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Posts posted by MickMeist

  1. xZ3betLZGN2qPWsKVF9G3eAXuiGKi9a3Mv0xez1XzE7RprUCFO3IRTKCcyv0tKnOEcP1EcSRBgWj85lcEHVye2P9rD2lkftsMW8Snzkh2Xrbs20F3zW036NpRTbkdHXuewFWN4u5



    Username MickMeist


    Discord MickMeist#0001


    Timezone est


    What group/playerbase are you most involved with? oocly a lot, rply, I just rp where I want


    Staff History

    ET Actor Jan 2018, AT Feb 2018 - Present, GM April 2018 - Present, AT Manager July 2018 - Present


    Ban History 



    Blacklist History:



    Why do you want to join the Event Team?

    I think I have some event line ideas that would be fun for both myself and the participants, and I keep getting told I can't use gm pex to do events.



    Why should we accept you onto the Team?

    List of mick's positive qualities: Tries to be a nice guy, puts out good shit when motivated, loads of free time that can be spent doing good shit if allowed


    What kind of events do you aspire to create?:

    I wanna put people's characters under DURESS, throw some lovecraftian shit into mary sue's brain, stuff that wouldn't necessarily kill'em, but freak'em out


    What makes a good event? 

    step 1: ET has to be laid back because nobody likes an actor with a stick up their ass. Step 2: ET has to understand that their event characters are even less the main characters than the players, your events should be a vessel solely to spur character development in others. step 3: get feedback afterward, ask the people doing your shit ideas for improvement, what you did well, etc



    Create three in-depth event scenarios. I’m not looking for some prelude or whimsical idea here -- we want an indicator as to your talent and potential to be on the ET. You don’t need to write a word-for-word script, but we want a solid structure and plan as to how you’d organize and carry out an event:

    Street performer

    Middle aged, graying early man sets up a tarp and some supplies in the square. After some self advertising, he ammasses a small crowd who begin to listen intently as he regails them with epics of the bravest heroes, with indomitable minds. Soon into these tales, however, Those listening would gradually have the words distort, eventually being perfect renditions of their greatest sacrifices, failures, and fears all in succession. He would do this to several cities, before those who listened soon began having night terrors, reliving those same events, which progressed into daytime hallucinations of even their greatest feats and accomplishments being distorted into horrible tragedies. Upon the man's completion of his task, or his eventual having been stopped, these memories would right themselves and return themselves to being success, but those affected would not simply forget the terrifying experience, as they'd remain perfectly conscious of the happening, but without awareness of its cause. 



    A particularly dickish group of birds are terrorizing the main rp hubs of lotc, one in each area, and stealing the possessions of the city's denizens. Eventually, a persona would like to retrieve their stuff and would seek out the bird's home. There, they would find said bird which would flee off in some arbitrary direction, but no bawbles. If they felt inclined to follow the bird, they would simply need to travel straight in the direction it fled for a fair time, where a larger tree stood. Under it's mangled and gnarled roots, writhed some massive feathery being, and if the player approached it would quickly escape its lair and be revealed as a massive eldritch horror comprised mostly of the gestating, dead, or dying bodies of hundreds of our fine feathered friends. Upon resolving the caper of the creepy crow boy, it would flee as quickly as it could, while dozens of it's component birbs flew or fell off the greater mass. Those involved can search the nest for their **** back and maybe some avian trinkets like pounds of cracked seed shells or some excrement.



