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Posts posted by Islamadon

  1. I'm a smooth brain who uses potions but doesn't make them:

    1. Does this mean magical connections short circuit or do the potions themselves explode?
    2. What happens if I throw a potion at a mage, do they lose their connection? If I stand near them, do they lose their connection?
    3. I've no clue how mana is extracted but would this affect the production of Auric Oil?


  2. Unfortunately, Yoppl, your family tree exhibits a glaring error on your part. Saint Julia of Paradisus was not Saint Julia; in fact, she was Saint Juli'el the Elf-Wife of Horen. It is well documented within Owynist archives that Juli'el was indeed an elf, a Dark-Elf, and I will provide to you some reasoning as to why this is the case. 

    1. Harren had an Oedipus complex, explaining his lust for the Wildewynn Elves.
    2. Owyn was a farfolk - how else would he have gained his darkened flesh? I implore you to put dark-gray as an additive layer over your heartlander skin tone and see what happens.
    3. Instinctive attraction to mix tribes for millennia - in fact, the Scrolls are wrong in this regard as they are blessed unions. By creating mixed offspring, we are both increasing our lifespans and aiding the elven population to regain fertility.
    4. It is phenomenally rare to witness a human die of old age - this is because we have latent Elven blood flowing through our veins.
    5. It took humanity millennia to realize that the Elven calendar was no longer applicable to the current state of man - we used to follow it blindly since the first Mother was, in fact, an elf.
    image.png.fecf903872ea43cfb1f666b0fca3c7b0.png< Admin confirmed lore

  3. Lair PRO MC Name: Max_Danger


    Lair Name: Temple of the Flaming Covenant


    Proposed Lair Locations (Highlight 3 on the map):
    Preferably we would position our lair on a cliff-face - however, if neither complete circles are obtainable, we would hope to establish a base somewhere about the dotted area or its extending beach



    Lair Lore (could link to an existing creature or other lore) (1000 words minimum):
    The Lectorate of Owyn, having vowed to avoid the politics of secular “normals”, have at last decided to strike out on their own in hopes of establishing a temple where they might be able to practice their religious beliefs in peace and without the interference of worldly governments. The philosophy of the Lectorate dictates that those under its employ should venture about the world and uproot iniquitous beings wherever they might be encountered, and to obtain and store the knowledge of the world. The Temple of the Flaming Covenant, in the Lector’s eyes, will provide a sense of security and tranquility to their mission as they will gain peace of mind knowing that their assets will not be seized by a corrupt secular or stolen by a feral ratman. Below are highly relevant documents to clarify the structure and belief systems of the Owynist Lectors.

    Lectors of Owyn [CREDIT TO CHASE]

    Lair Build and Infrastructure (photos required):
    As it violates the philosophy of the group to build in any capacity which would warp the natural environment with forced terraforming or grandeur, we have refrained from dedicating our time to the construction of a complete temple until it is decided whether the application will be accepted and, should we be granted a lair, where it would be situated.



    The primary idea would be to construct a facade upon a cliff face where we can dig into the hill for all amenities so that valuable world space would not be taken up nor warped. We intend the style to be a fantasized mixture of East and West, akin to the Blades in Elder Scrolls, to respect the vibes of both neighboring Yong Ping and Luciensburg. The interior of the temple would depend purely on how much space the WT would provide unto us. If either desired cliff location were to be unobtainable, and we were positioned somewhere on a stretch of beach or plains, we would construct something more conventional, like a keep or monastery.

    The image below is a castle I have stored for use at any time with a dimension of around 50x30. I am also an experienced builder, having personally built Johannesburg, Death’s End, Bastion, Beanville, and Ard Ghorrock and would thus prefer to construct said exposed lair after receiving confirmation on the terrain.



    Why can you not accomplish the niche of this lair’s roleplay in an existing settlement or nation? (We expect a substantial answer for this, not just ‘I don’t like them’).

