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Status Updates posted by Selu

  1. I am a really awful stalker.   But anywho:  AHH!  You beautified your Deviant-Art and LOTC page for halloween!   I especially adore the picture choice for your LOTC page~.

  2. Selu

    I think what you gave me can be considered 'Freelo', if put to League of Legends terms. (Which, I do not play anymore.)   And your avatar is beautiful, so you deserve to sit on a nice even number if I can help it!
    Also, what texture pack do you use?   Er, and the shader?  Cause damn, your game looks beautiful!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Selu


      Much obliged, dear.

    3. Neri


      btw put the 3d models above the actual resource pack

    4. Selu


      Noted, and again, thank you.

  3. I'd like to dedicate this story to my new BFF Forever (Obviously Best Freakin' Friend Forever)


    She's heterochromatic, somethin' about her is magic.  Why does she smell like a sewer?  Oh god, she reeks, I can't stand this.



    1. Runabarn


      That's beautiful

    2. Selu


      Thank you.  I put a lot of time and effort into it.  Now!
      Whimsycal.   Mystical, magical, beautiful.  Hair so white, it puts the snow to shame...  Eyes so beautiful, the stars are jealous.  Even the heavens don't reach the height of her magnificence!  When I see her, my heart stops!  

      I don't actually feel this way, b-baka.   I just wanted to give you pretty stuff t-to read, is all!   

      It's not like I'm bored or anything.

    3. Angmarzku
  4. You had a nice and even 1750 Community Reputation until I came along!   Take that!   
    How does that make you feel, sir!?

    1. Telanir


      Damn, I guess that means I have to start posting again. ;-;

    2. Selu


      I shall be waiting in the darkest of shadows, waiting for you to hit even numbers only to crush your dreams!  Bua ha ha

  5. Mining Profession Question:  Does anybody have a list, whether it be self-made or not, on what ranks do what?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flurgh


      Don't quite me on this but umm; Diamonds come at Veteran (they raised it from Proficent). Quartz come at masterful or veteran aswell(?) at Legendary you get Haste 1 buff and at Aengulic Haste 2

    3. Flurgh
    4. Nolan_


      Haste 1 comes at Masterful, Haste 2 at Aengulic 

  6. I just wanted to drop you a message and tell you that you have absolutely beautiful character art.   <3

  7. Price check?  How much (if they do anything) would the following be worth:  (All apples) Luck of the Sea I, Luck of the Sea II, Luck of the Sea III?
    Furthermore, what is the going rate for the different types of wood/branches?

    1. mitto


      There's no market for any of those things as far as I'm aware so, they're junk

    2. ShameJax


      Junk, and about 50-200 minas per branch depending on its tier.

    3. Selu


      Shame.   Anyways, thank you.

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