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Application Comments posted by Latelle

  1. Changed Status to Under Review


    Your application has been accepted! Welcome to LotC.

    I highly suggest you request help from a Wilven Sanctuary Monk when you join so that you can learn the ropes of our server! You can request aid from a Monk when you first join by typing the following command.

    /creq Can I get help from a Wilven Monk, please?

    If you have any other questions, feel free to contact a CT member in-game or in the #h channel, join the Discord, or contact me here at the forums or at my own Discord (S.D. Ace#0017).


    See you in Arcas!



    P.S. Once you’re in game please alter your persona’s height to be within the human maximum of 7’. If you need help doing this don’t hesitate to contact a CT and ask!

  2. community:bap2czh.png

    Unfortunately your application has been denied due to IP connection. This means that your IP was linked to an already registered user’s account. If you wish to re-apply, feel free to let me know and explain the IP connection to me and perhaps we can look at a new app from you ❤️ .


    If you do end up re-applying, here’s what would need to be changed.

    I. Your metagaming definition needs to be tweaked. Feel free to check out the wiki page on that here.

    II. Your character cannot start out as being part of a noble/royal family.

    III. Your character must have at least one negative trait of some sort.


    If you have any questions about your application or the server in general, you can message me at my Discord (S.D. Ace#0017) or ask in-game in chat. Alternatively, you can message me here at the forums or join the Discord server!

  3. community:bap2czh.png



    Unfortunately, your application has been denied, the reasons for denial including plagiarism of L from Death Note. We ask that you apply as your own original character next time you apply, please. Thank you!

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at my Discord (S.D. Ace#0017) or here on the forums, though my personal discord is the fastest route to a response. Additionally, you can also join our Discord server!


    I. Your character must be fitting for Lord of the Craft’s medieval fantasy setting. Feel free to check out our wiki if you’re lost on any lore-related questions. This includes your skin and physical characteristics.

    II. Your application should generally try to be free of grammar and spelling errors. We aren’t looking for perfection, we get that English isn’t everyone’s strong suit.

    III. Your biography and personality traits/quirks should be more clearly defined--they are simply worded a bit confusingly to me. Feel free to shoot the Community Team member handling your next application a private message if you want to elaborate more on your new character’s backstory/traits.

    IV. Your powergaming example needs adjusted and expanded, and your metagaming example needs adjusted. We have a wiki page on both if you want to learn more there!

    V. Your roleplay scenario and character biography should be longer (10 sentences is advised for biography, and at least 2 actions and 2 dialogue pieces for the scenario).

  4. community:bap2czh.png

    Unfortunately, your application has been denied. However, if you wish to re-apply, you may do so anytime.

    If you have any questions, PM me on Discord (S.D. Ace#0017) or here on the forums. Alternatively, you are welcome to join our Discord!


    I. Your character’s skin must be fitting for the character--this means it must match the physical description as closely as possible. (Additional note: Skins on recent versions of Minecraft cannot have any transparency except for on the hat layer)

    II. Darkstalkers are creatures that have been shelved and effectively removed from LotC. Please alter your bio to adjust this.

    III. Your powergaming and metagaming definitions could use tweaking and expanding. The wiki page for both can be found here.

    IV. Your character cannot be nobility, related to nobility, or friends with nobility, so this would need to be tweaked too.

    V. You must include two lore references in your biography. Nation names are not lore references unfortunately.

    VI. Were your roleplay scenario actually in-game, it would be considered poor-quality RP and could lead to a blacklist.


    I know this is a lot to ask for and I sincerely understand if you decide not to re-apply, however if you do re-apply, feel free to hit me up for help. Have a good day!


  5. community:jsquxgh.png

    Your application has been accepted! Welcome to LotC.

    I highly recommend performing a /creq command asking for a Wilven Sanctuary Monk, like as follows:


    /creq May I have a Wilven Monk?


    and if you do so, a CT member will soon be with you to guide you.


    Hope to see you in game! If you have any questions feel free to contact me on Discord once more. Best of luck to you!


  6. qokp76n_2_.png

    Ello! Thank you for applying to LotC--unfortunately your application has been put on pending and the following changes must be made within 24 hours or your application will be denied, though you can always make a new one if that happens! Got questions? PM me on Discord (S.D. Ace#0017) or here on the forums, or join the Discord server.


    I. Your character cannot hail from another continent unless they are extremely old and were born there. Vailor is currently uninhabitable, so Muin can’t have recently arrived at Arcas.

    II. Your powergaming definition needs some tweaking and expansion, preferably with an example as well. You can check out the wiki for more info about powergaming.

    III. Mirkwood is a location from the Hobbit and as such isn’t a valid lore reference. However, assuming in your rewritten character biography you still mention shadeleaf, that would count, as well as the Great Migration if it is mentioned with relevant context.

    IV. Not a requirement but rather a suggestion--I advise changing your character’s race from “elf” to a specific subtype of elf (unless Muin is a child of parents with differing heritage). Your character can be a dark elf, wood elf, high elf, or snow elf. Again this is not at all a requirement but merely a suggestion!


    I hope to hear from you soon! You can always PM me on Discord for quick response times or join the Discord server (linked above) if I’m not responding, though messaging me on the forums is fine too. Have a wonderful day.


  7. Changed Status to Denied


    Heyo! Thank you for applying to LotC. Unfortunately your application has been denied. If you have any questions feel free to hit me up on Discord (S.D. Ace#0017) or here on the forums, though Discord is the fastest way to get a reply.

    Your application was denied for the following reasons:


    i. – Your application’s biography is rather short--this needs expanded at least some.

    ii. – Your skin must be fitting for a high elf in a fantasy realm. Therefore the pink hued hair would need to be adjusted.

    iii. – Your character cannot hold any knowledge of alchemy as that would have to be acquired in-character once you start playing! I’m not sure if you were implying that Han here is a member of the Haelun’or Alchemy Guild, but membership would need to be acquired in-character once you start playing as well.

    Feel free to join the Discord server for LotC, contact me on Discord, or here on the forums if you’ve got any questions. I hope to hear back from you soon!


  8. Changed Status to Denied


    Unfortunately your app has been denied due to lack of response on your part. You are more than welcome to reapply, and if you have any questions let me or another Community Team member know!


  9. Changed Status to Under Review


    Heyo! Thank you for applying, and I am happy to welcome you formally to LotC!

    If you have any questions, please feel free to hit me up here on the forums or at my Discord (S.D. Ace#0017). You can also join our Discord server to get more information and interact with other players, or simply ask in the #h channel in-game!

    If you would like some help starting out, I highly suggest running this command:

    /creq Can I get a Wilven Monk, please?

    or something similar and a Wilven Sanctuary Monk will come along to help you in getting started.


    Happy playing!



    P.S. Powergaming is also defined as taking unrealistic actions, but I’m not going to pend your application for one minor detail such as that.

  10. community:qokp76n_2_.png

    Good evening! Thank you for applying to LotC--unfortunately just a few changes are needed before I can accept your application. If you’ve got any questions relating to this application or the server, please PM me either on Discord (S.D. Ace#0017), join the New Player Discord, or message me here on the forums--just know that Discord will usually have the quickest replies!


    Firstly, your metagaming and powergaming definitions need altered and expanded. For more info on that, visit the wiki page!

    Additionally, your character’s biography requires two references to our server’s lore. To find lore to reference, you can visit the wiki.


    That’s all you need to change, and once these parts of your application are updated, please contact me and let me know!


    Take care and have a good one,


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