'mali and Okarir'tayna have been rendered obselete, with Elokarir'hiylun encompassing the duties of both.”


    The Uradir pauses abruptly, inspecting the expressions of the crowd before him before continuing with a raised monotone.


    I call upon the pure mali'thill that wish to nominate themselves for this position to step forth and declare your candidacy to the people. Let it be known you are the optimal choice for maehr'sae hiylun'ehya to be preserved by the Silver State."





    For further clarification on the duties of the Okarir’hiylun, refer to constitution linked as follows:




    OOC notice: The thread will be open for 48 hours before elections for the position officially open. Responses to this post should be limited to SPEECHES for nominations or questions for candidates, with text preceded by your character posed for roleplay immersion. Use https://minecraft.novaskin.me/ to pose your skin





    Standing upon the barren floor that once defined the silver throne, an ostentatious symbol of the now fallen autocracy, Muriel Uradir blankly stood before the assemblage of his peers, arms clasped behind his back as the fabric of his robes rippled as he began to stride, henceforth presenting his proclamation.


    Mali’thill of Haelun’or. 


    With the autocracy dead and the republic restored, we now stand at the precipice of a new era - one defined by a return to Tradition and Silver, a government for the people. As is customary of the ways of old, all positions in the Silver Council and sohaership are to be open to election by the people, in consequence to a shift in governance. 


    Thus, you have been congregated on this blessed day to witness debate, a cornerstone of the democratic process, a debate to gauge the worthiness of candidates for a position on the Silver Council.”


    Muriel pauses, watchful eyes surveying the gathering of elves, procuring an extended period of tense silence before clearing his throat to continue, a sweeping motion made with his staff towards the crowd, his tone now accentuated by an unmistakable conviction.


    “All Mali’thill that wish to nominate themselves for the position of Okarir’tir, step forth and proclaim your candidacy.


    Let the citizens know of your competence.”




    For further clarification on the duties of the Okarir’tir, refer to constitution linked as follows:




    OOC notice: The thread will be open for 48 hours before elections for the position officially open. Responses to this post should be limited to SPEECHES for nominations or questions for candidates, with text preceded by your character posed for roleplay immersion. Use https://minecraft.novaskin.me/ to pose your skin


  7. ”Our blessed nation is distraught in these bleak times, our traditions tainted by those that claim power for the sake of power.”, an Uradir mutters in his chambers, reading the missive with nods, “A restoration of Tradition and Silver truly is warranted, for elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya and for preserving the sanctity of our blessed people.”


    “Ay’Haelun’or, Ay’Thilln, Ay’maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.”






    A missive on contemporary affairs, for the reinstation of unity and purity within Haelun’or.

    Issued on the 16th of the Grand Harvest, 1770



    There is a word in the ancient Elven tongue, one that describes a necessity for Elcihi’thilln yet what seems to be in scarcity - lomine, solidarity. There is an agreement of the ultimate threat that looms the sanctity of the Silver State, the impurity in those that conspired against the Malaurir Azorella Elibar’acal. Concurrently, there too exists a lack of acknowledgement of what is required for proper progress to be made in this regard, the need for unity amongst our people. 


    Debate is the foundation of Mali’thill society, yet it must be distinguished from the detrimental division that stifles the progress of our people.


    Mali’thill need not polarise themselves through contrasting narratives, or cultivate needless distrust through spiteful rhetoric. Such is not the way of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, for no progress or health shall come or ever come with the persistence of these scourges. The proliferation of selective ignorance only breeds illogicity and exacerbates conflict.


    On the contrary, we must render ourselves impartial to the vices of malice and resent, ensuring our minds are ever set on seeing to the deliverance of justice to those guilty of killing our Maheral. It is imperative that logic is preserved, along with an unswerving fealty to Larihei’s ideals, with the blessed guidance of Maheral Acaele Lazul and Elsohaer Alaion Miravaris.




    We must see to the decimation of impurity within our blessed silver bastion,


    We must quell dissent and embrace unity amongst our citizens,


    We must stand under Elmaheral as one and walk the path to normalcy.


    After all, mali’thill…


    The Maheral simply is.


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, 

    Muriel Uradir

  9. Muriel Uradir blankly looks upon the aftermath of a trial, witnessing the execution of an impure councilor with a composed demeanor, letting out a sigh of relief following his deserved demise.


    “A new age dawns our blessed nation, the impure shall be purged and tradition shall be restored in Larihei’s bastion.”




    “This is the will of the people, the consequence of impure murder against the most blessed. Let Haelun’or prosper in the days to come.”







    An Open Letter to the Blessed Maheral, regarding a recent fallacy.

