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Posts posted by Halt

  1. Courtesy: Council of Renatus





    8th of Sigismund’s End, 1713


    His Imperial Majesty has deemed it suitable to pursue an extended absence as he partakes on a sentimental pilgrimage across the fabled continent of Aeldin, where his progenitors hail from. It is due to this that the Privy Council has come together to declare a state of regency across the Empire in order to better maintain the prosperous state of the Realm and to continue the ongoing war against the EU. Therefore the following is declared:





    1.  The Arch-Chancellor, Wilhelm Devereux, shall ascend to the position of Regent and assume the responsibilities of the Emperor until His Imperial Majesty returns.
    2. The Privy Council shall aid the newly-named regent in leading the Empire, just as they would assist the Emperor. However if a matter arises where two or more members of the Privy Council deem an issue to be so serious it should not be handled by the Regent alone, then the matter shall be handled democratically by the entire Privy Council.
      1. This can also be invoked to revoke, undo or alter the decisions made by the regent.




    1.  While most matters can be entrusted to the Regent, all matters pertaining to war shall be handled by His Imperial Highness, Martinus Horen, until His Imperial Majesty returns.
    2. This position shall be guided alongside a The Regent and a War Council that shall persist of the Grand Marshal, the Grand Knight, and the Siege Master, Tiberius Horen.
    3. If these terms are not held to then any additional powers granted to the aforementioned shall be revoked and the Empire shall sit without a sole leader until the return of His Imperial Majesty.




    THE IMPERIAL REGENT, Wilhelm of the House of Devereux, Regent and Archchancellor of the Imperium Septimus.


    HIS IMPERIAL HIGHNESS, Ser Martinus “The Lover” of the House of Horen, Prince and Dragon Knight, and Warlord of the Imperium Septimus


    HER IMPERIAL HIGHNESS, Amelia Philipa of the House of Horen, Princess of Alstion and the Imperium Septimus, Duchess of Alba and Furnestock, Lady Keeper of the Privy Seal of the Empire


    HIS IMPERIAL EXCELLENCY, Darius of the House of Ault, Grand Knight of the Imperium Septimus, Ordermaster of the Imperial Order of the Red Dragon and chaste servant of God.


    HIS IMPERIAL EXCELLENCY, Charles-Edmond of the House of Talraen, Minister of the Interior and Arch-Seneschal of the Imperial and Royal Crown of Exalted Godfrey and Renatus-Marna, Baron and Lord Protector of Rennes


    HIS IMPERIAL EXCELLENCY, Rozmeo of the House of Kastrovat, Lord Marshal

    of the Imperial Renatian Legion


  2. Courtesy: Council of Renatus








    Issued and Confirmed by His Imperial Majesty, Antonius I of the House of Horen,12th of Harren’s folley, 1710.



    Peace, prosperity, and cooperation define an Empire and lead it to glory under GOD: a divine accord that was severed this Saint’s Eve. His Imperial Highness, Yury of the House of Horen, has been accused of leading his men into the Adrian Capital of Ves; In light of these allegations, as stipulated in Imperial Law, a trial will be held in the Imperial Capital of Helena to determine Prince Yury’s innocence and where he may safeguard his rights as a citizen of Man.


    All viable witnesses, which include but are not limited to: His Royal Majesty, Marius Barbanov II, and the Adrian populace may attend to testify their accounts of the occurrence.


    But to you, my fair friend - Marius, there is no need to summon a member of my family to stand trial, for the Emperor’s justice shall always prevail; Prince Yury would have stood trial regardless of your request.



    The trial will be held in the Imperial Throne room tomorrow, Tuesday the 9th of April at 3:30PM EST.





    HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Antonius I of the House of Horen, Emperor of Man, King of Renatus, Marna, Mardon, Salvus, Seventis, Savoy, Courland, Santegia, and Norland, Duke of the Crownlands, Avar, and Frederica, Count of Helena, Alamar, Frederica, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Gravelhold, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, Farfolk, etcetera


  3. Courtesy: Council of Renatus





    Issued and confirmed by his Imperial Majesty, Antonius of House Horen, 8th of Tobias’ Bounty , 1708.