    Some dudes in the wilderness come across a hot rock, thing's fuckin massive. If they ever manage to move it, it is revealed that it was the old connection between a massive underground empire of tunnel boring lava slug things that for whatever reason speak or understand common. This one's pretty open ended, those adventurer dudes can do whatever they want with or to the slugs and the slugs will reply in a way that would make sense. These things are sentient you can't just salt them, although if you salted a lava slug I'm not even sure if it would work. Example: The adventurers are nice and after some time the empress slug establishes a lava slug embassy in a relevant location for trade and communication. Example 2: The adventurers are dicks and the lava slugs eat and reseal their rock hole with a bigger rock. Example 3: For some reason the lava slugs promise lava slug riches to the adventurers should they succeed in modifying the lotc political climate to better suit lava slugs. The list goes on.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Narthok said:

    I feel like you need to give some context about the speaker in your opening limes so the reader can empathize more

    is that something like adding a stanza prior to "We strive.." or establishing the speaker's identity during the already existing opening lines? I've tinkered with various versions of it but they all seem to suffer from this issue unless I'm reading it aloud to someone


    Why choose a period?


    Lawrence McCarter (fuckin mickmeist yo)


    We strive to succeed in every aspect of life.

    Reaching, for that next big moment, through miles of toil and strife.


    And when any given one of these moments may last a myriad

    Of months or years I ask you. “Why choose a period?”


    In my case, I marched on that mat until my feet bled

    I hit that drum in that exact rhythm enough times that it would be months before those notes and melodies stopped running through my head.

    And while there might be minute details or some little things that I would go back and change,

    The reality is that my performance on that last stage was a gift to myself with no receipt for an exchange.


    Let me give you a scenario.

    Its simple enough, it goes like this:



    “I made this.”

    “I dedicated the last four years of my life to it.”

    “I’m happy about it.”


    Whoever that is I pray he doesn’t exist because that display was not passion

    During my magnum opus I would protest the war in Vietnam with extreme dissatisfaction

    My best friend would scream and shout to that crowd that he had a voice

    And as each moment passed every fiber of my being rejoiced.


    I left a piece of my soul behind with that performance, and thus came the end of a four year narration

    All I can say is that, whoever’s writing my story, I’m glad they chose an exclamation.




    This is the first of a series of poems I wrote about punctuation for a mix of reasons from class to hobbying to feeling cosmically obligated to do so. Posting it here primarily to get feedback and constructive advice from the plethora of incredible writers in our community, and secondarily to maybe spur myself into writing again because I'm lazy and haven't in a few months. Be as harsh or cushiony as you like, I just wanna get better yo.



    Also like if you wanna see the show this was based on its in this spoiler, unfortunately it isn't the championship performance I wrote with in mind because copyright and I couldn't get ahold of the video, so the show had changed a bunch during the season after this point but the message and overall feel/sound of the show was about the same.





  4. Hi Lotc, it's no secret that this server has gone through some turbulence (understatement?) in the recent weeks. 


    I'd like to offer a look into my own changing perspective on things in my own attempt to begin walking the path I feel we all need to walk in order to remedy things.


    Let's start a year ago. @Zombiefide tells me "No don't laugh, I know it's minecraft but it's actually pretty good." and then I apply for whitelist, this was a success, and I joined the hordes of people piling onto LoTC's player count every day. **** was pretty lit at first, but I didn't know how to rp and I quickly grew bored of the little meme rp and one off rp that lacked character development I partook in during my opening weeks. Then I made friends, started rping more meaningful everything and before you know it came the end of Axios. Hot damn was that fun rp, being on those boats in the tropical island was the most laid back and cohesive thing I personally have had the pleasure of witnessing my year on the server so far. 


    The beginning of Atlas meant lots of change for me and the small group of friends I'd rpd with. For example, I applied for ET Actor the day I hit 3 months on the server because at the time the minimum time to be on the ET was 3 months. Somehow, little ol' me managed to get it! A few weeks later and unfortunately dooming my eventlines to die, I was removed from the ET for the misuse of pex. I wanted to rejoin for a small while and ended up reapplyng once, but for some reason or another the idea of doing the events didn't really satisfy the itch I was trying to scratch anyways, wanting to help others enjoy the server and enjoying it by proxy through them. (Also I got denied after the interview) Nyooming a few weeks forward, @Sky and I became friends, and through him as well as @BritBritt, who were leading and on the at at the time respectively, I got glimpses into how the AT worked, and immediately became infatuated with the idea of helping new players get acclimated, it was exactly what I looked for on the ET!