    Currently, the state of Human RP does not facilitate the existence of the Lectorate well. To begin with, Oren opted for an aesthetic of the 18th/19th century and has vehemently opposed the adoption of vassals. If the Lectorate were to join Orenia, it would lose its gritty flamenist aesthetic and likely be beholden to secular politics which we attempt to avoid at all costs. Ontop of this, through roleplay, the Lectorate has become rather distrustful of Orenia as the Lectors uncovered numerous examples of both moral and necrotic corruption, as well as having been baited into inadvertently do the Empire’s dirty work in Freeport.

    As for Haense, the nation has opted for the Canonist sect of Orthodoxy and thus has no place for the Owynist Rite. In addition, seemingly every interaction with the Haense government has been met with less than amicable responses, such as being brushed aside by the Haense military and Stewardry when we were investigating a Striga who was hiding in their territory.

    Sutica, a new Canonist nation, has also seemingly opted for the Rite of the Orthodoxy and, simply put, is too far away from the factions we interact with on the regular as it is separated by sea. The other nations of the world are of other faiths or philosophies, and thus they will not mesh well with the Lectorate.

    Lastly, the City of State of Luciensburg, albeit highly amicable, seems to rely upon the Lectorate too much for its activity. We say this not out of cockiness, but we believe it necessary that Luciensburg attempt to solve its issues with activity and governance on its own without brushing responsibilities unto we Lectors. In addition, our temple within Luciensburg has been defiled numerous times and there is no saying whether Niccum or RancidHound will destroy the town in some rat event line, and all of our supplies/relics/books with it.


    What does this lair add to the greater world around them?:

    The Temple of the Flaming Covenant would serve to act as an oasis for Flamenists and their allies in the South as well as a vault of knowledge. We intend to continue collecting books for the establishment of a vast library and to train interested players in the ways of Owynism, combat RP, and Monster Hunting. Additionally, by granting us this lair, it will provide a definitive base of operations for malintents to target should they seek to eradicate or fight us, so that other towns might not be caught in the crossfire of our shadow wars.

  4. "It may be wise, then, to ensure that the HRA does not absorb these rebellious rascals into its ranks! I would hate to see these malicious and disruptive individuals ruin the proud Kingdom of Haense! I for one know my superior welcomed me with open arms, and that's dangerous!" comments John Etcheverry, former Sedanite terrorist.

  5. Lord Podrick Cunnington plugged his left nostril with his thumb as he snorted a delightful amount of intoxicating powder from the knots within his bobbed powdered wig. A priggish smirk formed across his visage, highlighted by a rubied lip balm, as he rose a porcelain cup in jubilation.

    “MMM, yes, I can now whiff my beetle-snuff without catching the ghastly scent of of those unhygienic barbarians!”


  6. “The irony of ratifying the toleration of this heresy in Owyn’s namesake town pains me like the snapped neck of many a Canonist victim swaying from an ablaze Nordling tree” comments Declan, former Owynist acolyte.

  7. “Wait, Sutica ‘ad a fohkin’ govahment? What a load of floogal shite mate, this announcie’s gotta be a joke loike that admineestration on druggies. What a rvse pals what a foohkiiin roose! Yah know, though, I reckons its still anarchy out there and I think I can find meself a drow wife whaddayathink pal. No? **** wells some otha kind of drow otta do it” comments Declan, P.F.I. to himself.

  8. 1 minute ago, AndrewTech said:



    Somewhere deep in Ekaterinburg Palace, a scribe is fired for his incompetency as the title of ‘Grand Duke of Vanderfell’ was ACCIDENTALLY added to the King’s signature, an outdated version of it having been used from several decades ago. An apology is thereafter issued by palace officials to those offended.


      Reveal hidden contents

    ((My bad, sorry. OOC mistake.))


    Hans Rovin smiles in his rocking chair as the mistake was rectified and gains respect for the King for his expedient response.

  9. “On two separate occasions Haense has ceded the title of Vanderfell back to its rightful owners only for them to attempt and reclaim the title a third time with great dishonor.” comments an aged Hans who received the title during the Empire of Man after Haense robbed it from his father after ceding it the first time (below)!


  10. “******* Godfrey worshippers, how dare they have a human transcend to Godhood before we, the perfect beings, could.” Comments P’hil Collins, historic Sohaer-sympathizing battle-bard. “We will reclaim the White Gold tower from the hands of those dreaded imperials and undo the world if it’s the last thing we do. Now I have to check on that adventure and see if he got that staff for me...”

