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Status Updates posted by TinyBiceps

  1. you're a big memey meanie. i'm exposing you.

    1. garentoft


      halt there, rebel scum

    2. TinyBiceps
    3. forwhatpvrpose


      the memes have infected my sacred profile


  2. someone kept calling me 'she' in the middle of a skit in theater class and i was very confused. she thought i was a girl smh

    1. Weabootrash


      shouldve called them a he

  3. it's weird to think about how i found this server by pure chance.

    1. Vaynth


      We found each other by pure chance.

    2. TinyBiceps


      i think about that alot. i met the first person i had real rp with on here by chance too. weird thing.

    3. christian2142


      Finding this server is like finding out you have cancer rip

  4. someone take me to see hamilton pls pyro won't :(

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      I have no canadian dollars 

    2. TinyBiceps


      it's in the states if you love me you'll do it


      although i could wait until 2017 to see it in vancouver but

  5. unban my man gypceros he doesn't deserve this

  6. i liked hamilton but i love this


  7. what makes someone relevant and what makes someone irrelevant

    1. Vaynth


      You're relevant to me son.

    2. TinyBiceps


      just to reiterate you're literally the nicest person

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      get banned for xray

  8. i forgot how creepy this music vid is


  9. why is it when i farm whenever i break a wheat crop the seeds/ wheat likes to fly all the way across the farm so i end up not picking it up

    1. Moochael


      because wheat is a free soul and you cannot command it to what it can or cannot do

    2. TinyBiceps


      i'm sorry i don't see a wheat rights post anywhere, us farmers need to make a living. #FarmerLivesMatter.

    3. Moochael


      Privileged farmers smh


      check your privilege 

  10. whoever decided freshman don't have to do exams i love you

  11. tfw you haven't rp'd or interacted with anyone IG in 4 days but apparently assassins are after you

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      If they don't look like AC2 assassins, they are not real assassins.

  12. Need someone to blame? This is your man. 


    1. Vaynth


      The Sash-Ringing

      the Trash-Singing


      The Flash-Springing

      The Cr-Crash-Dinging

  13. I think disturbingly wondrous things like this need to be shared. http://princebases.deviantart.com/art/Mettaton-x-Oc-2-581898974

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vaynth
    3. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      this is art i wish i could draw as good as ths ))):

    4. Jygg


      Mettaton looks like Iblees

  14. if only my **** were as big as my signature

  15. I've been trying to draw my characters correct body type for abt an hour or so now, i am ready for death.

  16. i just had 3 hefty pieces of black forest cake in under 30 minutes. new record. new low.

    1. jamesb


      Can I have some?

    2. TinyBiceps


      by 3 hefty pieces i meant the entire cake.. it was an accident i swear!

    3. jamesb



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