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About LaffenOutLoud

  • Birthday 10/04/2003

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    pathetic aesthetic #1931
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    Skylar Taliame'onn
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    Mali'ame & Dryad

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  1. so.... are we gonna talk about how complaints about pedophilia on lotc were deleted from the live stream chat? 🥱 chile.... anyways

    1. Punished_Pup


      Clearly the issue is solved if any and all mentions of such matters aren't in public display, I mean how else is Telanir gonna get to 500 if he has to remove people from LotC that are a threat to the players. 🤡


      But seriously, I’ve heard some **** regarding these issues that kinda make my skin crawl ngl and with how I hear alot of people deal with these situations show that no one trusts staff at all to deal with these issues.

    2. Mirtok


      An astounding amount of accusations but seldom is a report ever filed. Speaking generalizations in public or attempting witch hunts doesn’t help the victims. People should absolutely report to the authorities and if they want action on this server, they need to submit private reports. Half cocked call outs on people with little to no evidence does not help anyone.

    3. Punished_Pup


      The biggest issue is I’ve talked to some other people including staff in regards to this issue and no one trusts the people we should trust in order to deal with sex pests that plague this server,  as we saw with pun Knox decided the best course of action was to publicly post it for everyone to see. I suppose you could argue that Flambo was dealt with in a private report but I would counter that with Telanir was already looking to replace Flambo, I 100% believe that if Flambo did his job properly he would still be an Admin despite the report. But considering what I heard people have filled out reports and get told something along the lines that it isn’t enough evidence or they just get a slap on the wrist. But yeah just shift the blame on people who are sick and tired of hearing about people doing sick **** to others on this server, if I ever need to submit a report against someone I’ll be sure to go to you first because you clearly care so much about our player base. 

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