  11. Just now, Taketheshot said:

    FULL NAME: Ser Henry Marshall
    AGE: 37

    RACE: Human

    RELIGION: Owynism

    ((MC name)): Taketheshot56
    ((Time zone)): PST


    3 minutes ago, Hanrahan said:

    FULL NAME: William Charles Napier
    AGE: 22

    RACE: Human

    RELIGION:  Canonist

    ((MC name)): Harren
    ((Time zone)): MST

    The Govna’ welcomes Ser Henry Marshall as the first Lieutenant of the Grenadiers, endowing him with the authority to carry out his martial duty!

    The Govna’ returns a letter to William Charles Napier of Harren Origin, instructing him to report to Lieutenant Henry Marshall for conditioning!

  12. 3 minutes ago, Valaryon said:

    I’m not following what you mean by that man.


    I was stating, how can we know the LotC lads are informed when the conversation isn’t had at all. Since you mentioned banning it on Twitter would separate essentially mass hysteria with the populace educated on the topic.


    The mentioning of ‘Free Hong Kong’ is a method to prod at the rule and issues. This has been done before on LotC with other controversial rules. You make a forum threat calling for change. We just had another gigantic threat about some individuals and nefarious behavior around a month ago. There was what – about five different threads? You can call the number unnecessary but the method being used is to have the conversation at all.


    Perhaps I’m the odd one out in this situation, sure I care about Hong Kong. Yes there is nothing I can do, but I’m participating in the memes to open a dialogue about the rule and show my support. 

    Those threads aren’t political though the entire rule is based around people being political and irrelevant to LOTC

  13. 1 minute ago, Valaryon said:

    You misunderstood me, my apologies.


    I meant proding the rule in general in order to bring attention to it. Not by mentioning something IRL. In this case, it just happens to be IRL politics.

    Then it wouldn’t fall under Telanir’s political discussion thing because there’s a subforum called Feedback...

  14. “Are you aware of the spam of ‘Free Hong Kong’ is to bring attention to the ban on political speech? Was there a massive outcry for Hong Kong before? Not that I’m aware of. It’s only being mentioned to prod and poke at the rule. We’ve seen this a good thousand times on Lord of the Craft’s forums, people prod the rule to bring attention to it.“

    For some reason your message is glitched BUT objectively you’re wrong

    I’ve been a shitposting vet on the forums for years and never ONCE can I recall people genuinely spamming the forums about IRL issues. I’ve been content moderated not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES for sticking it to the LOTC man.

    Spamming Hong Kong is not in any way getting you closer to saving those in Hong Kong, China Red Men don’t give a single **** about Western social media users because in China they've guns and tanks and are more than willing to murder people to get their way. Spamming it is not poking at RULE, it’s trying to make yourself feel as if you’re part of a movement. Remember Kony 2012? Maybe not, Idk how old you are, but that was equally as cancerous and it ended up with the founder embezzling money and dancing nude in the streets of San Diego. You know Global Warming? Maybe we should stop saying the WEST needs to keep getting cleaner when the Chinese and India contribute more polution that we do.  All these issues are shams and a diversion from better issues.

    Also, with regards to you saying how can we be informed if no discussions are held on LOTC:
    CNN, MSNBC, RealClearPolitics, Fox News, BBC, Drudge, RT – Literally any news-source that isn’t MINECRAFT.
  15. Honestly I’m glad Telanir banned free speech I wish twitter would do the same because it’ll sift out the dummy boys from those actually informed. Unironically posting Free Hong Kong or any other movement is completely Reddit and belongs on Reddit, maybe make a subreddit called r/LOTCPolitics instead of spamming my honorable forums with these boring Twitter tier issues. I see it all day, every day, and don’t want to come back from school to see more basedposting except perpetrated by highschoolers and pseudos. This is why I ******* despise Nick Fuentes the little larping weasel and his little Groyper minions who spam my twitter feed 24/7.

    LOTC should Focus on the politics of Minecraft not IRL it’s very onions, would help since theres a distinct lack in server culture atm

    based @Telanir

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