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Application Comments posted by Latelle

  1. QhGzOdk5ugwvQHfsB9JUHEh7pUQ3qPxxg1ybFo_o

    Your application has been denied due to no response within the allotted 24-hour timeframe. Feel free to re-apply whenever you wish! PM me here or on Discord @UwUPlant#0017 if you have questions.

  2. 1FVrr_EOTluCLUoQu4yQKvdm8h6PfTxTFKgkOk3N

    Your application has been put on pending, as there are changes needing to be made before you may be accepted, as follows:



    I. Your Powergaming Definition is on the right track, though it’s not quite there. Take another look at our Wiki’s definitions for help, and I recommend including an example so I can tell you fully understand!


    II. Your Character Biography is missing some lore references! Please remember to include at least two! These can be existing settlements, wars, religion, etc. Here are some links that may help you find some!


    III. Your Character Biography makes references to places that don’t exist in Lord of the Craft. If you believe that one or more of these settlements does exist, shoot me a forum PM and link me a relevant forum post, wiki page, et cetera.


    IV. Your Character Biography states that your character was married around the time they were 25. Elves are not considered adults in their societies until 50, so if you were in almost any elven society/city you would have to be 50 before you could marry.


    V. Your Personality Traits/Quirks are on the right track, but seem to contradict themselves (for example, you wrote that your character is annoying and polite). Please fix this, and remember to have at least one negative trait that doesn’t contradict your character’s other traits.


    VI. Your Skin is not up to LotC standards. Please take a look at our Skin Archive for references and free skins that you may use if you’d like.



    VII. Please fix all grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in your application to the best of your ability. I recommend using a free grammar checker such as Grammarly.




    If you do not make these changes within 24 hours, your application will be denied. When you are finished, please message me on discord @UwUPlant#0017 to let me know, or if you don’t have a Discord, send me a forum message, and please do ask if you have any questions. 

    If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki, and I highly recommend joining our discord and reading through the New Player Guide as well.



  3. 8a18boON9Xh2S5fsvZQlLMQvTX28zSnTFgemzg9k

    Congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!


    Now that you’re accepted, you will spawn in Cloud Temple as a player and be able to interact with the world around you. If you need any help, you can message me in game by doing /msg UwUPlant, or if I’m not online, you can find me on discord @UwUPlant#0017. Lastly, if you need any guidance in-game, and I am not around, please do /creq along with a message as to what you need, and another Community Team Member will get to you as soon as possible!


    After reading the below information and logging into LotC, I highly recommend sending this in chat so a Community Team Member can help you out:

    /creq I have just been accepted and would like a Wilven Monk!


    When joining, the bot may be down that normally automatically whitelists you after the acceptance of your application. So, please go into the wandering soul channel (#ws) and ask for a Community Team Member to accept you!


    I highly recommend you join the LotC discord using the invite link below, and please look through the New Player Guide!


    In addition, I recommend taking a look at our Settlement Guides and list of major nations and charters!




  4. 1FVrr_EOTluCLUoQu4yQKvdm8h6PfTxTFKgkOk3N

    Your application has been put on pending, as there are changes needing to be made before you may be accepted, as follows:


    • Your Powergaming Definition is on the right track, though it’s not quite there. Take another look at our Wiki’s definitions (linked in my first response) for help, and I recommend including an example so I can tell you fully understand!


    If you do not make these changes within 24 hours, your application will be denied. When you are finished, please message me on discord @UwUPlant#0017 to let me know, or if you don’t have a Discord, send me a forum message, and please do ask if you have any questions.

  5. 1FVrr_EOTluCLUoQu4yQKvdm8h6PfTxTFKgkOk3N

    Your application has been put on pending, as there are changes needing to be made before you may be accepted, as follows:


    • Your Powergaming Definition is on the right track, though it’s not quite there. Take another look at our Wiki’s definitions (linked in my first response) for help, and I recommend including an example so I can tell you fully understand!
    • Your Skin is not up to LotC standards. Please take a look at our Skin Archive (linked in my first response) for references and free skins that you may use if you’d like.


    If you do not make these changes within 24 hours, your application will be denied. When you are finished, please message me on discord @UwUPlant#0017 to let me know, or if you don’t have a Discord, send me a forum message, and please do ask if you have any questions.

  6. 1FVrr_EOTluCLUoQu4yQKvdm8h6PfTxTFKgkOk3N

    Your application has been put on pending, as there are changes needing to be made before you may be accepted, as follows:


    • Your Powergaming Definition is on the right track, though it’s not quite there. Take another look at our Wiki’s definitions for help, and I recommend including an example so I can tell you fully understand!
    • Your Character Biography is a bit short. Please include at least 10 sentences. If you don’t know what to add, I recommend thinking more about your character’s backstory. Where are they from, what were their parents like, why are they how they are…?
    • Your Skin is not up to LotC standards. Please take a look at our Skin Archive for references and free skins that you may use if you’d like.
    • In your Roleplay Scenario, your character should speak Blah, the Orcish dialect of the Common language. Orcs are required to speak Blah due to their large tusks impeding speech. I suggest checking out our wiki page on Blah to learn the ropes!



    If you do not make these changes within 24 hours, your application will be denied. When you are finished, please message me on discord @UwUPlant#0017 to let me know, or if you don’t have a Discord, send me a forum message, and please do ask if you have any questions. 


    If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki, and I highly recommend joining our discord and reading through the New Player Guide as well.



  7. 8a18boON9Xh2S5fsvZQlLMQvTX28zSnTFgemzg9k

    Congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!