    The Order of Pertinax acts as Knightly Order to the Kingdom of Renatus and the Crownlands. Consisting of every sanctioned Knight within the Crownlands, the Order of Pertinax seeks to uphold the etiquette and prestige of the Knights within the realm.





    It is required, by decree of his Imperial Majesty, that all Knights within the Crownlands are to enlist within the Order of Pertinax. The Order of Pertinax has no uniform. It is also noted that not all Knights are Nobles, yet all Nobles should seek Knighthood, the order like all others is headed by a Paramount Knight.





    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall be loyal to the Emperor both in thought and in practice.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall live by honour and for glory.  

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall guard the honour of fellow Knights.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall at all times keep the faith,

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall serve his liege lord valorously and with conviction.


    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall persevere to the end in any quest begun.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall never turn their back upon a foe.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall refrain from the wanton giving of offense.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall never leave an insult left unanswered.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall never refuse the challenge of a duel from an equal or superior.


    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall respect those placed in authority.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall abstain from deceit and treason.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall never draw his blade upon a fellow Knight in unlawful combat.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall be vigilant and show courage in the face of evil.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall at all times speak truly.





    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall receive the privilege to don the title of Ser.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall receive the privilege to display one’s own sigil.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall receive the privilege to be armed amongst the Emperor’s Court.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall receive the privilege to govern lands in the name of the Emperor.


    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall receive the privilege to levy taxes upon their fiefdom.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall receive the privilege of providing counsel to the the Emperor.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall receive the privilege of the right to trial by combat.

    ☩ A Knight of the Empire shall receive the privilege of being buried within the Arrav Crypts.






    The path to Imperial Knighthood begins as the lowly page. Noble boys between the ages of seven and fourteen are inspected and chosen by Knights seeking squires. Pages attend to menial tasks, such as cleaning, messaging and otherwise serving their knight. In return, they receive an education from their knight in the form of basic combat training and courtly manners.



    When a page reaches the age of Fourteen, he is elevated to the role of Squire following confirmation by the Grand Knight. Squires retain the important tasks of their past and adopt new, combat related ones, such as maintaining arms and armour, protecting the knight, and even fighting in formation. Older squires are given important duties to be carried out, and will eventually embark on their Errant quest, as prescribed by their local liege or Grand Knight, to showcase their knowledge of Knightly Custom and Virtue with the goal of eventually becoming a Knight of the Realm.


    Imperial Writ

    Should one enlist within a levy force or military order yet not hail from noble lineage, the acquirement of Knighthood remains plausible. It is the will of his Imperial Majesty that the finest of Humanity are to be Knighted and serving within the Imperium, for often times men of low birth showcase more prowess and devotion to mankind than that of gentry or lords. As such, should one be found worthy of Errantry, his Imperial Majesty shall issue an Imperial Writ, officiating the knighthood if a lowborn individual.





    FIRST DEGREE - Knights Errant

    Knights Errant are the sons of Noblemen who seek to prove themselves honorable in Quests or Battle as a means to earn the coveted Spurs of Knighthood, which would promote them to the Second Degree of Knighthood. Knights Errant are often times inexperienced, and thus they seek to learn and progress through action rather than study. Additionally, Knights Errant do not actively serve a lord, even when directly related, as they are preoccupied with achieving personal glory rather than hereditary tasks.


    SECOND DEGREE - Knights of the Realm

    Knights of the Realm are Knights Errant who have earned their Spurs of Knighthood and granted personal fief and form the bulk of the Knights in the Imperium Septimus. Henceforth, Knights of the Realm are obligated to defend their fief, the lands and the honor of the Imperium Septimus. Alternatively, upon the Knight’s choice, a Knight of the Realm may seek out service elsewhere in the Imperium under that of a Landed Noble with a hereditary title and often times hold administrative tasks within that Lord’s holding. Should no land be available for a Knight of the Realm within the Greater Empire, it is the duty of a Knight of the Realm to expand the Borders of the Empire and plant their banners upon contested territories.


