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Found 3 results

  1. [!] Lo and Canticle, for scattered by the wind 'cross the hills of Almaris fell a missive; and whether it was lodged within crevasses of piled wood or stone, or caught in the vortexes of rubbish that blew within the alleyways of Providence or Karosgrad, or 'gainst the barnacle-ridden planks biding sailors from a watery grave along the strait that split the continent twixt, did it bear this foreboding message: In the jungle, the mighty jungle, The lion sleeps tonight. In the jungle the quiet jungle, The lion sleeps tonight. Near the village, the peaceful village, The lion sleeps tonight. Near the village, the quiet village, The lion sleeps tonight. Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling, The lion sleeps tonight. I'll hush my darling, don't fear it, darling, The lion sleeps tonight.
  2. Argoch Daemon of the Oceans, Seas, and Rivers Argoch in the Reservoir ♪♪♪ Origin Story Argoch’s eons have been spent mostly in his lonesome after absconding his Aengulic lifestyle, which he had grown contempt for as he saw the manipulative nature of the Aenguls on the descendants. In his realm, hills part ways and lakes erupt in wake of his great vision. In his lonesome, he dedicates his time to perfecting an ecosystem engulfed by water. However, he has become bitter for the lack of perfection in his creation. His bitterness has become an obstacle with a self-sabotaging effect on Argoch, his realm becoming more flawed as he works it, resulting in a rocky, eroded appearance. Clearly frustrated with himself, he requested entry into the realms of other Daemons for guidance, in which all but one rejected him. The name of this Daemon is unknown, however it is clear that they serve a vile purpose. After seeing the realm, Argoch became jealous. The trees were fruitful, both flora and fauna co-existed in harmony, and all was perfect. He demanded to know how to perfect his realm. The Daemon, not threatened by Argoch, negotiated. They offered a one-time opportunity to Argoch. He would be granted the powers to forge a realm of great prestige among the Aengudaemons. Even further, he would be granted multiple realms so that he could have many more masterpieces. Argoch, clearly astounded by the offer, accepted it instantly without hearing the terms. The Daemon, foreseeing this, started a ritual to bind Argoch into an unbreakable contract. Argoch, only now realising the mistake he had made, was unable to back out now. The term that he had been given was that he must wipe out all the descendants in Almaris. If the descendants were not killed in an appropriate amount of time, Argoch would have his power deteriorate until he was the equivalent of a descendant in strength and would then be forced to live with the descendants for the rest of his mortal life. Feeling betrayed, Argoch thrust his spear into the Daemon only to have it deflect upon impact. Putting aside the attempt of an attack, the Daemon transferred a fraction of their power to Argoch, explaining that it would help him establish a foothold on Almaris. Defeated but motivated to succeed, he travelled home to his realm to plan the extinction of the descendants of Almaris. The Realm of Argoch The Reservoir is an incredibly large swathe of space, seemingly boundless even by a Daemon’s standards. Gifted the realm upon becoming a fallen Aengul, Argoch has attempted to shape it into a paradise where water engulfs the realm. However, his perfectionist attitude resulted in his realm becoming more flawed the longer he terraformed it, resulting in its rocky and almost volcanic appearance. Upon being transferred power through his encounter with the unknown Daemon, he had been able to slightly improve his realm but still had its rocky cliffsides. He has since accustomed it to be lived on by his followers, ensuring that those who assist him are given an afterlife, known as “the Island”, where their loyalty is paid back in full. However, in his realm also resides a spot in the very bottom of the Reservoir referred to as “the Deep” for descendants who have been killed in a method involving water such as drowning but also includes ritual killings, which may not directly include water but have been done in the name of Argoch. Upon the death of a follower or otherwise, they will awake on a calm ocean embarked on a rowboat with nothing in sight except the oars. After rowing for some time, they will come across a very large olog-like creature known as “the Guardian” who will command the dead to row to their left or to their right to find their fate. They will innately know where to row and find where they belong. One direction will be met with land where they will live with the rest of the followers. In the other, they will come across a colossal whirlpool which will drag them in no matter how hard they try to escape, bringing them to the depths of the Deep where they will live in a constant state of drowning while they are tortured by siren-like creatures - keeping them determined to stay ‘alive’ through their enchanting voices so that they may torment them longer. It is suspected that the Deep is primarily used to store descendants to mark how many were killed in the progress of the completion of Argoch’s task. Followers of Argoch The only known followers of Argoch are the nomadic Riviere which began when he approached Leopold Riviere while he was dreaming, telling him all he needed to know to start a cult following. Upon awakening, he had the brand of a moon depicted on his wrist. To the nomads, Argoch is revered as being a generous water deity in peril that is in need of mortal assistance. When speaking to Leopold, he proclaimed that he was in danger as the Aenguls sought to destroy him and so they must combat them and their followers. The Riviere deeply respect water for being essential to life, as such it is a big part of their lifestyles. To honour Argoch, they commit a variety of rituals; some to give them strength in their day-to-day lives, and some to send their enemies to the Deep. There is no evidence to suggest that Argoch empowers his followers with any supernatural power such as magic, possibly because he is not strong enough to endow them such. Even though there may be many followers in one group, Argoch will only approve of one leader to communicate with in order to reach out to his following. The followers uphold three main tenets: 1. All Riviere must be branded to show faith. 2. Live life devoted to Argoch’s message. 