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  1. Event Planners, MC Names:I'll leave this to ET. Event Type:Players versus mobs..? Event Date:I'm honestly unsure, maybe on the weekends where most EST players are on. Factions/Nations effected by the event:The Dark Elves of Annil'sul. Event Location:Ker'lomi/Onyx district of the Elf city, Annil'sul. Summary:I'm not really sure on what to add, currently there has been spiders and skeletons spawning ridiculously in the district, and it's rather annoying...so why not make an event to get rid of them? I was thinking maybe a hollowed out place in the district where giant spiders make their nests. Like I said, this is my first time proposing an idea.
  2. Event Planners, MC Names: Tantaparo Event Type: Exploration, Mystery Event Date: TBD (When it is finished being built and scripted) Factions/Nations effected by the event: All races can participate, does not affect any race or nation individually - just a friendly, fun, exploration-event. Event Location: Right behind the current Cloud Temple (spawn) in the river, under the end of the bridge. Coords = (130x, 62y, 200z) Summary: A howling echo calls from below the bridge heading north towards the Dwarven lands of Urguan while a teenage girl stumbles over it, looking for shelter from the rain. Investigating, the girl, Glymmer, goes to rush down the stairs looking out towards the body of water. The echo sounds once more, but in a hushed tone. She looks to the noise, noticing water pouring into the depths below. Peering into the underwater cave, she notes a light flashing from below, scattering its light before going dark. Alarmed, backing away, the light flashes once more, then again, speeding up its rate until she looks away, running in fear, heading back to the Cloud Temple to seek help. When she arrives, she alerts anyone who will listen. Some find her insane, some think she’s intoxicated, but the ones who listen decide to follow her. Curiously, they arrive at the bank, but much to their disappointed, the cave is not there. Attacked with insults and frustrated comments, she tries to explain, but they believe that she has just made it all up. As they leave, Glymmer takes one last look at the ground that was just open and yearning for her to explore. She heads off, waiting for the perfect people to explore with her, mumbling, “A mystery for another time…” What lurks below? Is there treasure? Who will find it first? Concept Images/Screenshots: Entry way: http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/minecraft.gamepedia.com/thumb/6/63/Sea-access-cave.png/250px-Sea-access-cave.png Example Map: http://faqs.neoseeker.com/Games/NES/final_fantasy_iii_undersea_cave.gif 3 floors, but less treasure chests (Red). Green is entrance. Yellow is a level change. Blue is water. I’d like if there would be more challenges/parkour and mystery than just wandering around the cave. I’ll write them up if the ET entertains this idea. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/287/3/9/underwater_cave_by_lazerman425-d5hry0a.jpg Other Information: - A reward would be held at the end for all finishing players that successfully make their way through the cave. What will it be? TBD. - I’d like for the spot where we build to be regioned so that people cannot steal the blocks, considering it is currently at a free-build region. Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yes, I’d appreciate if I could get the ET’s help to build a cave with me to give the players an immersive and visually appropriate RP experience. If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Yes, I would need builders for sure, and I likely would not need an actor if I can get TPed because I am horrible at Parkour. THEME MUSIC! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFI9JcyJG_k
  3. Event Planners, MC Names: Any Event Team member who wishes to help. Event Type: Exploration and some digging, perhaps monster fighting. Event Date: 5 PM EST, November 10, although the date could be moved to a later time if need be. Factions/Nations effected by the event: People living in Malinor, and anyone who decides to attend Event Location: Malinor, next to the ocean, and in the underground section of the ruins in Malinor. Summary: A woman talks about a treasure inside the mountain, along with underground ruins. She tries to get others to help her draw attention to the mountain, and decides to unearth the ruins. The players have to help unearth the ruins and explore the underground labyrinth. Concept Images/Screenshots: ((The screenshot refused to be posted, so I had to delete it.)) Other Information: Posters can be put up around Malinor advertising the event, so players will volunteer to help. Depending on how many people help, it could be that, during the mining, a few boulders could fall on people, there could be a cave-in, or perhaps they could find a massive amount of monsters or treasure. Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yes If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Actors to be miners or monsters. Builders to maybe alter the underground ruins to be a bit spookier.