    THIRD DEGREE - Adventuring Knights

    Adventuring Knights are Knights of the Realm who, despite being offered lands and titles, renounce both in order to journey to foreign lands in hopes of becoming worthy enough to become a Dragon Knight. Adventuring Knights focus on becoming worthy of the Imperial Order of the Red Dragon, and thus they seek to perform good deeds, slay evil beings, engage in single combat honorably, or by displaying valour on the field of battle.





    Paramount Knight

    • Ser Aldis Chase


    Adventuring Knights


    Knights of the Realm

    • Ser Phillip Marshall
    • Ser Rozmeo Kastrovat
    • Ser Roland Castelo


    Knights Errant

    • Frederick Alexander
    • Valentin Castelo
    • Iros de Castillo



    The Rule of Pius

    Authored by Ser Pius Horen, the Hellstrider, 19th of the Sun's Smile, 1679.

    I. On the Conduct of Imperial Knights


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus are expected to act as the Emperor’s personal enforcers when called upon. As such, Imperial Knights are DEPUTIZED unless blackmarked. Deputization ensures that all Knights of the Imperium Septima hold the right to act as Judge, Jury and even Executioner when upholding the Emperor’s Peace.


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus are expected to know how to address their peers, clergymen and local liege lords. Additionally, Imperial Knights are expected to act with honour, in tandem with the Chivalric Code, in any and all given circumstances.


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus are expected to be in good fitness and health and ensure that their mental state is not impaired whilst in the Public Domain. As such, Imperial Knights are expected to refrain from becoming publicly intoxicated upon liquors, Uruk herbs or hallucinogens.


    II. On the Dress of Imperial Knights


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus, by decree of his Imperial Majesty, are to remain armed and armored at all times whilst within the Public Domain. In tandem, Imperial Knights are afforded the right to don the colors and sigil of their House, Liege or Circle. To wear anything less is a sign of disgrace to the Emperor.


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus, whilst in armor, are expected to upkeep their spurs as to ensure that they remain in good quality. Imperial Knights shall refrain from wearing pointed sabatons, shoes and shoelaces as they indicate pagan tradition and beliefs. Additionally, whilst in battle, Imperial Knights are expected to equip helmets at all times as to ensure that one's pride does not result in premature death. Should a Knight be without an adequate suit of plate due to damage, it shall be provisioned unto him by the Grand Knight until it can be repaired.


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus, if physical labor is to be completed, shall not remove their armor in favor of wearing flexible materials; rather, Imperial Knights shall persevere and adapt to the constrictions of their armor. Should a Knight be so physically impaired as to conduct labor, they shall utilize partisans to complete it for them.


    III. On the Elderly, Ill and Infirm Knights


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus who are above the age of Seventy shall be considered Elderly. Elderly Knights shall be afforded the option of continued servitude or retirement. Elderly Knights shall retain their titles even into retirement, as well as the benefits that the Order provisions unto them. Elderly Knights also shall receive a statue of their person within the Carolustadt Palace.


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus who are afflicted by viral pathogen or affliction shall be considered Ill. Ill Knights shall immediately be given leave ordered to remain within relative quarantine. Pathogens that result in illness are contagious and may threaten the lives of a Knight’s peer, and more importantly, the life of the Emperor. An Ill Knight shall remain in relative quarantine until deemed able and healthy by an Imperial Physician.


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus who are physically unable to conduct their Knightly duties shall be considered Infirm. Infirm Knights, if permanently physically impaired as a result of combat, shall be permitted the option of retirement. In the case of the loss of limb, an infirm Knight is expected to acquire prosthetics and persevere through their disability. Infirm Knights, who are deemed infirm as a result of personal choice (laziness, stupidity, etcetera.), shall be blackmarked.


    IV. On the Blackmarking of Knights


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus are expected to act respectfully and within the Guidelines of the Order of the Red Dragon. However, time to time, some Imperial Knights will ignore such regulations put in place to keep them in the grace of GOD and his Empire. Therefor, misconduct is a bad omen to one’s peers and becomes a disastrous precedent to be left unchecked. Hence, the implementation of Blackmarking.


