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Posts posted by SacredSource

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Richard Othaman


    Character's Age:

             Old Enough


    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  2. leVsHmi6WpXrPWo57MVCipFhQNLW82lpiyYx4IMzfszj5NU6smJ-5XLpVP_81nCpqF2EJaO1WvRHNfEMpSNAdwkbpbZRXcaGZc9h77ZKUIuq06jtXjT_hKeGDUOWf5xr2G6cXRFJYVj9HXP-r_qxO1k


    News reached Richard while he was marooned on the island of the Betrayer. He paced back upon hearing the lie, laughter escaping him in disbelief. He shook his head slowly, though it only quickened, inquiry slamming one after another. Eyes widening, breathing hastening before all stopped. “No! You did not see the body!” his voice grew in accusatory fury. A defiant last act to the truth laid before him.


    Alas, his vessel betrayed him, his eyes leaked, collapsing into a sobbing prayer without hope of salvation. Consumed by guilt, he instinctively reached for his dagger. The cold steel shakily brought towards him offered a promising justice for his absence. A voice from behind, a voice of restraint, a voice to compel him to remain. His time on this realm could not end just yet. For there was one last mission he had left, not for anyone else, but for her.




    Holding upon the sword Gratia, the sword of Rune, the Warden laments beside a certain marker laid within an unremarkable forest near Nichi-Jin. 


    Rune Viradiraar Othaman
    When you live, love
    Tear away duty’s chains
    Fate beckons faster than destiny


    Memories of this past life haunted him; his absence towards her end tore at him. He was despicable to her at the start, but she became his childhood friend, his fellow disciple, his love, his wife. There was no word of her demise when he was on the road. Not even a passing comment, only a dismissive answer a lifetime later. The marker remained, a silent witness to her passing, visited only by a recurring silver light every month.


    “I will be home soon, please wait for me”



    The Banner of the Sunlit Covenant returns to the temple, where Quartermaster Richard of the Covenant regroups with the Presiding Knight Gael @Johann.  


    The dream of Magnus will be fulfilled. Unity through action,” the Quartermaster states to his teacher within the midst of their conversation.


    The Quartermaster recounts a siege where he and his comrades Warden Amelia @Safryie, Brother Myril @X3N0Initiate Ryvel @Kanapes, Initiate Cerrick @Pancho, and Initiate Leoni @ellielove15 held amidst the encroaching armies of darkness.


    A column of Paladins marched alongside the main army through the frozen mountains of the north; the embers within each Paladin emboldened for the bloodbath to come. The young Initiate Cerrick's quick eyes spotted the enemy standard crest a ridge, a prelude to the ambush that would fall upon the allied cannoneers. With decisive action, the Knights of Light dived uphill into the fray, their divine mists blazing against the encroaching wave of evil.


    Though their martial efforts were not to be diminished, the true gift of the Sunlit Lord was the force multiplier of each Paladin. Resounding roars echoed the front, as the Paladins unleashed their radiant aura, halting the Harrowers' attempts to summon reinforcements. Against overwhelming odds, only six Paladins stood firm against a horde of enemies, the camaraderie and courage shining amidst the chaos as a beacon to summon the main body of the sieging force.


    Amelia, undaunted by the enemy's numbers followed along the tradition of the Wyrmstalker. She carved a path through the ranks of the dark, her weapon a beacon of respite as she carved her way to Initiates Cerrick and Ryvel. Cerrick and Ryvel, trapped behind enemy lines, fought valiantly until they were surrounded and ultimately apprehended. Their fall only spurred their comrades onward as Richard, Myril, and Leoni held the horde with unwavering resolve, their radiance keeping the darkness at bay, finding opportunity to retrieve their fallen comrades.


    As the main army arrived, the Paladins redirected their efforts to disrupt the First Zenith, Richard raining volleys of Sunlit Arrows upon the darkness; whilst, Myril and Leoni carved a warpath to the First Zenith. In a brief, yet commendable bout of fighting, Myriil faced the First Zenith , his ashen weapon blazing with righteous fury, until he eventually succumbed to the Zenith; flung back into the snow unceremoniously. Though the beast unleashed its final cantrip, summoning forth yet another horde.


    Alas, the army faltered, and the order for a full retreat was given. With spite in every inch of ground given, the Paladins staged a rearguard action, their dwindling embers of light providing cover for the retreating forces until they reached the safety of a strategic ridge.


