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Posts posted by Unwillingly

  1. In the far reaches of the decrepit chambers stood a man, pale and bereft of a good night's rest that hour, the hours before, and now, many hours after. Deliberation tempts him forth with every strike and clang of blade, as though a sliver of him could reconsider the fate of Xan's prized.

    When the final blow met its mark, he looked away.

  2. 45 minutes ago, Orlanth said:

    I believe there also needs to be more ways of spending money for the average player as well, as for the most part the biggest money sinks are currently only for nations. 

    rare orlanth W

    there's really no reason to save mina atm bc there's nothing to spend them on other than nations and settlements. but incentive to collect mina shouldn't be hamfisted through pointless mechanics, instead people should be given more avenues of RP that would allow for economy-based RP and should be navigated in a way that doesn't give people massive ******* headaches and prevent people fron RPing if they dont want to constantly grind for mina

  3. 31 minutes ago, argonian said:

    Related to the above: streamline the application process. One important example, instead of just telling them to "read duh lore stupid" and directing them to our thousands of pages of mostly out-of-date lore, we should just have a thread for each race describing the basics (the Four Brothers, the original racial nations, major religions, etc.) and just ask the applicants questions that are clearly answered in the thread for the race they're applying as. Or smth like that. In Aegis we just had to know who the Four Brothers were and we could wave away our characters' ignorance by saying "ahyes but you see I come from a distant land". These days noobs have to pretend they came from the capital of Haense and then log in unable to actually find their "home". What purpose does that serve?

    this is so real tho but ppl hate making joining the server easier for noobs bc they're so diehard on their "good rper noobs onlny plz" or whateverthefuck other convoluted reasoning ppl are on a mission to enforce lol

    the application form has been made simpler and requirements and restrictions and standards are being made lesser recently and people are actually mad about it

  4. Maybe I speak from a point of bias, as someone who has been tirelessly working to spread magic from what feels like an ever-stagnating Naztherak community, +1


    This is going to be a bit of a vent, but I've been growing more and more jaded and discouraged with the state of a community I've been pouring my heart into trying to rebuild for just shy of a year now. I want more players. I want an actual community to roleplay with and, as much as I appreciate the small bundle of proactive players we do already have, roleplaying with the same 3 people is not sufficient for storybuilding and RP longevity in the long run. I want more players. I want an actual personal community to expand and interact with, people to plot and scheme against others with.


    But I feel like I have gotten nowhere, and I'm still stuck where I was when I first made my TA last year. We've had small bursts of storyline and activity, but this is a community of 12 or so naz MAs and only about 3 or 4 of which are active. I dont know if these are average numbers for a dark magic, but if it is, if shouldn't be. The community I desperately want to build still feels like it's in the same rut of inactivity it was in two years ago and I don't know why, and I don't mean to throw shade, but above all I feel like I'm the only one putting in effort. The more I think about how to build my community, what I can do to spread the magic and bring in new faces, the more discouraged I get. I'm frustrated, sad, and am admittedly very close to calling it quits on trying to build Naztherak as a magic.


    I just want people to build a story with. I want collaboration and a revitalized community, and I have a bit of hope that this might help :(

  5. 30 minutes ago, BobBox said:

    this is already done via my own blood magic mart, would rather not see it as a base ability given such

    feels kinda weird to -1 new lore being added bc "I did it first and I want to be the only one who can do it" esp for something as benign as what is essentially harmless aesthetics 

  6. I remember one time I went to an event at [unnamed city] except the ppl who hosted it did nothing to encourage further RP or engage people with the event and after about 40 minutes of literally nothing happening I realized it was just a quick activity grab

  7. In the night, Bywater rests.

    And in Bywater, a horrific thunderclap  
    rang throughout the village.

    Those who cared to investigate would spot a stark blemish within their jovial market. A once viridescent tree has been reduced to a withered amalg of blackened bark, stripped of its leaves and even the common bird or squirrel. Along its trunk, a large crevasse, splintered and fragmented in every which way. The grass and flowers at its feet, too, have shriveled not to lifelessness, but to corruption. Druids who attempt to commune with this tree meet total, obsolete silence — a testament to the state of these trees and the intention of its doer. 







  8. 4 hours ago, satinkira said:

    ban people who get nsfw art done of their characters,

    really curious as to how people propose this be moderated as if people who share their NSFW art in public server or servers w minors don't already get banned


    (And if they don't get banned as is they should be)

  9. 11 hours ago, Crevel said:

    P.S. peep how quite a lot of the people voting no are people known to have engaged in inappropriate roleplay or have been accused of it / ERP. Just an interesting observation.

    u say that like ppl on lotc aren't maliciously credulous and dont just casually throw around "omg they're probably ERPing" when they see two players alone, or when they conflate a situation into something it isn't. did you not just see the recent BR where someone got slandered because a player twisted an RP interaction to make it seem like they were being pressured into implicitive/suggestive RP or whatever and sent out of context screenshots to a public chat of 300+ players?  

    this means nothing

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