    **** was ******* cash for a while, I loved it. The team dynamic, the new players, the everything! I remember feeling like my existence on planet earth was validated every single time I got a thank you from a soul or new player, and it was great. Then things took a turn for the worse, I started becoming aware of issues I had with the community, or maybe a particular staff team. These started out minute, and I quickly either brushed them off or stopped caring, but they eventually began compounding on each other and I became incredibly dissatisfied with the AT, and lost interest in doing the work and helping the new players after several months of choosing it over rp at every available opportunity. Then came GM, essentially the same idea as the AT, only server wide and also involved in moderating the rules and such.


    The month of July was a bad one for MickMeist in regard to his opinion and enjoyment of LoTC, for several factors I felt obligated to log on but every hour spent online was an hour not enjoyed, I not unfrequently got into heated arguments with other members of our community, including the admins. Some of these arguments were actually productive, leading to one side either acknowledging the correctness of the other or a compromise being drawn, but most were over trivial matters or entirely just a 2 way polemic. I had so many issues with so many things and I let them ruin everything that was good about this place and what kept me around in the beginning. Towards the end of the month, as well as coming into the first week of august, it was relatively common for a conversation I was in to somehow have me end up saying "I'm just waiting for the right time to jump ship or make a mistake so abhorrent I get pushed out." Needless to say, it was very unhealthy at this point to be spending time on the server, but I didn't. I hit 0 hours played in the last 7 days for the first time since I'd initially logged on, and I didn't care. That sounds a tad dramatic, but for me it was. LoTC pulled me out of a depression seeing a therapist hadn't done for years, LoTC helped me manage what I would find out was adhd that had gone undiagnosed my entire life up until college, LoTC subsidized my friendships as I lost the majority of them to people going away to school while I stayed home at our local school. It was a big deal for me, but I'd entirely lost the ability to care.


    Then I woke up today. I had breakfast, during which sky and I were having a chat about the server as a whole, and then a bit about his tenure as the at lead, coincidentally the time at which I remember having the most enjoyment come out of LoTC. After that, I went i/oo my yard and began weeding as well as doing some general lawn care, all the while, my thoughts transitioned from a complete state of pessimism regarding this server and community to the exact opposite. I don't know what switched in me, but for some reason I was immediately disgusted with the way I'd been the past month and wanted to put it behind me, my first reaction was to start conversation about it with someone, and @Fireheart was my first idea. Thanks an absolute ton to him for being available and willing almost immediately. It's about fuckin' time I got to the point of this post rather than rambling on and on, here are some quotes from our conversation, as well as some from other's. 


    "I seem to have undergone a complete change of heart in the past hour. I feel like I forgot who I was Mick isn't someone who just lies down and accepts **** that's wrong, mick isn't someone who decides its time for a community to die, I ******* fight for what I believe is to the benefit for myself and my peers, how is anything supposed to improve if I just sit idly in a puddle of pessimism?"


    "It's not a problem that you've grown cynical, Hell, I literally reached the bottom of the barrel in my opinion these last few weeks, but you and I have done great work together. I have seen firsthand how ******* fantastic you can be at doing what you do. Do we just lie down and let the problems win?" @Lumiin


    Those two I feel are small bits that I think get my point across. Here's a big ass one.