  4. A old man with a blue tunic and black vest stands in front of a stall, reading over some plans. Nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary. But behind his green and white stall, towers several gigantic flowers, some the size of small houses. The elderly man lowers his papers, giving you a smile, his right eye heavily scarred. "Welcome to the Spring Carnival, for the Festival of Winter has just passed, and we celebrate the Aspects return to Spring, when the snow thaws and our flowers blossom into roses and tulips, allium and daisies." "We just arrived a scant elven week ago, and my party is busy setting up the stalls and fairs! We're looking to open on the 5th next elven month, but we so do need shopkeepers. A festival wouldn't be a festival, without some fairy floss and pie, wouldn't it?" He chuckles, before nailing a piece of parchment on the side of his stand. As you leave the man to his own devices, you take one last look at the towering wooden contraption. It looks oddly familiar, like that ride from the Festival of the Sun in Abresi, when Horen was still Emperor. Shaking that feeling of dejavu, you continue on your merry way. [Credits to Bathrugman, Zarsies, xSPULLERx, Bladecreep, freema5 for the excellent builds!(BrandNewKitten for grass.) Its not even done yet, so stay tune for more. Also thank your orcs, for letting us build on the Trog!] OOC info:
  5. It was a Rock Lobster! Event Planners, MC Names: TheNander and the Structural Engineers of the Dwarven Engineering Guild Event Type: Boss Fight Event Date: TBA Factions/Nations effected by the event: The Dwarven Empire of Urguan, more specifically those working out on the Fishing Platform. Event Location: The Dwarven Fishing Platform Summary: It was a good day on the fishing platform. The sky was clear, no smog. The fishermen were reeling in their fishing rods before checking their nets when they see a small ship (about 15m - 20m long) in the distance. Spoiler Alert References: Rock Lobster Fishing Platform - Located off the coast of Vaerhaven in the Empire of Urguan. Rock Lobster Lore Other Information: I wanted to get this event approved prior to the construction of the platform, if possible. Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yes, Definately. If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Actors needed to play the parts of the Rock Lobster and the Dwarven Guard that gets eaten, maybe we can even have someone play the part of the head guard that leads the others. Builders needed to build a small ship as well as some pointers or tips when designing the platform.
  6. Event Planners, MC Names: Tantaparo, Splitchris, and any Event Team member who would like to help. Event Type: Battle, Questing, Mystery Event Date: The event could start whenever it is finished being built and scripted and last until it is finished by the RPers. Factions/Nations affected by the event: Oren - All races Event Location: The Forests in Oren. Summary: The forests of Oren were quiet as caravan made its way through to drop off a shipment at Abresi. It carted along the road peacefully, but the plants it passed were somehow changed. A magic powder seemed to be drifting off of the caravan and blowing around in the wind. The plants took in the powder, assuming it was being pollinated by an insect. Nothing happened for awhile, but later, they started to see and hear, instead of just feel. Unlatching themselves from the ground, the plants found that they could move. Unsure of what had happened, these natural beings found their way to Abresi, where they noticed the caravan was parked. Camping outside of Abresi, the plants have decided to band together. Some plants looked like mushrooms, others looked like flowers, and many sights of these plants had been reported. One was filed by Violet, the plant store owner in Abresi. She stated that she had found one of her mushrooms 'moving and chasing her' when she got the shipment. The plant had then run off into forest, where there were even more of them! Deemed as a heretic, people ignored Violet. However, once they experienced the sight for themselves, the people of Abresi spread rumors. One plant apparently touched a man with a branch, which had followed him during his morning schedule. The people called for a swift removal of these plants, but sadly, no one could ever find them in the forest. Where had they gone? Later that day, one plant ventured into the city itself. It was swiftly murdered by the men of the city, scattering its remains. Its seeds erupted from its head, spawning even more plants. The plants escaped into the forests, where they joined the large group already growing. Fearful and surprised, the people of Abresi alerted everyone in Oren. What were these plants motives? Who will rid them of Oren? How will someone kill them? Concept Images/Screenshots: links: InGame Screenshots: http://imgur.com/M5S8pm0,rN0YSYg,gwpOYtV Other Information: The plants latch themselves into the ground, appearing like regular mushrooms to the common eye. Despite the plants having no real way to attack the people, they are able to reproduce quite easily. Upon death, the tops of their heads are able to release seeds that may grow more plants. The way to combat this is to set them on fire. For example, if they are just cut up, the seeds will release fine. Height: 2 feet tall. Weight: 10 lbs. Weaknesses: Fire Low Body Mass (Low Strength) No actual way to attack Easy to spot in a populated area Needs to regain energy with sunlight and water Strengths: Can communicate amongst each other Blends in with nature Nature will protect them Easy reproduction Often will scare random people Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yes. If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: I would need some builders, and actors are optional. THEME MUSIC! ____________________________________________________________________________ POTENTIAL IDEAS: Have the plants take over inactive buildings (as an excuse to get rid of them). -Hex37 Make a quest-line with NPC-like characters. I would be willing to play Violet as one of them.
