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Posts posted by Unwillingly

  1. the real solution here is not glorifying nation leaders as an OOC position (along with their government or council buddies)


    in part I also think giving NLs less OOC power will contribute to making the actual RP aspect more valuable and pave the roads towards respectable leaders who pursue it for RP and not the OOC, and once u do that PK clauses don't need to be a conversation anynore

  2. I'll never trust RP to have mechanical influence because I know for a fact that as soon as you give that to things like alchemy, it's only pursued for the le epic buffs by people who don't gaf about RP and never for the actual niche or character interest. it's bad enough right now that a lot of people only use alchemy to spam potions for the mina grind, and incentivizing it through mechanics would only serve to make it more dull and unimpactful than it already is. we would see people/groups who would otherwise have no interest in this RP suddenly have an alchemy FA up within a day and it devolves into some of the most cancerous, bad-faith functions on the server


    alchemy is just a good example but this goes for any other niche of RP that might become codependent or even reliant on mechanics. prominent examples of these happening are when we saw a tidalwave of olog CAs come in when defender default was removed, or when bandits and pvpers only played dark elves for the speed boost

  3. CW: SA/r*pe


    I wholly agree that men's mental health does not get the attention it deserves & you pretty much said all that needs to be said. I think it's also worth raising awareness on male SA/r*pe when it comes to not speaking out. Something I've noticed in media is that when a male claims he was taken advantage of, his experience is beaten down by "you're so lucky, I wish I was you," or other dismissive and, to be frank, disgusting remarks. This also applies to media (movies, TV shows, or even YT) that perpetuates humor in SA/r*pe, using men as the punchline. It's very gross but very normalized.

    I don't mean to be that person and I'm sure you didn't mean any harm by it, but your post would resonate with a lot more people if it didn't use women's mental health as a point of comparison. I'm not saying that it's not true that women on average receive much more validation, but it becomes very very easy to turn people away who might otherwise agree if it wasn't "men's mental health matters too," but rather "men's mental health matters." Not saying "too" makes the whole difference.


  4. 7 hours ago, Benleft said:

    but they are too impactful to be as uncontrolled as ensorcellments are

    I don't know much about engorge but gilding is 99% aesthetic isn't it? It can't actually provide mechanical benefit according to the redlines and is just a visual quirk. Personally gilding shouldn't even require such a demanding creation ritual imo and I'd hardly call it "impactful" outside of, again, aesthetic flavor RP

  5. for the "gravatational field" spell you could definitely benefit from specifying what "easier or harder to move around" entails bc it's quite vague in that regard

    for example take into consideration people with armor, orcs, people with ORK ZTRENGTH etc. there should be some kind of metric in the lore that people can use to determine how this influences their character in combat, or even something as simple as an increased or decreased block movement count when this spell is used

  6. 5 minutes ago, Crevel said:


    Moderation is aware as a discussion was had in the main LotC discord, but this player is a sexpest with a fursona that is a rabbit which they sexualise heavily - referring to it as a "succubunny" and even going as far as to model large humanoid breasts on 3D models to be used in games like Second Life. Given that this player hasn't played the server in actual years, it is very clear that this race and their presence is only to exist as an extension of their fetish. Disgusting.

    I hereby rescind my original comment

  7. can we just please do something different for once instead of having every map start with A? why cant we let players pick from a list of names instead of every map name choice being a conversation between 4-5 people who seldom roleplay


    at this point I'd be way more interested in seeing player groups making up their own cultural names for next map

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