    Though the battle ended in defeat, the realm learned a valuable lesson: the power of the Sunlit Lord repels the darkness, halting the enemy's ability to summon reinforcements. Whether this knowledge will be utilized in future conflicts remains to be seen.

  4. Echoes of the Sunlit Past: A Call to Arms

    Svz1Jc-wflf78yCnI5WE2V7Zq1KPlPrZfuY8CACc7RB82tNeg4r7KRzBtaC6o4dBym4fPagc98dK2SSxVV06Exu8qXDm_LSNIr8Qk4QGm_ke-VtERQi8xFr78vRAHmQ1oUBybt4TazN3d8ixl3OiTy0 kshBY2jV2f8HnCUYDayG8Wdph7yRTisdJ_Wnl6T9Uf1WQNZ-OVZqpnLaiIAvrP-mn0kOO1t7ylFLsQ_L8Z6DTsNIEsMkZVTlg_uXYb0FMGZLaXENt6L8EYS_11Ri4i0bdC_aOp27ygozLZRGtS8-UcM


    [!] A missive graces the walls of Sunbreak and varying clusters of Embered, wherever they reside.


    To all steadfast Paladins who remain true to the Sunlit Path, heed this call: our war against the Arch-Drakaar endures, guided by the echoes of the previous Saint’s Day. Our eyes have opened to the downfall of the past and the potential future.


    To the Paladins who have retreated, cast aside the battery of discord, for now the petty politics of the past are no more. We serve one Lord, and this crusade has but one adversary: the Arch-Drakaar. Let the hatchet be buried, its blade dulled by the weight of duty. Our malice, once scattered, now converges upon a singular foe. 


    The agreed objectives are listed below, their execution entrusted to the Chapters and Orders assigned. Objectives specific to single orders will be excluded.




    OBJECTIVE Marian: PREPARE Liberation Of [REDACTED] Island

    Description: Assigned by the Sunforger, all Chapters & Orders are instructed to prepare for an imminent invasion of [REDACTED] Island in the coming weeks. Decided by Chapters & Orders present after the vision, our objective turns to the liberation of [REDACTED] Island. 


    Further details of the Objective are classified. Refer to your Wardens or a contact listed.


    Chapters & Orders Assigned: All


    Point of Contact: 

    1.  Richard Othaman

    2.  Aer’dir of Joma

    3.  Amelia of Ahad




    OBJECTIVE Seyren: SECURE the Northern Reaches of Aevos


    Description:  For too long the Nephilim have had unchecked dominance upon the far Northern reaches of Aevos. It is now an imperative our Knights must patrol the north once more to identify and cull the population. Expect a well-equipped enemy; patrol with a comrade and appropriate equipment. 


    Further details of the Objective are classified. Refer to your Wardens or a contact listed.


    Chapters & Orders Assigned: Sunlit Covenant, Sanguine Bulwark, Lions of Lorraine, Sunlit Spear

    Point of Contact: 

    1.  Richard Othaman

    2.  Aer’dir of Joma

    3.  Amelia of Ahad






    Description:  For the safety of the relic, contact leads for information.

    Chapters & Orders Assigned: Vigils of the Golden Lions, Torchbearer Lance

    Point of Contact: 

    1. Ailure of Tolta

    2. Sofiele of Itnan


    May the Creator Watch Over Us

    Liturgy is Our Salvation



    Richard Othaman, Quartermaster of the Sunlit Covenant, Warden

    Helen Athna, Seeker of the Sunlit Spear

    Ailure of Tolta, Arkknight of the Torchbearer Lance

    Aer'dir Mallos, Chaptermaster of the Sanguine Bulwark, Bellwarden

    Amelia of Ahad, Warden of the Lions of Lorraine

    Sofiele of Itnan, Seeker of the Vigils of the Golden Lions


  5. On the ship, the Vigil scanned the departing groups, seeking familiar faces. He found those he'd spoken to before the voyage, but one was conspicuously absent. The consequence of this absence:



    Another child left motherless, tasks unfinished. Another chapter razed to dust. Tragic.

  6. The word of Elend's last sacrifice arrives to a wayfaring knight. From whom he heard the news was unimportant in the matter, yet the information brought the knight to change the direction of his route to arrive at a long-abandoned mine. For a night, silver and smoke can be clearly seen in the briefly revived quarry.


    Once the sun rose, the knight returned to his travels. A Lorraine cross rests upon a newly constructed grave marker surrounded by the remains of incense. Words can be seen crudely etched on the stone marker.




