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  1. i, for one, support the purging of lorebloat :^)

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    2. zaezae


      Uh, yeah irrelevant since a lot of shelvings have to do with the LT demanding rewrites, not trails. And further, you're still posting irrelevant things since I never said that the lore shouldn’t be condensed with creatures removed, only that I didn't agree at all with how they are going about it. I mean you did read what I said when you copy pasted right?


      The state of the lore is 100% the fault of the LT, full stop. Not only the number of lore pieces but how pedantic and long-winded they are, what with the demands for so many minute details and itemized limitations and abilities. 


      The players of creatures shouldn’t be screwed over by the LT so that they can clean up their own mess. What they should do for inactive creatures is provide an event to wrap them up, or at the very bottom of the barrel, tell the players the in-lore canon reason why their creature will not exist in the future. Even if it’s just an excuse, but something so that players can actually develop a character along the event and move on. It would at least put a dynamic-rp mask on what is otherwise a completely bogus act of the skygods. 


      And supposedly, the shelved creatures aren’t even removed. If someone can provide a rewrite that meets the LT’s mysterious standards, then theoretically they could all return so you aren’t even getting what you’re rooting for anyway. 


      Also, I’ve played maybe over ten characters. Of those, one was a creature and none of the others knew any magic, held any land, held an honorific title, and were all common folk, so miss me with the snowflake bullshit. 

    3. ___



      Uh, yeah irrelevant since a lot of shelvings have to do with the LT demanding rewrites, not trails.

      The LT demand rewrites to creatures whose lore is abused or lack a meaningful impact on the server as I stated. E.g. Homunculi and Sprites respectively, to name just two.



      The state of the lore is 100% the fault of the LT, full stop. Not only the number of lore pieces but how pedantic and long-winded they are, what with the demands for so many minute details and itemized limitations and abilities.

      That’s done to prevent people from abusing the lore. It’s necessary.
      I too would be “pedantic and long-winded” if I had to read through piles of poorly-written lore which is most often than not written in a vague way to allow the writer to abuse that piece of lore later.

      Also, “state of the lore”? The LT? Have you forgotten about Aesopian’s tree god eventline and how the LT had to retcon his power-tripping mess of a bomb that he did? I haven’t.



      The players of creatures shouldn’t be screwed over by the LT so that they can clean up their own mess. What they should do for inactive creatures is provide an event to wrap them up, or at the very bottom of the barrel, tell the players the in-lore canon reason why their creature will not exist in the future. Even if it’s just an excuse, but something so that players can actually develop a character along the event and move on. It would at least put a dynamic-rp mask on what is otherwise a completely bogus act of the skygods. 

      I agree.



      And supposedly, the shelved creatures aren’t even removed. If someone can provide a rewrite that meets the LT’s mysterious standards, then theoretically they could all return so you aren’t even getting what you’re rooting for anyway. 

      I’m not rooting for anything. If they provide the LT with a rewrite that removes chances of abusing a creature and gives them a role to fill, rather than existing for the sake of it, good for them.



      Also, I’ve played maybe over ten characters. Of those, one was a creature and none of the others knew any magic, held any land, held an honorific title, and were all common folk, so miss me with the snowflake bullshit.

      I don’t care what you play or have played. I referred to those players who played the creatures I listed for no reason other than being a snowflake, whose names I don’t know.


    4. Merkaken


      Nah I’d prefer to keep playing my character I’ve played for years

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