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Ethan the epic

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115 Brilliant

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    Mind your own faking business
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    World domination, video games, eating, sleeping, breathing, smelling, hearing,seeing etc etc

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    You'll learn in rp

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  1. Why do assassin guilds always fail

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      because people will just spawn at the monks again, assassination has no effect

    3. Moochael
    4. Kardel


      1. They always advertise themselves
      2. They are often led by new players who are not experienced server-wise
      3. They are often shunned because they're edgy, meaning that the assassins are some ridiculous dark power wielding, demon-worshiping, black-cloak wearing ilk
      4. People participating in such guilds are often bad at pvp. If you want to be a useful assassin, then learn to PvP, as it is the second default
      5. Victims of assassinations will PK if the assassin is not some poorly planned, meta-gaming, edgy prick. Skippy PK'd. I know a lot of people who have PK'd. However, if its some dark elf, necromancer wannabe, Ezio Adittore type, a lot of people would rather ignore the RP in general.


      Want to start a good assassin guild? DON'T MAKE A ******* FORUM POST ABOUT IT. Get a hidden headquarters. Make your character look NORMAL, not like the WoW avatar of a goth teen. Also, if you character is insane, a nymphomaniac, or both, don't expect your bandit/assassin RP to be taken seriously. The above is too hard to roleplay successfully, and almost everyone that has attempted to make the whole dark-edgy think work has failed. Most bandits or assassins should not be people who like their vocation: they should be people who have no other choice, like uneducated peasants or ex-soldiers.

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