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Application Comments posted by Latelle

  1. community:qokp76n_2_.png

    Hey there! Thank you for taking an interest in LotC. Just one change is required for your application before you can join, that being that your character cannot have formed his company in his backstory. Forming or joining guilds is something you’d have to do in roleplay after you join.

    If you have any questions, you’re more than welcome to join the New Player Discord or get in touch with me. The best way to contact me is at my Discord (S.D. Ace#0017), though you can also contact me here at the forums.


    Hope to hear from you soon!

  2. community:bap2czh.png

    Hey there! Unfortunately, your application has been denied. However, you may re-apply once again after making the following changes!


    First change that needs to be made is that your powergaming definition is plagiarizing from the wiki (which is why your application was denied rather than placed on pending)--more specifically the first sentence was plagiarized.

    Additionally, your character biography requires at least lore references. This can be something like an event that happened in-game, a religion that exists in-game, or a certain culture.


    If you need any help, you are more than welcome to contact me at my Discord (S.D. Ace#0017) or contact me at the forums, but Discord is the fastest way to get in touch. You are also welcome to join the New Player Discord to chat with other players and staff members. Thank you for your time.

  3. community:bap2czh.png

    Unfortunately, your application has been denied. However, you are more than welcome to re-apply after making the following changes! If you have any questions the best way to get in touch with me is my Discord (S.D. Ace#0017), but you can also contact me here at the forums, or join the New Player Discord to chat with other players or ask questions.


    You must agree to the rules of LotC to be able to have you whitelist application accepted.

    In order to reference other players in your app (such as Ania Terrialokye, Advisor to the Sovereign) you must have their explicit OOC permission. Reledy (Ania’s player) can be contacted at their Discord, Reledy#5183.
    Your character traits/quirks must include negative trait.


    As stated, you are welcome to re-apply with a new application involving previously mentioned changes. Contact info for myself is listed above, and if you wish to chat with other players or ask questions, you may join the NPD. I hope to hear from you again soon!

  4. community:bap2czh.png

    Hey there--unfortunately your application has been denied. However, you are more than welcome to re-apply after altering your application to fix what I’ve listed!


    First off, your definition of powergaming is very similar to the wiki’s definition--as such, your application was denied for plagiarism. As stated above you are more than welcome to re-apply after fixing this.

    Secondly, Magara’lin is an ancient society that is no longer around (and is on a completely different continent than Arcas).

    Another thing to note is that metagaming is not exclusively limited to meta-rallying, the act of informing friends/allies of conflict or similar without letting them know IC. Metagaming can also be as simple as a character who can’t read knowing what a sign says, for example.


    Thanks for your time. Again, you’re more than welcome to re-apply, and please contact me again on Discord or here at the forums (Discord for fastest response time) if you have any questions or concerns. If you have any questions or wish to chat with new players, feel free to stop by the New Player Discord. Have a good day!

  5. community:qokp76n_2_.png

    Howdy! As chaosgamer is currently unavailable, I’ll be handling your application--sincerest apologies for the wait!

    A few things do need to be modified before you can join:


    First off, you need at least lore references--this cannot be the same reference repeated, however. If you need to find lore to reference, you can do so at the wiki, which chaos has linked above.

    Second, your metagaming and powergaming definitions need to be adjusted. You can look at the wiki page for more info, also linked above.

    Finally, your Roleplay Scenario requires at least actions from your character.


    If you need any help, the best way to contact me is via my Discord (S.D. Ace#0017). Additionally, you can also PM me here at the forums, and if you have any questions or just want to chat, you can join the New Player Discord.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

  6. Changed Status to Under Review


    Your application has been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    Once in-game, if you would like any help getting started, please make a /creq asking for assistance from a Wilven Monk.
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask around in the New Player Discord, ask in #h chat, or message me here on the forums or at my Discord [S.D. Ace#0017], though the best way to contact me is via Discord.

    Freja, the bot that implements new players, is a bit on the fritz at the moment, so if you log in to find you are a Wandering Soul, just ask for help in chat.


    Addendum: A couple notes about orcs here on LotC! Orcs speak in a dialect called Blah that allows them to speak fluently through their tusks. It’s up to you if your character speaks Blah, but she’ll definitely get some strange looks from other orcs if she doesn’t. You can find a guide to speaking Blah here! Additionally, most orcs have black hair, so chances are likely that if your character were to have green hair, it would have been colored somehow.


    See you in game!


  7. community:jsquxgh.png

    Your application has been accepted! Welcome to LotC.

    If you log in and find yourself to still be a Wandering Soul, just let us know in chat and we’ll get you up and running!

    If you would like any assistance once you’ve joined, just perform a community team request asking for a Wilven Monk and we will come help you out!

    Example: /creq I would like a Wilven Monk for guidance, please.


    If you still need any help, feel free to join the New Player Discord or PM me at my Discord or here on the forums! See you in game!

  8. community:qokp76n_2_.png

    Hello! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. Unfortunately, your application needs some changes if it is to be accepted. Please don’t be afraid to message me here on the forums or at my Discord (S.D. Ace#0017) if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk!

    Firstly, your metagaming and powergaming definitions need some work--you can look here for the wiki page on that!

    Secondly, your character cannot start with a magical charm--you’d have to get one in roleplay.

    Finally, your backstory is a little bit confusing--if you would be able to adjust it to be a little more readable, that would be greatly appreciated.


    Other than that, the application looks good! If you need any help, have questions or concerns, or just want to talk, you can contact me on Discord or the forums. If you’d like to hang out with other players you can join the New Player Discord, or join the server as a Wandering Soul--a spectator of sorts.

    Please get in touch with me once you edit your app. Hope to hear from you soon!

  9. community:jsquxgh.png

    Your application has been accepted! Welcome to LotC.

    If you wish for any guidance or assistance when you join, feel free to make a community-team req and we’ll get you sorted out! Just type something along the lines of “/creq I’d like a Wilven Monk, please!” and a Wilven Sanctuary Monk will come help you.

    If you need any additional help, please don’t feel afraid to message me or ask in the NPD!

  10. Changed Status to Under Review


    Good evening! Your application looks fantastic, though it needs a few changes before being accepted onto the server. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me either here on the forums or on Discord (S.D. Ace#0017).

    First off, Lord of the Craft is set in Arcas, a fantasy realm that’s completely different from our Earth. As such, references to real Earth--for example your reference to the UK--would need to be tweaked to fit LotC. Feel free to ask around in the New Player Discord (which I saw you were already in) or check out the LotC wiki if you need to read up on LotC’s lore.

    Secondly, your character background requires two lore references. This can be any sort of religion, culture, event, et cetera within LotC’s lore. As stated previously you can either ask around in the NPD for info, or check the wiki.

    Third, your Roleplay Scenario requires both action and dialogue.


    If you have any questions, you can hit me up at my contact info posted above, or ask around in the New Player Discord. Please get in touch once you’ve made the necessary changes to your app. Have a great evening!

  11. community:jsquxgh.png

    Your application has been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft.

    If you need anything, feel free to ask in the #h channel in-game, or on the New Player Discord. Additionally, you can message me here on the forums or at my Discord (S.D. Ace#0017).

    Note: Due to a bug, you may log in and find you are a Wandering Soul still. There is an easy fix for this--just let us know in the Wandering Soul channel (#ws) and we’ll get you sorted out. Enjoy your time on LotC!


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