    "I don't want to tell you to stay if you are set on going, but staying, doing the absolute best you can, and being the best version of yourself is step one on a maybe short or maybe long road to repairing the server, community, staff, and relationships between them. You don't have to give. You don't even need to attempt to give, you've said it yourself you enjoy doing the moderation and continued to up until you decided leaving was the correct choice. It requires next to zero mental or otherwise energy to just do. I started off today, before having the epiphany that ripped me straight out of lotc's gutter, by making an annoyed tongue in cheek comment in server suggestions regarding communication. Then spoke over breakfast to Sky about his tenure as the AT Lead and kinda just reminiscing on the time I spent before spiraling down the path that left me a resentful ******* for the entire month of july and beginning of August. Going into that talk I was looking for affirmation that I was correct in jumping ship as I'd put it so often lately, coming out of it my body and soul are set straight ahead, but I'm blind. I don't know what the **** we, Lotc, need to do, but doing is all we need to for now. You specifically are someone who I have witnessed personally see a wrongdoing and step right the **** up and fix it without hesitation, and I am certain that trait is one that does not just disappear, it's there somewhere. You don't even need to take big steps. You dont' even need to walk. as far as I'm concerned you can ******* roll toward the promised land one roll a week if you need to, but without hesitation I say that as long as you're moving in any direction no matter the pace you're still getting out of whatever **** thunderstorm is in the sky, and then when you're out of it, you turn around, look that thunderstorm in the eyes and say **** you *******, because there's no such thing as running out of stuff to give, you just need to find it behind the fog." @Lark


    I think I've gone on enough, but I believe wholeheartedly in the message here. There are issues in our community, but they're all entirely fixable.






  5. A wood elven man offers pleasantries and conversation to the fresh face, kindly recalling Saleucus’ people’s former alliance with the man’s one time home. “Pleased to have met you, I am Ahryn Skelt.”



    ((Welcome to lotc! If you need any assistance feel more than welcome to ask!

  6. Speaking from experience, I don't think I experienced a single one of Torkoal's events during her previous green reign, so I'll abstain from commenting on the quality of her last performance as an actor but she puts out solid roleplay in her standard rp so I have no reason to believe her events would be anything but if she was given the opportunity to return to being a whatever shade of green. Evergreen? Something like that



    She's also very pleasant to interact with outside of rp so I am sure that quality will translate well in her rp as it usually does.



    Total applications, June 2018:




    Whitelisted Players:




    Denied Players:




    ~48% Denied Rate


    Out of 256 Denied Players, 214 (~84%) were denied outright, while 42 (~16%) were placed on pending and denied due to the timer expiring.




    Number of Guest Applications:




    Denied Guest Applications:


    148 (~73%)


    Accepted Guest Applications:


    55 (~27%)


    Out of 214 denied players, without being placed on pending, 148 (~69%) were guests.





    To break down the numbers a little more, there were 138 pending applications in June, and 394 that went straight to either accepted or denied. If guest accounts were removed from that list, which do not have the option to be placed on pending, the ratio drops to 138 pending applications and 191 accepted/denied straight away. Doing a quick calculation, roughly 42% of applications go on pending (This statistic has held true in previous months this calculation was done, with always hovering within 1-2 points on either end of the 40% mark). With that statistic in mind, there were about 85 players who applied as guest accounts and were denied without the opportunity to edit their applications.




    Guest accounts have just about a 75% denial rate, and make up about 70% of the denial numbers in the month of june, or about 60% if you factor in players who were able to edit their applications and chose not to.




    These numbers were counted and calculated without fancy spreadsheeting to separate guest data from regular data, I am more than willing to admit a fair chance that somewhere data was skewed a tad in the positive or negative direction, but as far as ratios go all those present did not stray more than 1-2 points from when I made this same calculation for March. (That did not get released publicly)


    I took the liberty to do this as @Vaynth I believe asked for the information on our last update log and our lovely director @BritBritt was kind enough to let me post it since we have no spreadsheet data to show the statistics.

  8. A stone suit of armor meanders across Atlas in pursuit of help for his father. He notices the man, cocking a nonexistant brow in recognition. "Surely that isn't the same one I watched lose his god." Echoes softly out of his hollow helmet, and he continues to clunk on.

  9. 20 minutes ago, GrimReaper98 said:



    do it


    enforce pks....



    do it....

    Not my choice b, for something high octane lore wise and server impacting like this it should be no question die ==== pk



    Even for personas who have CA lore saying they wouldn't necessarily be force pkd by dying

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