    Now that you’re accepted, you will spawn in Cloud Temple as a player and be able to interact with the world around you. If you need any help, you can message me in game by doing /msg NotASunny, or if I’m not online, you can find me on discord @S.D. Ace#0017. Lastly, if you need any guidance in-game, and I am not around, please do /creq along with a message as to what you need, and another Community Team Member will get to you as soon as possible!


    After reading the below information and logging into LotC, I highly recommend sending this in chat so a Community Team Member can help you out:

    /creq I have just been accepted and would like a Wilven Monk!


    When joining, the bot may be down that normally automatically whitelists you after the acceptance of your application. So, please go into the wandering soul channel (#ws) and ask for a Community Team Member to accept you!


    I highly recommend you join the LotC discord using the invite link below, and please look through the New Player Guide!


    In addition, I recommend taking a look at our Settlement Guides and list of major nations and charters!



  8. 8a18boON9Xh2S5fsvZQlLMQvTX28zSnTFgemzg9k

    Congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!


    Now that you’re accepted, you will spawn in Cloud Temple as a player and be able to interact with the world around you. If you need any help, you can message me in game by doing /msg NotASunny, or if I’m not online, you can find me on discord @S.D. Ace#0017. Lastly, if you need any guidance in-game, and I am not around, please do /creq along with a message as to what you need, and another Community Team Member will get to you as soon as possible!


    After reading the below information and logging into LotC, I highly recommend sending this in chat so a Community Team Member can help you out:

    /creq I have just been accepted and would like a Wilven Monk!


    When joining, the bot may be down that normally automatically whitelists you after the acceptance of your application. So, please go into the wandering soul channel (#ws) and ask for a Community Team Member to accept you!


    I highly recommend you join the LotC discord using the invite link below, and please look through the New Player Guide!


    In addition, I recommend taking a look at our Settlement Guides and list of major nations and charters!



  9. 1FVrr_EOTluCLUoQu4yQKvdm8h6PfTxTFKgkOk3N

    Good morning to you! Your application unfortunately is still on pending, and as with last time you must make the following changes within 24 hours. Contact info/Discord link is listed in my first comment if you need it!


    I. Your metagaming and powergaming definitions are still too short and not defined properly. I heavily suggest reading the wiki page over if you haven’t already, and including an example for both definitions. If you’re having trouble feel free to hit me up on Discord!

    II. Beets wouldn’t really color one’s hair purple, though it’s fine to say that your character found some way to dye her hair just so long as you aren’t having some hair color like vibrant, bright blue. Subdued colors like what you have now are okay.

  10. 1FVrr_EOTluCLUoQu4yQKvdm8h6PfTxTFKgkOk3N

    Good evening! Your application has been placed on pending. The following changes must be made within 24 hours before I can accept your application. If you have questions or concerns, PM me on Discord @S.D. Ace#0017 or here at the forums.

    You can also join the Discord if you want to talk to staff and other players!


    I. Your metagaming and powergaming definitions are not very well defined and are too short. We’ve got a wiki page on meta/powergaming if you want to check that out!

    II. Your skin must be fitting for our server. The outfit doesn’t match our fantasy setting, dark elves do not have naturally blue hair, and your character’s skin is too light colored. You can check out our skin archive for good skins to use! Note that your physical description should be updated to fit your new skin too.

    III. Your quirks/personality must have at least one negative trait.

    IV. Your roleplay scenario must have at least two actions. Some examples of actions:

    Anne smiled, waving to the man as she walked off.

    Marie shifted her weight a bit, holding onto her satchel tightly.


    As well, a few things you might want to take into consideration but are okay if you want to disregard these points:


    I. Elves reach physical maturity at the same pace as humans, but in elven societies they are considered adults at age 50.

    II. You should do your best to keep your application free of spelling/grammar errors. We understand that English is not everyone’s skill, so we aren’t going to deny an application for some mistakes, but so long as you try your best and I can understand what you mean, it’s okay.

  11. MARVgddbEIef183k7UtO_bTWFnhVp79YWnu2Ip8eqgvKBRTLs0YbqSEoXR6g2myQRl3hFel6zsSPCUz4pbYK9GPulIW5UPzCwalErRID-LMrSZsQm83sG3OmK3WmYKn-a805L2kN

    Howdy! Typically this application would have been accepted, however your IP is the same as another user. Please PM me on Discord @S.D. Ace#0017 OR here on the forums and if you can give me a reasonable explanation as to why you two share an IP, you are more than welcome to repost this application and let me know so I can look at it immediately.


    Hope to hear from ya soon!


  12. 8a18boON9Xh2S5fsvZQlLMQvTX28zSnTFgemzg9k

    Congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!


    Now that you’re accepted, you will spawn in Cloud Temple as a player and be able to interact with the world around you. If you need any help, you can message me in game by doing /msg NotASunny, or if I’m not online, you can find me on discord @S.D. Ace#0017. Lastly, if you need any guidance in-game, and I am not around, please do /creq along with a message as to what you need, and another Community Team Member will get to you as soon as possible!


    After reading the below information and logging into LotC, I highly recommend sending this in chat so a Community Team Member can help you out:

    /creq I have just been accepted and would like a Wilven Monk!


    When joining, the bot may be down that normally automatically whitelists you after the acceptance of your application. So, please go into the wandering soul channel (#ws) and ask for a Community Team Member to accept you!


    I highly recommend you join the LotC discord using the invite link below, and please look through the New Player Guide!


    In addition, I recommend taking a look at our Settlement Guides and list of major nations and charters!



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