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About DeusVult

  • Birthday 04/29/2002

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    Endyn Jindle
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  1. Warp Signs were a response to lag, people who are complaining about it got attached to a temporary solution, it has nothing to do with ‘subverting bandit rp’ or anything of that nature.

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    2. DeusVult


      6 minutes ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

      Absolutely nothing I said had anything to do with traveling alone or in groups, and nothing I said changes when you walk alone or in groups. You could at least form a vaguely intelligent response instead of being sarcastic. Not sure why you’d respond properly towards the other guy but not me. 

      Because their posts make sense.

    3. Unwillingly


      Most ppl dont want warp signs back to avoid being bandited, they want warp signs to avoid having to walk from nation to nation to find RP for 10-15 minutes. A large majority of RPers are in agreement that the warp signs improved the availability of RP. There’s been a plethora of arguments made to counter the “you just dont want to be bandited!” and “warp signs should stay gone!” responses

      The bulk of the pro-warp sign arguments have nothing to do with banditry

      Not to mention, most of the time road RP is completely nonexistent. People sprint jumping on the roads don’t just stop and start RPing with the other. Nobody does that. And personally, in my 4 years of playing, I’ve not once just “happened” to engage in RP with someone on the road unexpectedly.

      like, ****, if theres someone going around trying to create road RP that isn’t just bottom-of-the-barrel villainy just a hair above what the standard actually is, then I’d love to know who


    4. DeusVult


      7 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

      Most ppl dont want warp signs back to avoid being bandited, they want warp signs to avoid having to walk from nation to nation to find RP for 10-15 minutes. A large majority of RPers are in agreement that the warp signs improved the availability of RP. There’s been a plethora of arguments made to counter the “you just dont want to be bandited!” and “warp signs should stay gone!” responses

      The bulk of the pro-warp sign arguments have nothing to do with banditry

      Not to mention, most of the time road RP is completely nonexistent. People sprint jumping on the roads don’t just stop and start RPing with the other. Nobody does that. And personally, in my 4 years of playing, I’ve not once just “happened” to engage in RP with someone on the road unexpectedly.

      like, ****, if theres someone going around trying to create road RP that isn’t just bottom-of-the-barrel villainy just a hair above what the standard actually is, then I’d love to know who



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