    75 SE - 90 SE


    Despite his quick leave, sightings of an otherworldly silver light can be seen from the mine as the year passes by, the light soon becoming a yearly occurrence at the site.

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Richard Othaman


    Character's Age:

             He's getting old :(


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Mists of Xan


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Paladinism is a deific holy magic that derives from the Aengul of Guardianship and Order. Paladins are those who have received Xan’s blessing into their souls and are able to wield the mists of Xan in order to preserve Xan’s definition of order. 


    To be indentured into the service of Xan, aspirants are connected by a senior Paladin who has received the knowledge of the connection ritual. These initiates typically prove themselves through a multitude of tasks and achievements known as trials. These trials traditionally are grueling as they serve as a test whether a potential Paladin truly has an innocent soul and is able to endure the hardships of being a Paladin. It should be noted that lesser souls and those corrupted by dark magic are unable to become Paladins as they are against the tenets and will of Xan. The connection ritual itself is performed between the student and teacher and a cobalt blue mist is used for this special situation.


    Paladnism, like most magic on this server, follows a five-tier system. The first tier is received upon initiation and the second tier is only blocked by time. Tier three can only be unlocked after a Paladin chooses to become a Wyrmstalker or a Vindicator (refer to subsection of magic for further details), the two brotherhoods of Paladinism. Tier four is unlocked simply by time, and it is at tier four that a Paladin can make a TA to teach one student. To reach Tier five, a Paladin must write a thesis regarding Xan and train a new student until they reach Wyrmstalker or Vindicator. At the last tier, abilities available to the Paladin include, but are not limited to, disconnection, chancery creation, and teaching three students. It should be noted that unlike most magics on the server, Paladins must be explicitly taught spells in roleplay to use them. Furthermore, unlike most magics, Paladinism has a stamina system known as embers. Embers are consumed when using a spell and the number of embers a Paladin has increases by tier.


    Upon connection, players are able to choose for their character to have silver, gold, and emerald to suit the personalities of their characters. The colouring of the mists are mostly cosmetic, however, there is an interpreted meaning behind each of the colours known as the triumvirate of hues.


    In brief:

    Silver is the colour of zeal.

    Gold is the colour of sacrifice.

    Emerald is the colour of piety.


    Players are unable to choose the cobalt colour reserved for connection.


    Xan’s will for Paladins is to eliminate darkspawn from the mortal plane to protect descendants. To guide Paladins in their venture, there are six creeds that are traditionally accepted by most Paladins, which serve as guidelines as to how they should behave in the service of Xan. Because of their purpose, many Paladin spells are most effective against darkspawn or only work against darkspawn. Their weakness lies in voidal magic, which can disable some spells entirely. For example, Xannic Fervor is disabled on contact with voidal magic and Vindicator's Mantle fails after three emotes against voidal magic.


    Paladinism is inherently centered around sanctuaries known as chanceries as these sanctuaries are how new Paladins are created. These chanceries house reliquaries alongside a blood sacrifice of a warden. These hallowed grounds are blessed with the warmth of Xan. These chanceries have three tiers, which ‘level up’ through new connections.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are general spells for all Paladins:

    [T1, 1 Embers] Xannic Fervor - A weapon buff that can create a slight burning sensation. Note that depending on specialization, there are additional buffs.

    [T2, 2 Embers] Mist Healing - Paladins can heal people with their mists.

    [T2, 1 Embers] Xannic Armaments - Paladins can make disposable weapons. Note that depending on specialization, different weapons can be created.

    [T3, 1 Embers] Sunlit Salvo - Area of effect spell against darkspawn. Vindicators cause burn and Wyrmstalkers cause knockback.

    [T3, 2 Embers] Lion’s Roar - Area of effect aura that supports allies. Vindicators can also make themselves known to Darkspawn and Wyrmstalker’s can additionally calm the nerves of allies.

    There are subsections to Paladinism as well, picked during Tier 3 that unlocks a different set of exclusive spells.


    There are two specializations for Paladins, which are chosen at tier 3. They are each given a different set of spells, which serve their different purposes.


    Wyrmstalkers are dedicated to actively eradicating and hunting darkspawn. They follow in the footsteps of the first Wyrmstalker Seyren Windsor. Their abilities are more offensive as they pertain to actively eliminating darkspawn.

