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Status Updates posted by Freischarler

  1. now accepting written applications to join the Flay Club. Elite unorthodox gaming network

  2. remove the no team hitting feature on status now.

  3. the monkey team is going to lose

  4. there should be a rule about mass recruiting pvpers -.- they r toxic scums

  5. this video of pando "hacking" doesnt seem to be very damning. you can hear the people in the video calling cakefool out for hacks as well, no offense to @cakefool but hes nowhere near the level of skill to be mistaken for hacks, i think the people fighting them just dont know what hacks look like and neither do the GM's on this server.

    1. Freischarler


      also if @Pando_ was hacking then after 10 seconds he would have combo'd the person recording this but none of the hits were especially fishy or out of the ordinary, if anything pando could have done better if he was legit.https://gyazo.com/6f13a0d00020d910b90cf0db6cdf68c8 after the first hit, if he was hacking he would have killed the recording player but he doesnt

    2. Cya


      Gm Biased at work, Sir Niccum seemed to want to ban both Cakefool and Pando for 6 months for following the rules. Might be because all of his buddies calling out Hacks and no rp kills.

  6. why cant i see my warning appeal anymore? i never got notified about it being denied and i cant see the reason for it

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rukio


      Sorry for not replying, we found it, PM'd elsewhere about it. It was indeed that one.

    3. Freischarler


      yea i still have the warning points >:(

  7. why is friendly fire still disabled???

    1. alexmagus


      war is peace

  8. why was i banned for a week?

    1. Guest


      to stop you from pvping in the skirmish of course

    2. Space





    3. Freischarler


      ones ancient the other is modern /thread

  9. why was my post removed


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wyvernbane


      Because it's a direct copy paste of Nazi propaganda? All you did was replace 'Jew' with 'elf'. If you're gonna do an IG racist post at least be creative.

    3. Freischarler


      thats literally what every church post is and every human anti elf post is lol

    4. rukio


      At least you weren't given a warning for posting a music video. 

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