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  1. if no report evidence is valid after being 3 weeks old then why does it take months n months for infractions to be cleared?  

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    2. TrendE


      11 minutes ago, Telanir said:

      Yeah Harrison is right on both his points @Harrison


      if this is the case then why are past, expired, infractions even discussed in staff interviews – @Telanir. Unsure why people are grilled so heavily for toxicity in staff apps whilst Mitt0 giving a staff account away before was clearly shrugged off to whatever degree due to him supposedly having a great plan for the server going forward.

    3. Telanir


      TrendE don’t pretend you know the full story there Mitt0 doesn’t even have a ban history nor ever blacklisted

    4. TrendE


      16 minutes ago, Telanir said:

      TrendE don’t pretend you know the full story there Mitt0 doesn’t even have a ban history nor ever blacklisted

      @Telanir - which is why ban history should be public. fear of people harassing others is a non-reason, because that’s a separate punishment. If that was valid, then you wouldn’t have made reports public either.  


      don’t dodge my actual question – if infractions are removed then why are they still used against people whenever staff feel like it? it’s not a pick & choose kind of thing – they’re removed from your record or they’re not. 

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