    [T3, 2 Embers] Henryks Binding (Ambuscade Rune) - A Xannic IED

    [T4, 3 Embers] Henryks Binding (Sanctioning) - Xannic chains that can be shot towards enemies. Okay I would totally make an obligatory joke here, but uh. Yeah, I think you get it 😉.

    [T3, 3 Embers] Stalkers Step - The Paladin dashes backwards and has the option to shoot a projectile towards an enemy

    [T4, 3 Embers] Sunlit Volley - The Paladin shoots a volley of Xannic arrows that hit a 2 meter radius.

    [T4, 3 Embers] Daybreak Spear - A spear that causes a constant searing burn on impact with darkspawn and disables darkspawn magic until removed.

    [T5, 4 Embers] Sunlight Spear: Similar to daybreak spear but has a concussive force and can shear past most natural darkspawn armor.


    Vindicators are known to be guardians first and foremost. They are known for their sacrifice in the name of order and guardianship. As such, their abilities are more defensive due to their protective mission.

    [T3, 3 Embers] Guardians Bulwark - In general, it is a defensive spell that creates a shield.

    [T3, 2 Embers] Vindication - Cheating during a judo match. It’s like pulling out a match mid match and lighting your opponent on fire. Literally start burning your darkspawn opponent while grappling.

    [T4, 4 Embers] Marians Refuge - An anti darkspawn ‘dome’ (I prefer circle). Burns darkspawn trying to enter.

    [T4, 4 Embers] Arknights Rally - Buff an ally weapon with Xannic fervor. Can buff up to 3 allies.

    [T5, 5 Embers] Vindicators Mantle - Xannic armor.


    Note that Paladins also have enchants. They can use Sacred Artificery at T3 and T4 with its corresponding Blessing, Orisons and Exaltations as a T5 Seeker.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    I opted to show Daybreak Spear [T3, 3 embers]

    First Emote - With his radiant silver eyes staring down at the poltergeist, an utterance is muttered under his breath, “Saint Michael, hear my prayer and grant me your zeal.” Silver mists gravitate towards his arms in a steadily flowing stream from his greaves.


    Second Emote - Richard Othaman’s hand is brought back, as if preparing to throw a javelin. The silver mists continue to accumulate together, seemingly materializing into a crackling lightning bolt. It’s silver gleam radiates, whilst the nobleman controls his breathing in preparation for a throw.


    Third Emote - Richard Othaman hurls the silver bolt towards the specter. It crackles in the air towards the darkspawn. The silent nobleman’s eyes trail the bolt awaiting to see if it will hit its intended target. If it were to hit, a constant searing burn would be applied that minorly singes and burns its vicinity. Furthermore, the target would no longer be able to use their magic as long as the bolt remains within them.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    I opted to show how I would teach Xannic mist healing [T2, 2 embers]

    First Emote – Richard and his student stop along the road due to spotting a crying child Upon closer examination, his spots that an elf has a small cut on its forearm. A sigh passes him, and his eyes begin to radiate a silver hue. “Let’s help out the child then, shall we?” he asks rhetorically. A hand is raised out towards the child’s forearm with the familiar silver light also tracing over his arms. “I believe you have never healed before, so I shall attend the child’s wound. Follow along with my steps so you can do the same in the future. Draw upon the power of the lord and bring forth his mists into the palm of your hand.”

    Second Emote - Richard’s hand is placed onto a wound. Immediately, the silver mists dive into the wound and begin permeating throughout the wound. “Follow along now then, place your hand along the wound and focus the mist. If you have ever sewn a wound with a needle, then you should be a natural.” Richard’s mists spins intricately and methodically, akin to the work of an experienced basket weaver. The child would begin to have a sensation of calmness rise over the pain from the wound.


    Third Emote - Alas, the wound closed, yet silver remains. “Not a large wound but do try not to cause more damage to it. Trivial as it may be, it’ll take longer to heal,” Richard states to the child. Raising his hand away, a rather faint silver can be seen as a reminder of the wound’s treatment. “Simple enough, no? Focus the mist, seal the wound, and it works as pain killer too. Do be wary when to use this technique. It is often better to use the mundane as to not attract attention,” Richard lectures on to his student before.  Without further ado, Richard begins walking along the road once more and says, “come now, people are expecting us. It is not polite to keep those expecting us waiting.”



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    During training, if a student powergames, I like to emote the spell simply not working as intended. For example, if a student just didn’t do enough emotes for mist healing, I emote the spell doing nothing. At this point, I’d explain OOCly the mistake, so they they remediate their emote. If the student refuses to do this correctly or continuously makes the same mistake, I will drop the student.



