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  1. The Monarchial Garde The Monarchial Garde is a military organization supporting the true wars for justice and order within the regions of Anthos. We serve for the righteous, and protect the true causes. Our oath is to protect the innocent, and so shall we use our steel to do so. We settled ourselves on the far side of the road to the crossing, and we have honor each man or woman from any race or origin. Let us protect the wonders of life, rather than destroying it. The Monarchial duty Besides training and preparement, we are everywhere when needed. From raising our banners in a war, to patrolling the streets of the city to protect its citizens. We are independent, and are not affected by political ties nor any superior force. We protect what is righteous, together or alone. When not in war, you follow your oath by being where you are required, from Abresi to the cloud temple. As member of the Monarchial garde, you have the right to raise your sword to evil and crime. In return of your service we will provide you with a safe place to stay in our barracks close to the road to the Nation Crossing. Rankings: Commander - Highest in command, leads the whole Garde with the General. Centurion - Batallion leader, coordinating attacks with small selected groups. Sergeant - Experienced & Honored fighter within the Garde. Millitant - Recognized soldier of the guard Recruit - Unoathed and recently joined soldier. The Uniform When on duty all the members of the Garde are required to wear uniform, as the present the colours of justice and order. ((Head can be edited)) This is the official format to join the Monarchial Garde:
  2. Order of the Holy Cross The Holy Cross is an order that is engrossed in religion. They follow the rules of the church, head to chapel every week, and remove heretic scum. The Holy Cross currently serves under the Holy and Divine Oren kingdom. Heretics will be burned, those who do not worship the Creator will be either punished or ignored for their ignorance of the faith, and his holiness will be worshiped. Tenets ~ Loyalty, Obedience, Honor, and Respect ~ ~ Religious activies take place once every week ~ ~ Betrayal is swiftly dealt with ~ ~ An Order member must never talk up to god in vain and must follow this god whole heartedly ~ ~ No stealing from your fellow Order members ~ Officer Ranks Overseer: The Order of the Holy Cross is lead by this man. His rule extends until death or else his name be dishonored or tainted. He is in charge of the entire guild. Commander: A commander is in control of a large field of units. He makes sure that his field of command runs smoothly while issuing out the main orders for Lieutenants and sergeants to follow. Marshal: This position is appointed during times of war. The Overseer must consult with the marshal before conducting any military movements. Any Lieutenant, Disciplinary, or Cross Principle may obtain this rank. Disciplinary: The Disciplinary is in charge of training and keeping order. His duties consist of insuring punishments are carried out, insuring obedience and loyalty, and making sure each soldier does the job he was assigned to do. Prelate: The office of Prelate is held by a Bishop appointed by the ArchBishop of Holy Oren. His duty is to simply conduct all religious affairs and insure that each soldier is blessed before a battle. Cross Principle King of Arms: As the name suggests, the Register(s)’s duty is to attend to the crests and banner of arms. These are usually held within the chapels which are used during ceremonies and battles. The Register marches in front of the bannermen. The Cross Principle also conducts training and is the paymaster. Lieutenant: A lieutenant who’s duty is to insure the lines do not falter. Virtuous, honorable, and decisive. Their words of faith spur the men when odds seem ill. Sergeant: These men are the core of the officer group. They are nay high ranking but keep order amongst the ranks. Usually in charge of patrol groups or sections in the army, they insure orders are issued out to the smallest degree with precision. -Enlisted Members- Footmen: The main bulk of the Cross’s ranks. These men are the backbone and fill most formations. Going against orders in the public could mean excommunication from the Order. If they so have a problem, they bring it up with the authority in private. Their training is mostly under the Disciplinary. Enlisted: The Enlisted are soldiers, lowest ranking, that are new to the order. Their training is conducted under the Cross Principle King of Arms. These men must be loyal and obedient or risk being excommunicated. Specialized Ranks Quartermaster: The Quartermaster is in charge of maintanence of military supplies that come in. They log everything, and keep organization. This man helps avoid confusion with his clear mind and sense of organization. Secretary: The Secretary is in charge of the Order's finances. He tracks what is being spent and what is being bought. His duties also consist of keeping record of how much income the Order is making. The Secretary is also expected to lead all civil projects. Combat Medic: The Combat Medic is in charge of tending to the wounded and hurt. He constantly brings a variety of medical equipment, herbs, and so on. His duty is to make sure that no one dies on the field of battle. How to join the Holy Cross
  3. The Stolistes Enforcement The noble house Stolistes presents you a new guard force, focused on protecting Abresi with decency and manners. No longer will you be arrested without fair trail or have to deal with corrupted guards. The Stolistes Enforcement is stationed in Abresi, and is approved as a freelance guardforce, aiding the remaining guards in arrests. The Stolistes Enforcement aims to raise the quality of your protection daily, as our official enforcers make sure arrests are taken out properly, and our informants that the right persons are arrested. We are not an official part of the guard, but we are granted permission to aid the guard force in protecting you. We promise you incorruptable guards who will join arms with the goal of protecting Abresi. Hail to our existing enforcers:
  4. -Many fliers and posters are plastered about Salvian Lands, the Cloud Temple, and a few even leaking into Dwarven lands.- (( If no one is present upon reaching Westwarde Citadel, please send a forum or ingame message to one of the follow to organize a recruitment session. Commanding Officer Tahjeet Mubdee - Acornlad Commanding Officer Zandros Waveswept - Zanderaw Officer Darius Drakon - _PH4NT0M_ Lord Commander Thomas Siegemen - CorprlSkyler ))
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