    Issued this 14th of the Deep Cold, 1766


    To the Blessed Maheral Azorella Elibar’acal,


    As The Silver State has had it for decades, elMaheral exists as the reigning judgement of morals and culture for our revered State and its following across the realm. With this unassailable certitude, we must understand that the existence of such a revered individual leaves room for the occasional fallacy. The most recent proclamation devised by her pureness is an example of such fallacy. And so I, Muriel Uradir, bring about the following retort to her unfortunate negligence as presented by this document. I seek not to bring harm to the Office nor its occupant, but when mistake is made it must be questioned for the sanctity of the state:


    On the 5th of Snow’s Maiden, 1742, the Uradir talonnii was subjected to an Imperative of Reproduction by the now-resigned Malaurir Iaria Elervathar. With great reverence for her proclamation, the marriage of Muriel Uradir and Evelon Telperion was welded into existence. Although the guiding hand of the Uradir has changed identity since the proclamation was made, it remains firm and steady, written into fact by Malaurir Elervathar. Her response to the growing stagnation of the line of Kalenz was just, and so was the reintroduction of the Imperative a few elven weeks ago at the hand of our youthful Maheral. With these concerns reiterated, elUradir have sought to rectify and rightfully begin the proper courtships, with the full intention of advancing the legacy of Uradir past.


    Despite the fruition that our talonnii has begun to weave into existence as a result of this reiterated Imperative, as the ultimate and first step in the right direction begins, I am accosted and accused of impurity alongside my resplendent bride Evelon Telperion. With our efforts, we have become subject to re-education for unjustified accusations, baseless claims, and fallant observations. Blessed Maheral, I implore you to consult the archives of this city once more. No blood relation exists between Muriel Uradir and Evelon Telperion.


    Blessed Maheral, you profit your accusations by issuing the name of our blessed ancestor, Kalenz Uradir. Your disrespect is profound. As an Uradir, I am gravely concerned about your true attempts at preserving the integrity of elUradir talonnii - for it is the will of every descendent and cousin of Kalenz to see that the purity and legacy of his great leadership is embellished, not woefully tarnished with the likes of Durion, Renarion or Silir Uradir. Yet, you sit here and denounce my efforts. You condemn my actions for purefully advancing eltalonnii’sae, and deny my rightful marriage - the first of its kind in centuries. This pains the heart of myself and my family, of which we seat your council in a number of positions. Our purity, in that regard, remains untarnished. Otherwise, why do we govern? I, no less than my councilor cousins, am a dedicated servant of Larihei and servitor of this State.


    I do not question your intent, Azorella Elibar’acal, blessed Maheral of Haelun’or. But your actions are mistaken. I find it a matter of public concern that you sit upon your pedestal and condemn a pure marriage between mali’thill for reasons unscrupulous and unjust. There is no incestuousness in this union. There is no liberalism in this union, and there is no impurity in this union. All that exists between myself and Evelon Telperion is elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya, and absolute commitment to eltalonnii’sae. 


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya



    Muriel Uradir


  11. On 4/14/2020 at 2:57 PM, Demotheus said:

    I don’t have too many problems with this. My only concern is that the lore team will not like the lack of spells (which I hope the realize is a huge task to undertake if we need to further break down the abilities of illusion and thusly restrict it further than it already is.) 


    One thing I’d like to see added if possible is a certain idea/ability I had that was purely for fluff and fun purposes called “Hypnotists Boon”, as much of what I was writing involved a lot of comparisons to mundane hypnotism. 


    Basically, while in a NON COMBAT environment/situation as well as while using illusions for purposes that in no way try to hide the fact that the thing being done is an illusion (Ie: anything more than a simple prank level of deception which would almost instantly be recognized by most as an illusion or at the very least harmless and not capable of deceiving most people for more than a few seconds) the abilities of an illusionist are effectively limitless. The mana requirement is basically non existent, and the focus requirement for Tier 4 and 5 for any given illusion(s) cast in this manner is also barely an issue.


    For an example: Standing in front of a crowd and suddenly disguising yourself as a clown. Or, putting on some kind of intricate illusory performance like a play or something else. If you can work in the word “whimsical” and if the intent behind it is obviously not any more malicious than a silly prank you can do it and you don’t even have to worry. 

    Justification? The minds you’re deceiving are far less concerned with these sorts of illusions and therefore less critical. Furthermore they’ll tend to be more open to being “deceived” in these ways, especially if it is for the purposes of entertainment which carries no real risk of anybody possibly losing something they don’t want to lose. 

    This also means these types of illusions can effectively be ignored and ‘faded out’ of the mind of someone who is unwilling to perceive them, becoming illusory ‘shadows’, muffled, and barely registering at all. An immediate example of this would be...


    If you disguise yourself as a clown in front of everyone nearby in the town square, but someone in that crowd is horridly terrified of clowns as some people tend to be. This illusion can either be immediately dismissed in that person’s mind and shattered for that person. They can still “see” it in a sense that they’re aware that you’re messing about pretending to be a clown so that it’s not confusing to see a crowd of people staring at you and laughing or whatever in a way that makes little sense, but it won’t be ‘vivid’ for them. It’ll just be a thought at most unless they decide they want to perceive it despite being terrified of clowns (for exposure therapy perhaps?). 