  7. Mimics Seeing all this monster lore and stuff coming around I thought that we should add an age old monster from DnD to the adventure of LOTC, to be a thorn in your side whenever you're off treasure hunting :P. What is a Mimic? ((by ~MichaelJaecks)) A Mimic, or sometimes known as the bane of adventurers, is a creature that can adapt itself to any surrounding, able to change on a whim and blend in. The reason why they are named the bane of adventurers is due to the fact of "what" exactly they try to blend in as. They take the form of chests, doors, walls, floors, objects of interest, cupboards, and sometimes... even stairs... The Mimic is a predatory doppelganger, disguising itself in order to lure would be fortune seekers to their doom. Residing usually in ancient ruins, burial chambers, tombs and other deep dark places in the world. How Does it Mimic objects? Usually, a mimic when migrating to a new hunting ground will seek out the most interesting objects in their new home. Chests are usually a predominant choice of mimics, due to the compelling nature of treasure usually found within such objects. When a Mimic has found what it would like to become, it will remove the original object, usually by consuming it. As to remove suspicion from itself once adventurers enter its home. Because of this , it is not uncommon to find treasures within slain Mimics. How Does it React to Adventurers? When adventurers enter the chamber of a mimic, the creature will start to slowly secrete a sticky adhesive that will cause any who touch the mimic to become stuck to it. Once the realization comes to those caught in the trap, and start to try and pull away, the Mimic will strike. The shape of the object will slowly start to almost "melt" in some cases. Becoming globule in form, warped from the original state. Tendrils will start to come out of the object, forming into fists, keeping the victim stuck in place, it will try to beat and pull the adventurer with these tendrils, usually to either knock out or kill the adventurer, so that it may pull them into the awaiting maw which usually forms where the opening of the object would be in order to consume the victim. What Does a Mimic Look Like When not Mimicking an Object? It is not truly known, what the true shape or form of a mimic is... all that is known is that they usually take the form of a globule slime or gloop with a horrifying maw. Tendrils and fake limbs flailing all over the place. This is the weakest state a mimic can be in, which is why Mimics will try to not move if they can help it, as moving will result in the deterioration of their mimicked object and make them easier to kill. Where Did they come from? Some believe that the mimic is a close relative of the "Slime", at some point off shooting from Slimes to create a new creature, forming a mouth and the ability to change shape and colour. Over time becoming the predator that it is today. Are there different kinds of Mimics? Indeed there are, mimics grow in size over time, older mimics will be much larger and capable of swallowing prey whole, whilst others could only be capable of biting people. These are the different kinds of mimics: Handheld mimics: These mimics can take the form of small objects, such as swords, small caskets, trinket boxes etc. They're baby mimics, and are of little worry. Chest/Door/Cupboard mimics: These are the usual and most common mimics found in our world, they are capable of swallowing a whole man if given the chance and are more than a match for a couple of adventurers. Great mimics: The most feared of all mimics, great mimics are ancient creatures, capable of taking the form of objects of tremendous size, such as houses, stairwells, ancient tunnels and more. They are so large that people can actually walk inside them and feel completely at home. Most great mimics sleep for hundreds of years at a time, only awakening when they need to feed once more. It is theorized that some who mysteriously go missing inside their own homes and down mines could be due to an untimely end inside a great mimic. Do They Only Eat Things? Not always, some mimics may choose to toy with their food, some are mischievous in nature, and will sometimes cause havoc not out of a need to feed, but simply because they can. Scaring people by becoming chairs in their own homes etc. Weaknesses? The weaknesses of mimics is that sometimes the objects they mimic can sometimes have... differences that could be considered strange. Sometimes, a more eager mimic will move closer to adventurers when they're not looking, though more experienced mimics may wait and bide their time... Groups of adventurers are the weakness of mimics, due to the fact that once one has fallen for the trap, all other party members will quickly realize the truth, and will have a better time at attacking it, due to the fact that they will not be restrained by the monster via the adhesives secreted. Cannot stand sunlight or bright lights and will actively retreat from it or else stop the source of it. But will release any it has trapped via the sticky adhesive. Has an extreme distaste for water, as it breaks up the creature's body and turns it back into a globule gloop of mess. Aurum. Strengths? Can perfectly mimic wood and stone, however metals and gemstones etc are more difficult to mimic. Mimics are immune to golden weapons, any attempt to use one against it will result in the weapon doing no damage, or otherwise break the weapon. It is immune to fire, magical or otherwise. Who would Play These Mimics? Where Can I Find Them? Mimics would most likely be event creatures found in dungeons etc. Played by ET or GM members. Player played Mimics I would presume would require permission. Cans and Can'ts Cannot take the form of living objects, trees, people animals etc. Only inanimate objects. It can take the form of any form of inanimate object, though the size of the mimic matters when choosing what object to become. A mimic sword would be a smaller mimic overall compared to a mimic door or chest.
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