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About Niathria

  • Birthday January 23

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  1. I'm alive


    I think... :P

    1. Slothtastic


      Oh mah god, is she alive or nah?

    2. Niathria


      Nah I am alive, just hungry currently 

  2. Working on a coherent history and character profile is taxing on my already tired brain.... 




    1. Reeg_


      Completely irrelevant to your status, but I love your background photo by the way. 

    2. Niathria


      XD Thanks. I wanted something random related to the Sound of Music and found that. 

  3. Date of Birth 7th of Amber Cold, 1549 *** Parents Biorn Alcarin of Solace, Archer of the Holy Oren Empire & Tirneldes of Laureh'lin, Priestess of the Noldor *** The First Seed, 1549 Tirneldes layered on an overcoat, trying to conceal the growing roundness of her midsection before heading up to the deck of the ship. "Dryad?" His stunned expression as his flute abruptly ceased made her softly laugh. "No." She tucked some of her mahogany hair behind her coned ear, "I am a Mali'ame." She settled herself on a bulging root of the tree the human male was leaning against. The bundle of herbs nestled on her lap, as she met his gaze again. He had earthen eyes, dark and intense. The cool sea wind rippled through her hair, as Biorn's face faded among the rolling clouds on the horizon. She was naive... She knew the laws... Sworn to a life of celibacy, yet why had she given in... The business of the Sutica harbor swallowed up Tirneldes as she shifted into the sea of strangers. History Born in Sutica, Niathria is the illegitimate child of a wood elf and a heartlander during the war. She never met her father because he was slain in the war against the Orcs. Her mother had to flee the confides of the city as news of such a union was frowned upon. Her mother took up refudge in the small city of Sutica among the Farfolk. Due to the sudden change of climate and introduction to the human curse of diseases, Niathria was placed under the care of the orphanage as her mother died alone and heartbroken that following winter. The years in the orphanage was quiet and uneventful, her father's lighter skin tone and playful golden hair predominate among the darker skinned children. Her soulful blue-grey eyes were from her mother, a soft reminder of the long past days of her youth ripped from her. Niathria spent most of her hours reading or in the little plot of land that was a sorry excuse for a garden, though she aged with the other children yet retained the elven youthfulness well into her teens. Present Even with her youthful looks, she had the soul of a wanderer. Niathria left the orphanage to leave her mark in the world, she never stayed in one place. Working in the mines and skilled in blacksmith has hardened her hands as a good income. Her passive spirit lends to her unbiased choices, yet most see her as weak and indecisive. Her kind nature draws domesticated animals to her. Her true enjoyment is among nature while forging for herbs and food. Niathria stays around her keenfolk in the Heartland, living off the land however she can. She earns her living in the blacksmith trade while tending to her own little cottage away from the larger city. Though she has been happy for the last couple years, her heart has begun to stir again with a restless longing for something more... *** OOC Information Hi, I am Silver_Satin. I have been roleplaying on forums for about five years; I have been a creator of worlds, historian of races, and storyteller since I was 15, so about twelve years. I am proficient in Fantasy and knowledgeable in the Medieval time period that the server has to offer.
  4. Thanks for the wonderful start to the forum and server. All you guys are great. Hitting the hay for awhile. See you all later! :3

    1. Doug


      Bye bye! Rest well!

    2. AGiantPie


      "All of you guys are great."

      haha y-yeah..

    3. Summorox
  5. Mostly wondering when a application-senpai will notice me... 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. EdgyMagey


      that means u have vairus and we fix give us credit card number pleas

    3. Niathria


      Japanese to Indian. You guys are crazy :P

    4. Mabah


      Image result for grandchildren free tech support

      credit card number = 1234567

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