    Why have this as a feature? It’s harmless and it is a ton of fun, opening up many opportunities to use illusion without having to bother yourself with redlines that would otherwise be imposed. You CAN make that 2 foot tall purple t-rex as long as either a) the expectation is set up for it to exist in reality somehow or b) it’s obvious it’s not real, not threatening, etc. 

    These illusions can’t be used in a backhanded way to disguise yourself or anything from someone else. If someone wants to see “through” the illusion for any reason at any given moment they just CAN unless you’re using it with the intent to deceive or hide something or whatever in which case: it must follow all the redlines, restrictions, etc. that illusion follows and does not benefit from this boon. 


    This is one of the ideas I had that I was kind of in love with and I hope we can fit that in. If you’re worried that it might delay the approval and acceptance of this rewrite I’m happy to submit it later as a lore addition after this is approved. 




    I’ll probably add a section in magic explanation, redlines and properties to incorporate your idea. I do think there is already an implicit guideline in sensory illusion that illusions are easier to make if the target is more open/partial to the idea, as it would in turn make the suggestion much easier to manifest in the other person’s perception or otherwise... however I don’t see the harm in adding explicit remarks on special, non-combat scenarios where singlecasting, multicasting or even broadcasting nonsensical/recreational illusions are much easier. Thank you for the suggestion, @Demotheus.

  12. MC Name: Johann__

    Character's Name: Muriel Uradir

    Character's Age: 59


    Character's Race:

             High Elf (Mali'thill)


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:

             Of course.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  13. Sulraell, who would have thought?” the Uradir ponders, thoughts racing across his mind as he contemplated the ascendancy of the new Sohaer. 


    “A Visaj... trivial deduction, but a sohaership? Larihei knows what the future brings..”


    “Regardless, I am certain the coming days will be interesting.”




    On Contemporary Haelun’orian Architecture

    By Muriel Uradir

    An academic paper dedicated to Evelon Telperion

    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya




    The architecture of the Mali’aheral of Haelun’or is one that boasts a striking distinction to those of the lessers, with recurring themes being the abundant use of quartz masonry and monochrome palette; these principal features in turn procuring a sense of unmistakably brilliant vibrancy within the structures of the Silver City. With an extensive history dating back to the days of Old Malinor, Mali’aheral architecture has undergone substantial changes across the ages. However, this is beyond the scope of this paper, which merely aims to discuss the sui generis qualities of Haelun’orian architecture in the land of Arcas.




    Upon one’s first sight of Haelun’or, one may first be astounded by the imposing Silver walls that dominate the plateau upon which they stand, like wary sentinels looming over the Silver Forest that lays below, its lofty turrets roofed in a similar hue of quartz, radiating a similarly imposing effect. The use of quartz in High Elven masonry is one that is prevalent in practice, of which is generally complimented with elaborate and intricate patterns chiseled and embellished on its surface. Asides from its aesthetic appeal, the extensive use of the quartz, and thus the colour white represents the purity that Haelun’or champions as a city of the Mali’thill, projecting its purpose as a silver bastion that upholds this ideal. 




    For the case of the city walls, a visible trend would be the reiterating protrusions along its battlements and the presence of diminutive roofing for each respective section, adorned with intricate stonework that juxtapose the plainness in design of the turret adjacent. In case any foolish lesser or ‘ata wonders why a mesh of quartz and other materials are used for the silver walls, it is simply for aesthetic appeal, for the Mali’thill are not only curators of purity but also patrons of the arts.


    If beauty were to be defined as a harmony between all the constituents of a structure, in such a way that nothing else needs to be altered or added, the Silver Citadel would be exemplary in conveying this, for it is the arguable pinnacle of High Elven architecture. Cruciform in structure, the citadel is one of the only buildings in Haelun’or to be adorned with a dome, a circular construct that is indicative of the decorum and discipline the High Elves follow in architecture. If one were to observe decorum in architecture, one would do so in the form of constructing something that is the most simple, uniform and refined, thus making the dome the most suitable for displaying such decorum. This is also the reason why only the places of high esteem in Haelun’or - the Citadel, the Eternal Library and the Eternal College -  fashion the geometric perfection of domes, for it is only fitting for a place of its kind to receive such distinction. For the promotion of proper ventilation, the only other apertures asides from the entrance in the Citadel are high up, while the entrance itself is a large, impressive arch that serves a similar purpose, in addition to its obvious extravagance. A similar grandiloquence can be seen in the masonry of the citadel, one that boasts only three principal materials - concrete, quartz and granite - all fashioned into a multitudinous mixture of variants that remarkably blend together to evoke some manner of unitary beauty. 