    Knights of the Imperium Septimus who have been blackmarked have been found committing a grievance beyond repair in the eyes of the Emperor and Grand Knight, the latter of whom suggests the punishment. Blackmarked Imperial Knights are stripped of their Imperial regalia and forced to undertake a Quest of Restitution in the grace of the Empire. Such actions may only be undertaken ONCE in a lifetime.


    Knights of the Imperium Septum who been blackmarked and completed their quest of restitution, only to be blackmarked once more, are is to be stripped of their Knighthood via the “Chopping of the Spurs”, condemned, and banished from Imperial service. Their name will be made public, and his presence in vassal states, while a stain on their good reputation, is only barely tolerable. If said grievances are terrible enough, the former Knight may be banished from the Imperium entirely, or even executed.




    HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Antonius I of the House of Horen, Emperor of Man, King of Renatus, Marna, Mardon, Salvus, Seventis, Savoy, Courland, Santegia, and Norland, Duke of the Crownlands, Avar, and Frederica, Count of Helena, Alamar, Frederica, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Gravelhold, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, Farfolk, etcetera.




    ((Credit to Zhulik for writing the original post.


  4. Courtesy: Council of Renatus





    “Where there is a will, prosperity cannot be far behind.”

    Issued and confirmed by His Imperial Majesty, Antonius of the House of Horen, 8th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1708



    By the grace and good will of GOD, His Imperial Majesty Antonius I of the House of Horen does see fit to undertake integral changes to the order of Knighthood and the status of the Nauzican Brigade. He henceforth publishes the following edicts:




    The Nauzica have served their purpose under the Empire, but despite a long and valorous history, their relevance and ability to serve has faltered as time has passed. His Imperial Majesty Antonius I of the House of Horen therefore sees fit to disband the Nauzica. They shall cease to exist as a recognised branch of the Empire.



    By the grace and good will of GOD, His Imperial Majesty Antonius I of the House of Horen does see fit for Darius of the House Ault ascend to the privy council to serve as the Grand Knight, with a mandate to pursue reform.



    The contemporary order of Knights encompassing the Kingdom of Renatus is named the Imperial Order of the Red Dragon -- this order shall henceforth be known as “The Order of Pertinax.” The pinnacle of the Order, Dragon Knights shall be removed to make way for a reform of the Dragon Knights into the new Imperial Order.



    His Excellency, the Grand Knight has further decreed his preliminary act on the position to strip members of their knighthood. The following listed below may no longer bear the privilege to don themselves a Knight of the Empire nor may bear the title of “Ser.”


    1. Seth Renault (ZePato)
    2. Konyves Ivanovich (Tornado___)
    3. Bodgdan (PrivetTovarisch)
    4. Hans Rovin (Zhulik)
    5. Marius Karl Baruch (KIIWIKILLA)
    6. Maly’thill (Tasty_Cheesecake)
    7. Leonard of Glythen (Lothric)
    8. Varon Kovachev (Arygon)
    9. Griffith von Roke (Nolan_)
    10. Reynald de Chatillon (Reynald_)
    11. Ostrobor Carrion (3andD)
    12. Marc de Chatillon (Illuminaire)
    13. Achilius Horen (Kukiii)
    14. Gaius Mournstone (Keening)
    15. Cercei Talraen (Motherland_)
    16. Tomas of Riverridge (Ozmandu)
    17. Leon (Bungo)
    18. Horace (Navin_)
    19. Commodus Horen (Shady_Tales)
    20. Marek of Kastrovat (Gressy)
    21. Brand Denhardt (Generalstang838)
    22. Gregory Wolf (_Hadraniel_)
    23. Stefan Morovic (_WACKO)




    HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Antonius I of the House of Horen, Emperor of Man, King of Renatus, Marna, Mardon, Salvus, Seventis, Savoy, Courland, Santegia, and Norland, Duke of the Crownlands, Avar, and Frederica, Count of Helena, Alamar, Frederica, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Gravelhold, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, Farfolk, etcetera.


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