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  1. Any tips for finding roleplay? Apparently checking every city on the server for an hour and a half doesn't work.

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    2. Jentos


      You can rp with me Jye...

    3. LeoRabbit99



      People aren't evenly dispersed across any map. Hypothetically, let's say there are 27 players that play this server. Whether the map is big or small, if there's say, four places to RP, most of those 27 people are going to go to those four places where they can RP anyway, and stay there. Expanding or compressing the size of the map to reasonable points virtually has almost 0 effect on directing players to RP in certain places. The only thing that really matters is the amount of places there are to RP. If you make too many hubs, than RP is spread too thin. I'm not trying to be a super ****, but as far as LotC is concerned, I think the map size is what I'm most passionate about. I said on Axios the size of the map had nothing to do with the RP, but no one listened to me. Exactly what I said was going to happen is happening. Freebuild was a mistake, and I'm saying this as a successful freebuild-town leader. I was skeptical, but decided to give it a shot. But it turns out I was right. It just allowed more people to make 2-4 player towns that spreads out RP. I even predicted that people were going to complain again about the map size, and that the maps were going to slowly dwindle to a small little itty-bitty island (exaggeration, but you understand my premise). Idk if this will happen. We'll see if people understand this time around. As far as the walk taking "five hours," that's a fast travel vs. actual traveling argument. I mean yeah, it dissuades people to travel to other cities slightly, but a, not as much as one would think, and b, I'm personally in opinion of promoting stationarity to a small extent. Regardless if you agree or not, this is a fast travel arguement, not a "map is too big arguement." Why am I so concerned about this? Because: a big open world gives vastness and a sense of danger. If you ask me, if you put everything too close, it'll be ******* lame, and really won't help at all with the issue at hand. 


      Again, I'm not trying to be an ass, so I'm sorry if this came out as a bit bad. But map size does nothing for condensing RP. If people really want to solve this, I'd say get rid of freebuild next map. Maybe there are better solutions than completely scrapping it, so I'm open to other arguments. There is definitely virtue to freebuild, but it also has its issues. 

      Edited by LeoRabbit99
    4. jyecarson


      If you think map size does nothing for condensing rp then there is no point really debating with you. Maps this big are terrible, and getting from point A to point B is exhausting, you can switch the conversation to fast travel but at the end of the day if the map was smaller we wouldn't need to implement any fast travel systems.




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