    d-_nRRFWhQPpFkM2Dy00IiU_rxuxSlvLU16O8BLapGrArYBbRWJzJHxmiS_gXUw-IiiRPmV20K5wzxuJKMuUJ00NtEqJzEsuyE7lYlrBF4QbR0IYopo-AYWv4ji2oWUW_8p-tQdE           8EVxFrGtl1xwUluKTBaATtvLz-A9Ej2VzZLQ9ubjIIQhHJjr1DKI6O8MrHjJq2fMFbFnyJnWIp6RQfWEtSy5psl4CP9LSG7yKtshGjGTwVbqjM8XDup0OwwQJB1Yy0St0p7hqgBr


    Adherence to symmetry is also an integral feature of High Elven architecture, a vital constituent of decorum responsible for the orderliness of its structures, of which arises from proportion, an elusive aesthetic that may not first be visible to the eye of the beholder, but always influences the way in which it perceives the general appeal to itself. A prime example of the importance of symmetry can be found in the structure of the Eternal Library and the Citadel, where the emphasis towards their central domes, the center of attention, one may call it, necessitate the application of symmetry to compliment its cruciform structure. Proportionality is a ubiquitous aspect of High Elven architecture, with in fact, all edifices exhibiting some form of proportionality in its parts, some even having an indication of the Golden Ratio, as shown by the illustrations below.






    Such is the perfection of High Elven architecture.



    Another feature of High Elven architecture would be the similarities in the style of facades displayed by buildings across Haelun’or, all of which possess the telling characteristics of Haelunorian structures. A common denominator amongst all facades would be that they are typically symmetrical around their vertical axis and surmounted by a pediment of some kind. These pediments in turn are embellished with cornices, generally in the form of stairs, however lacking entablatures that provide support, for such is compensated by pilasters embedded in the facade. In residential areas, these decorations are usually only seen in manors of affluent Talonni, with facades seen in the housing of ordinary citizens comprising of little more than overhangs and minor cornices; as one may expect, the interior decoration of each housing widely varies depending on the preferences of its occupants.


    Following innumerable socio-political and cultural shifts across history, contemporary Mali’aheral architecture has vastly deviated from that of its predecessors, especially in the way in which spires have become a more secondary component of housing and buildings. As final contemplation, I invite the reader to make a trivial comparison between the the High Elven capital of Vailor, Lin’Sulan and the current capital, Lareh’thilln, with each city illustrated below respectively. If one has developed a more comprehensive understanding of Haelunorian architecture from reading this paper, then they may discern many differences in masonry, stylism, structure and techniques prevalent in Vailor, those merely reminiscent of a bygone era. 


    noOYRaErzWr5O3D_W0jN23X1cVfs0qUGriT9Ku3vGuOqr0G6-xyigswKYyvC0KRlFwTTqtUppB44Yx9TQdE6ucmLC0IZyMmJQgVt8yYLVqSLLrpMR9pio6wMjSmiu_a7qLtWATdj          2NSRnInaJ__OtttsLoExn2m091xf4EWrrbDN9AddKqPEfSoqvo-tq65N2HPTqT7hpYrZ4MmQUhyW5BYu_8dCTtxHy-rpJPWWaMorWvSvwXRvQR861_mCOa2G07xWCSuUfw73ktyb




  15. Lamenting a Sillumir

    - An Untimely End -








    There comes a time in the life of every Mali’aheral where one is met with an calamity, be it suffering, grief or worst of all death, an inevitable end to one’s immortality.


    When a calamity befalls a Mali’aheral still in their youth, unwarranted, it is one that must be grieved upon, for it is only right to show empathy for the terrible misfortune of a fellow ‘thill.


    However, when death befalls a Mali’aheral who is dutiful, upstanding and good, it is a calamity as great as the very one that lead to their demise, one that must be unequivocally wept for by many, for it is only this manner of undeserved fate that the merciless indifference of fate can impose upon all – it does not discriminate between sinner or saint.


    THORAS ELYRION, is one dutiful sillumir, who took it upon himself to sacrifice his hallowed purity for the sake of defending the DIARCHY, the OKARIRAN and most of all, our BLESSED CITIZENS from the vices of the occult. The casting away of purity is not what we must admire from the Sillumir, but we must honour the magnitude of his dedication to his responsibilities and duties, as a weeping blade of Haelun’or. 


    Mali, I implore you to take the acts of Thoras Elyrion to heart, admire his commitment, and WEEP for his demise, the demise of a dutiful Sillumir.


    Sillumiran, you shall remember the name Thoras Elyrion forevermore, remain stalwart in your commitments to your duties and WEEP for the demise of a comrade, a friend. 

    May this tragedy embolden you in your service.








    Ahern ito nae’leh,

    Muriel Uradir.


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