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About Boomzerang

  • Birthday May 10

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    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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  1. As a direct quote from a post earlier that was removed,
    ”As much as I’m gonna get called out for this, I will say it nonetheless. I don’t know whether I’ve just been more aware of the staff’s actions as of this map, or if the staff has just gone that far downhill, but past late Axios staff has been a [REDACTED]show. Call it bias, call it whatever you want – but the iron fist of the staff has only gotten tighter, and their bias has only gotten stronger.”

    Edited by Boomze
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    2. Boomzerang


      The correct quote is, “Do things without paying attention to the repercussions”
      Just because I don’t give a **** about getting banned on an elves vs orcs minecraft server doesn’t mean I’m not gonna call out bullshit in its administration.

    3. J


      Pretty much the same implication with the quote.


      Point is, staff collectively doesn't hate any playerbase; that's a ridiculous statement as is. But yes, we have gotten more strict with punishments. Especially when harassment started becoming more prominent for a while.


      However, I can't speak for what went down in that duel. If what Wolfkite says is true, then that's genuinely unfortunate and I hope it's addressed sooner rather than later. But most of us weren't aware of this if it was the case; even now there's little publicized information regarding it within the core staff chats.

    4. AGiantPie


      BRO the staff has had problems stemming from the highest echelons literally forever. Even the founder stole money from donations in order to pay for his university education. If you think it’s only been bad “since late Axios” then you’ve not been paying attention. Need I point out the behavior of the GM team during the Dukes War, or Roy’s rebellion, or the Athera antagonist (or any antagonist for that matter), or the fact nexus even existed? It goes on and on.

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