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About Chorale__

  • Rank
    Exiled King
  • Birthday 03/01/2003

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    The Commonwealth of the Petra

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    Prince Paul Alexander of the Petra | Sir Laurens Halcourt
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  1. Why can't these teams find any good staff members that will stick by them? I can answer that for you - It's because everyone's worried about those players reputation, and what they've done in the past. Come on, everyone surely deserves a chance. Whether taken advantage of, or merely for the greater good, everyone appropriate enough for the job should get a chance at it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chorale__


      ^^ ADDITION ^^
      Also, I swear some of these staff leads/managers need to look at the application and not the comments on the applications. I've seen plenty of GREAT applications that don't get good player feedback, and aren't even granted an interview via TS3 or Discord, Skype, etc. They're automatically denied.- If the application is good, give them a shot. If the players whine over them being apart of staff, then I guess it's just tough sh*t.

      @ Team leaders/Managers 

    3. Lirinya


      You also have to understand that staff members probably know plenty about some of the players who apply for staff, before they apply. You can just look at a username and as staff, they probably know how many warnings that persons had, what type of reputation they have in the RP community etc.  

    4. Chorale__


      I haven't applied for a staff position in quite the while, as i've been blacklisted and prohibited from doing so. What always irritated me, was that they would get denied due to just the player feedback. I had a team lead message me once, (whom I won't expose) - about 4 months ago and tell me that my player feedback was horrible on the application, but they saw potiential in my application and said that if I bettered myself in the community and got good player support on my application, then I would have gotten into the team. However, the community didn't want me as a member of staff at the time so he was, "forced," to deny my application. @Lirinya

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