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About DeusVult

  • Birthday 04/29/2002

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    Endyn Jindle
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  1. Warp Signs were a response to lag, people who are complaining about it got attached to a temporary solution, it has nothing to do with ‘subverting bandit rp’ or anything of that nature.

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    2. DeusVult


      8 hours ago, KeatonUnbeaten said:

      Fast travels from CT to every settlement is the bane of travel and road roleplay.  I would advocate for fast travels between settlements of the same nation, i.e. Helena to Reza perhaps, and the like. But fast travels to get anywhere from anywhere in the map mean bandits, who are a legal part of the server (no matter how much you dislike them), have no opportunity or ability to ply their trade. Considering that raid rules are equally harsh towards bandits at this time, the reinstatement of warp signs would spell the absolute death of banditry. 

      I agree with you, Keaton. I’d be willing to get lighter raid rules in exchange for nation warp signs.

    3. DeusVult


      14 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

      Not correct. Rp wasn’t negatively affected at all, and travel rp even experienced a large boost in activity because players could actually visit other settlements without wasting ten to fifteen minutes walking between them. 

      The warp signs at cloud temple did everything to prove the admins wrong when they insisted that road rp is good for the server. There is extremely little to no rp done on roads at all, and even bandits hover directly outside of cities and charters when they’re banditing. 

      Road rp sucks, it’s boring, and the lack of fast travels only encourage players to stay inside their safe zones and soul stone saved slots. 

      Yes, that is the point of not travelling the roads alone, just like in real life! You’re catching on!

    4. AlphaMoist


      Absolutely nothing I said had anything to do with traveling alone or in groups, and nothing I said changes when you walk alone or in groups. You could at least form a vaguely intelligent response instead of being sarcastic. Not sure why you’d respond properly towards the other guy but not me. 

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