3. Preserve Argoch by any means necessary. Present Day Currently, Argoch plans, scheming away all day as he lives on the Island with his followers. Although he’s trying his best to commit a genocide, maybe friendship with the dead isn’t that bad after all. Purpose (OOC) In a personal sense, this lore piece is mostly so I can roll around as a cult leader with a lore-approved daemon. Not only will I get enjoyment out of it, but many others who join and/or interact with it will get enjoyment from it as well. In how it pertains to LotC canon, I decided that I should make a Daemon lore piece as there is a lack of daemon-related roleplay and I think it’d be nice to see more of that. I would say that it fits into the canon because it uses elements from the canon to present what I think is a unique perspective into Aengudaemonic society. A fallen Aengul rejected by their Daemon counterparts, a Daemon manipulating another Daemon, and a Daemonic attempt at culling the descendant population from their new homes. It should add some flavour to the Aengudaemonic conflicts if the Story Team were to focus on that. Edit: I have no intention of playing around with a cult anymore. Consider this lore to be part of a future project/eventline that ST can play around with, or for another group of players to mess around with. Credits Writing: Crevel (5 Hours of Writing) Information: ScreamingDingo (Question about Fallen Aengudaemons) Feedback: Evonpire and marb Ed Sheeran: marb
  3. Galdame "Lady of Madness" Galdame, also called the “Lady of Madness”, is the voice inside your head, the person who calls your name when no person is around. She is the figure you see float just around a corner, vanishing into thin air. She is the one who makes you do things that you might normally question just at the sound of her voice, using her words to break and bend your mind into any form she pleases. She is the seed from which Madness grows, and she grows it for entertainment, for destruction, for chaos. Galdame is the Daemon of Madness, Insanity, and Trickery. She seeks those who are of weak of heart, or mind, and corrupts them. She enjoys watching her work destroy families, kingdoms, and perhaps entire realms and relishes in the sadness that her madness creates in her ‘Chosen’, or the beings unto whom she inflicts her madness upon. Not much is known of Galdame, for she rarely reveals details of her past with her subjects, but some believe that long ago, she fell in love with a mortal man whom she watched from afar. She grew accustomed to seeing him and watching over him, but after many decades of admiring him silently, he died. This drove Galdame into a great fury and depression, which eventually broke her mind. She believed, after this occurrence, that madness was the natural outcome of heartbreak and the Daemon sought to nurture this idea into something further. Galdame is assumed to be the "Shepherd of Insanity", her control of the mind’s deepest trenches being quite powerful over the Descendant Races. She actively seeks for men and women born with weaker minds, or weak constitutions, and begins to nurture the cracks in their mentality, forcing her way in. From there, she begins to interact with her ‘Chosen’, perhaps creating illusions that only they can see or whispering to them whilst they are alone and vulnerable. This is her game, and she takes great pleasure in seeing how her victims experience what she felt when her love and life crumbled before her. Galdame believes that madness is the route to control, that one only need harness that insanity in order to take that being & and use them for one's own purposes. She creates madnes because she takes joy in watching people break and crumble, falling into a pit of their own making. The further her madness spreads, the more control she has over people who can conquer, destroy, or even kill at her behest. To tamper with the mind is to tamper with life, which is Galdame's utter & true purpose. She wants to make her mark upon the Descendants by ushering them towards war and hate, to put on a show that she can gaze upon and laugh at. ================================================================================= Chosen The ‘Chosen’, as they’re called, are the beings chosen by Galdame as her unfortunate victims. Sometime after their birth, and learning of their mental weakness, Galdame will begin her whispering and tormenting to ensure that those cracks in the mind stay open for her to enter into, securing a future with that being as a ‘guide’. However, as the Chosen grow older, some seek to fight against their mistress and expel her, which usually end in either terrible seizures, a complete breaking of the mind, or death. Those who enjoy her company, or see the whispers in their head as a comforting guide, often never wish to leave her and hide themselves away so that they might remain alone with their “mother”. On certain occasions, the Daemon will even speak her name to them, so that they might whisper it under their breath and allow her madness to spread to others just at the mention of her. Some of Galdame’s victims are those of the religious sort, who seek guidance from The Creator or any particular deity. Believing to hear the voices of holy spirits or God in their heads, Galdame is often able to easily trick these people into thinking that their prayers were answered, and that what these whispers speak of is what that individual should believe and carry out. Galdame, in the rare times she has been seen, is usually a tall woman, dressed in regal attire and sporting a crown atop her head. Her hair is long and pale, her cheeks hollow and eyes like a snake. She can also warp her voice in any way she pleases, so the voice in one mind is not like the other. Her allure and illusive qualities are what often drag her victims under her spell, a fact which Galdame takes immeasurable pride in. [Out of Character] So, being inspired by Sythan's post and by a little idea I had a while ago, I decided to conjure up and add to a Daemon of my own creation. Having played with people in the past who play their personas as having some sort of of mental illness, be it hearing voices in your head or seeing things that aren't there (Etc.), I decided to create Galdame to be that voice in their head, the faceless voice that maddens them or pushes them to make certain decisions. On a IC-level, the player would be allowed to decide how limited (or unlimited) the control Galdame has over them might be, and how they might fight against her should they choose to do so. If you want to lock yourself in a dark room and worship her or spit at her name and deny her, that is all up to you! Also, this Daemon does not HAVE to be the seed or creator of your persona's insanity. Galdame is simply for those who wish to add a bit more to their mental/madness RP and give it a bit more story to play with as they wish! Plus, you know, Daemons are cool....
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