    I am very concerned about students being unaware of the red lines pertaining to spells. I like to focus on any areas of concern during the actual teaching sessions, however, I understand sometimes this is not enough. In these cases, I think a Discord conversation is more apt in order to ensure the student understands. In the case the student is unsure, I use the student’s logs to be a reference and focus specifically on which actions constitute powergaming. Repeated failures of roleplay with little sign of progress will lead to me dropping them as a student.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.





    Ratified on the 15th of the Amber Cold, 44 S.A

    Between the Vigils of Light and the Druids of the Mother Circle


    Article I - Non-Aggression Pact

    The Vigils of Light and the Druids of the Mother Circle (hereon ‘the Signatories’), shall enter into a strict non aggression pact. The signatories shall provide neither military & economic aid nor military access to entities hostile to the other signatory.


    Article II - Defense Pact

    The signatories with their given creeds are prohibited to engage in descendent conflicts. The signatories enter into an agreement to support and defend one another against external entities with their full military, economic, and political ability. In the case a signatory enters conflict with formal military allies of the other signatory, the signatories shall not be required to offer military, economic, and political aid; but are strictly prohibited to offer aid to their respective allies for the duration of the conflict.


    Article III - Darkspawn

    The Signatories enter into an agreement to cooperate and assist in the destruction of Darkspawn. The signatories shall refuse sanctuary to Darkspawn and actively hunt Darkspawn within their jurisdictions. Darkspawn include, but are not limited to: Dragonkin, the Undead, the Inferis and all their respective servants, and Frost Witches. In addition, all Darkspawn entities are considered hostile to the signatories. Voidal mages  and Taynei’Hiylun are exempt from this clause. 


    Article IV - Violations

    Any violations of the pact shall be resolved through a diplomatic summit at the earliest convenience of both parties. All articles remain in effect until the resolution of the aforementioned summit where reparations and amendments may be made.


    Article V - Duration 

    The treaty shall bind the signatories for fifteen years after signing. In the final years of the treaty, the parties shall meet on whether to renew the treaty for a thirty year duration.


    Article VI - Side Agreements

    All side agreements agreed upon at the time of signing the treaty shall be fulfilled at the earliest convenience of both parties.





    Richard Othaman, Decurio of the Vigils of Light



    Anconite, Archdruid of the Mother Circle


    Jackdaw, Archdruid of the Mother Circle





    The Death of a Hero


    I am just doing my job” - Zand Macheron @FumihiroDesu, 36SA



    On the 10th of Snow Maidens, the year forty of the Second Age, Zand Macheron, more commonly known to the populace as the Local Hero of Providence, was the target of a terrorist firebombing by a terrorist organization known as the Musin’s Rights Activists (hereon referred to as the MRA). 


    Zand is known for many accolades in his time within the prestigious arm of the ISA Detectives. Known for his initiative in creating a more transparent police force and his fairness in dealing with any situation, Zand Macheron became a commonplace name for every household.


    Single handedly, the detective was able to lower the number of stabbings per day from five to three within the year thirty-six of the Second Age. A feat that already earned him many awards, but only a fraction of what Zand truly accomplished. The Local Hero of Providence during the same year was seen fighting and successfully apprehending nine Ferrymen single-handedly. Such great deeds put him as a high value target for every terrorist organization on Almaris. It comes to no surprise that an attempt on his life would have eventually transpired, yet it is with a heavy heart that we must report his death. He was last seen holding off the entire MRA advance to allow his MOJ and ISA comrades to flee the scene unscathed.


    Zand left behind his fiance who he proposed to just two nights before the attack. Apartment Watch kindly asks all MOJ officers to donate three mina each to ensure their comrade’s fiancé, Leneth is able to continue on with her loss. Leneth refused an interview with Apartment Watch due to her need to mourn the death of the local hero.


    With the attacks expected to escalate in the coming days, it is confirmed martial law will likely be confirmed in a few days. Apartment Watch interviewed an undisclosed ISA Captain who stated, “the Imperial State will root out the scum and Zand’s death will be avenged. We do not negotiate with terrorists!”


    Apartment Watch expects the death of the local hero will further encourage terrorist groups such as the MRA and the Ferrymen as well as propagating further imitators. We advise all citizens to lock themselves within their homes for the troubling months to come, while the MOJ and ISA desperately try to restore order to the lawless streets of Providence.



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